Anyone setup temporary electric reel andersons?
After another trip in the books up north, we have been thinking about how we can better connect our reels.
Currently, we have 3 small motorcycle batteries which we sit in the side pockets and connect to each battery individualy, this has worked well for 5 years and we are simply thinking the process can be improved.
Mounting permanant andersons to the side of the boat is not an option, we do get some water spray over the side and having them sit out int he elements all year is not ideal and not something i want to do.
Have used anderson previously on one of the small betrries, but it built up resistance within the lead, i think due to water running over the connections told to me by a reputable perth tackle shop which was on south street and sponsored this site before closing.
My thoughts were 1 full size battery in a box up the front, run a big lead down the side of the boat, and run my 3 reels off that lead, perhaps splice in 3 outlets so we can all connect and disconnect with ease.
It works in my head but would be keen to hear how others may have made this type of solution work.
Any tips woudl be handy.
Posts: 570
Date Joined: 23/07/16
I've put an Anderson plug on
I've put an Anderson plug on the top one of battery boxes (wired via the winch breaker). That way you can just run an Anderson extension cable when you need it to your reels. I also use the point for additional temporary solar on the rear canopy if camping extended periods.
You can get rubber covers for Anderson plus when not in use. Also triple stacker for multiple reels if needed.
black gen
Posts: 762
Date Joined: 13/04/11
Handy infor Darren, i guess
Handy infor Darren, i guess i was thinking of running 1 cable from the front to the side and not having to run 3 cables, triple stacker may come in handy. Cheers
Belly Fish
Posts: 499
Date Joined: 09/03/12
Keep it simple
What I've done is extended the electric reel leads another few metres and crimped in the 8mm circular terminals. These then connect on to my litium battery that I keep under the seat at the front. I use the heat shrink connectors then coat all of that with liquid electrival tape.
Works well, and the best thing is there is nothing of this setup on my boat most of the year....all removable and doesn't suffer prolonged salt air contact. It has been trouble free for a long time. I hated the aligator clips....they would flick off if you inadvertently pulled on them.
I run multiple cables and its no real issue.
black gen
Posts: 762
Date Joined: 13/04/11
so how would you disconnect
so how would you disconnect a reel Belly if you wanted to move it for one reason or another, would you need to undo the lug from the battery or is there an easier way to remove them at a moments notice? hence my thinking of anderson plugs nearby, quick on off if need be
Great idea though, i will certainly be doing something similar as i agree the alligator clips are not the solution.
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
I've mounted permanent andersen plugs, but not rigid mounted
Andersens will never be completley waterproof, but you can minimise it, and corrosion. After fitting the lugs into the plastic base (FULLY, make sure the lugs are engaged in the springs), fill the back up with silcon, then heatshrink completely over the back onto the plug. Get heatshrink just large enought o go over the plug, shrink while the silicone still soft, and you might need a small cable tie to pull it tight around the cable. This will stop water running in from the back. Use the black rubber caps when not in use, and be sure to put some form of waterproofing grease in there--vaseline is cheap and easily obtained, but silcon grease is much better. This will also help the black rubber caps seal. And only use genuine andersen plugs--the cheap crap is what is the cause of most complaints--GENUINE andersens can be had very cheaply from Andersen Connect. Link here avoid the cheaparse ones from ebay or SCA, nothing but trouble. look the same, nothing like it. DAMHIK. Buy a bag of 25 you'll end up using them somewhere.
black gen
Posts: 762
Date Joined: 13/04/11
great advice
great advice Ranmar....appreciated
Belly Fish
Posts: 499
Date Joined: 09/03/12
Quick Disconnection
Just unplug from the reel.
Having said that, it's never been an issue.
When I know I'm going deep dropping, i put the lithium battery in the boat and connect all the extended reel cables to the battery terminals, then just coil them up next to the battery. Sometimes I run them down the side pockets where each reel will be used.
When I get out to the spot, just connect the cable to the reel. If you want to move around, unplug them.
For complete flexibility, I have also made up longer cables with aligator clips on them. This is so that if I get invited out with someone else, I don't have to rely on them having the 8mm posts on their battery source.
BTW, I use Di-Electric Grease on all connectors. If I was going to use anderson plugs, that's what I'd cover them with to avoid corrosion.
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
Glad to help
I don't mount mine rigid for a reason, mostly because you can tuck/tie them up out of the way right up under the coaming when not in use. Those grey t-handles are useful, too, for pulling them apart. I have two down the starboard side for drifting, and over on the port side, another doubles as the pot winch connection, when it is mounted. So I can run two over the transom when deep dropping. They are all run off the solenoid which runs the winch, and the circuit breaker for same. it's a handy double use. So, when I want power to them, just push the solenoid button, and they are live. .
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 16/05/09
Just bought a heap of plugs
Just bought a heap of plugs and terminals from andersonconnect, great to deal with and had everything on its way the same day.
Posts: 80
Date Joined: 10/12/14
Tackle HQ hav ebb specific
Tackle HQ hav ebb specific 30A electric reel plug and socket kits
Posts: 599
Date Joined: 10/03/12
I've got an anderson hard
I've got an anderson hard wired from battery under gunnel via circuit breaker. Have to keep it clean and sprayed, even dielectric grease.. and make sure you fill the pot with solder, then dip cable in.. rather than crimping. From there I have a double adapter connector. They all have rubber boots on
Posts: 940
Date Joined: 05/01/11
Dielectric grease
Dielectric grease would be your best friend to keep water out of the connections too