Another early run
G'day guys,
Once again we shot off at 415 am sat morn for a 15 min trek nth west of the marina. We parked up in 5 mt of water and stated feeding out the burley to see if we could russell up any action.
This run I planned on plakkies over the bait and Bully went the bait again.Half an hr from dropping the pick and I was on to a nice little dhuie to go inthe esky so it was a happy start . Bully was having no luck at all with the bait and just before light on the horizon I noticed some of the burley drifting back towards the front of the boat so thought I best to flick down the current and no sooner had the plakkie sunk there was an almighty thud and I was on again. As there was not to much excitement on the end of the line other than a lot of weight and the old pull for the bottom I called it a dhu and for the net. Keeping in mind it was only 5 mt, soon, with the light we had the was a big silver colour in our view! Then it happened, pulled the hook and the excitement died to the makings of the one that got away story. Arrrggg. It would have been a cracker ! Bully managed a couple of pj 's and we decided to pull the pick and drift west for a while.
Managed to pick up another nice dhu on the plakkie then another mighty lump on the line which turned out to be a monster cuttlefish. I got him right up to the boat while Bully had the net ready, well , ready after he was convinced there was no ink left in it. Then it was gone ! One thrust and the hook pulled from his tentacle ,no ink and nothing in the net. I can and will wash ink off the boat though I won't dive in after a fish when it could have been netted.
Anchored out the back of the three mile and set another trail . Managed to attract a couple of nice blackarse, skippy and leather jacket to finish the morning.
Autum weather rocks I say! And snapper is something I can only get from a fish shop
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 10/05/14
Well done
Very nice bag there!
Da pirate
Posts: 1577
Date Joined: 03/05/15
Runs on the board !
getting some quality in the freezer / smoker/dinner plate
there neighbour!! Great effort mate early bird gets the worm
gonna have to get some placccies up and ready myself!
having a crack after work with this first blow!!
some runs up and goin !
cheers bro pirate !!! By way see my blue ! Yew !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 249
Date Joined: 25/08/15
I did Pirate
good work there. 3 from 3 for you and the blue.!