Attention Jigging newbies

So, i'm doing up a few videos to help people out with some information on how to jig. I was originally just doing some rigging videos but realised there was a whole lot more that could be covered. There are quite a few videos out there on youtube, but a lot of them just waffle on a lot, and when they are good, they're in block low res, so all videos will be nice and clear and in HD.
It makes a bit more sense to look forward and figure out how to lay it all out in a constistent format than just go through randomly, so I need help from you guys:


Which aspects do you guys want to know more about?

Do you want videos on plastic fishing too?

If you knew how to rig up your jigs and work them, what other information would you want to know? Gear selection, setup, finding fish, different types/depths/etc, fighting techniques, etc?


I know these will be useful to a few people, but I need constructive feedback on what you guys want. What will help you get into jigging? What cant you find answers on? What never made sense to you? What knots or rigging do you struggle with? What things do you want to know the reason for?


And if you're a jigging ace, I think it would be a good idea to get a few different people in front of the camera, so if you're up for that, let me know. Also, on the offchance there are any divers who dont mind getting into the water for some filming, that would be rather cool too ;) Or better yet, anyone know somewhere with a heated pool a few m deep we can go jig in? ;) haha.

Rick's picture

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Mon, 2012-07-02 11:48

hlokk, this could end up bigger than Ben Hur, but well done on trying to put this all together. I'm sure it will help plenty of people that want to have a go, but no idea where to start.


I for 1 would like to see SP jigging in there. Different styles of working SP's






PGFC Member


hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

Date Joined: 04/04/08

I'm writing out what to cover

Mon, 2012-07-02 11:57

I'm writing out what to cover and it is getting pretty huge, haha. I'm focussing on getting all the 'at the bench' stuff done first, but its good to know what to cover where. On the water stuff will be later and take a bit more time, but prep earlier pays off.
 I'm trying to keep the videos quick and concise. I'm sick of the videos that take 8 minutes to cover a 30 second knot! Too much waffle. Hence why writing out what I want to cover befor recording so its direct, to the point and clear. For plastics, theres not a 'huuuge' amount of stuff at the bench, so I figure it wont be too hard to cover it, but if i'm out on the water, then it makes sense to know i'm going to cover some plastics instead of have to do more trips just for that.

Bodie's picture

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personally, plastics and jigs

Mon, 2012-07-02 11:49

personally, plastics and jigs would be good


Especially in the deeper water for demersals. IE: 30-60m range.

Most people who have used plastics before can catch fish in the shallower waters on plastics.


I find the hardest part with jigging is knowing the technique, how far to retrieve from the bottom, and how far your jigs is actually form the bottom. Also what size jig to use in what depths and conditions, and how far do you let your jig get from the boat before you retrieve and drop again?

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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Some good things to cover

Mon, 2012-07-02 11:59

Some good things to cover there Bodie. Most of those things are quite easy to cover in a video... unlike trying to get hookups on camera, haha.


If anyone is good with some video graphics, let me know. It would be good to have some diagrams of techniques to go with the live video.


Posts: 918

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I'm keen to see what comes

Mon, 2012-07-02 12:02

I'm keen to see what comes from this, interested in getting into jigging

Ectopic's picture

Posts: 208

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Great idea hlokk!How about

Mon, 2012-07-02 12:08

Great idea hlokk!

How about dividing jigging for different species; seriolas, demersals, and 'super deep'. How types of jigs used & equipment differs.

Personally, I'm curious about inchiku jig techniques. I wish I could understand japanese and make sense of the shimano series on how to use inchiku jigs.



hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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I was thinking of doing this,

Mon, 2012-07-02 12:17

I was thinking of doing this, but unfortunately I dont really fish with inchiku/pirates much so I'd have to learn more to explain it if you wanted it in much detail.

MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

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Super deep

Mon, 2012-07-02 16:58

will be easy, if you can get it to the bottom near something hungry it will eat it. 15sec video

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Dont forget us blokes up

Mon, 2012-07-02 12:24

Dont forget us blokes up north!!!  Would like to see some trout / reds / spangos come in on jigs!!


hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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Invite me up on a trip! Haha.

Mon, 2012-07-02 12:27

Invite me up on a trip! Haha.

pricey10's picture

Posts: 486

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Id be more then happy to take

Mon, 2012-07-02 19:22

Id be more then happy to take you out up here in exchange for some jigging knowledge! Ive always wondered if our big tides up here affect the jigs? i can never find the bottom with em. Good idea mate!


Karratha. WA

sea-kem's picture

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Maybe start with the basic

Mon, 2012-07-02 15:03

Maybe start with the basic explanantion of gear ie rods and reels what suits which. Then mine is the braid to mono. Any chance you might put this on disc or somewhere it can be downloaded onto a thumb drive? I willing to shout you a carton for your troubles Hlokk ;) if this gets me up and running before the  summer season.


Love the West!

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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All the videos will be on

Mon, 2012-07-02 15:12

All the videos will be on youtube, and there wont specifically be a download option (unless someone is able to sort out how to host them easily). However, if people on FW send me a PM, i'm sure I could put the videos direct to a disk (or copy them to a thumbdrive if you provide it).


For the braid to mono, you can use the GT knot which is what I use and its available here: 

(remember that you can click 720P for high def and better clarity, but more download quota).

Posts: 644

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 I would be interested in

Mon, 2012-07-02 15:53

 I would be interested in this, so my suggestion would be to have a 'from start to finish step by step'. Like start with gear setup (including ideal rod and reel sizes, drag settings, line b/s, etc), jig selection (variations of jig styles and actions, jig weights to depths, etc), rigging (main to leader, leader to jig, etc), jigging technique (again, variations for target species and jig styles), and finally, the hookup and landing of the fish! 

This process could be done exactly the same for plastics. I also like the idea of finding fish that you suggested. Perhaps a how to on the process of using your sounder efficiently and interpreting it corrrectly, finding good fishing ground and finding the fish could be on the cards also. 

Top idea mate and I'm sure your efforts will be massively appreciated. Cheers

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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Getting a hookup on video is

Mon, 2012-07-02 16:03

Getting a hookup on video is not easy when you're usually talking 8 hr+ days and a few of them needed to land any decent fish metro. If there are members who have good producing spots looking for a deckie then that makes it a lot easier ;).

For how to read the sounder, its not something I would really know enough about to show in detail, but there are quite a few guides/videos/magazines out there that show what to do. I could cover it in small detail mentioning just the basics and show a few seconds of sounder shot with the right kind of ground?

Dirt's picture

Posts: 463

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Big job but top idea mate

Mon, 2012-07-02 17:33

 Top idea there hlokk,I've actually had a bit of success of late but I still feel like an amature. The main thing for me would be different methods for working different jig types, and if you are seeing fish but not getting any hits how often to change your jig and to what. I'm sure whatever you put together will be very informative to a lot of us

Yewiefish85's picture

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Hi hlokk, could you add types

Mon, 2012-07-02 18:39

Hi hlokk, could you add types of jig (brand & type) plus how they fall (flutter), i am asking this because where i live the tackle shop doesn't really stock jigs so i would like to know what jigs are what and how they fall to determine what to buy.

Cheers Yewie

Posts: 307

Date Joined: 01/09/09

technique !!

Mon, 2012-07-02 18:53

I have no problem with rigging, tackle selection finding ground etc for me it seems to be all down to technique. I have an extraudinary amount of jigs in all the popular colours , sizes , brands , styles etc you name it from cheap to ridculously expensive and I've yet to land a fish on jig and its starting to get very frustrating !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps If you think your a useless fisherman get this I've been trying for a few years now starting out with the super deep stuff with no luck so tried moving in closer to my normal ground and still with no luck !!!   Ha Ha

cheers fishfish

anypuddle's picture

Posts: 597

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greay idea

Mon, 2012-07-02 19:05

basically do you want to catch fish on bait or jigs?

 its a tough choice when really a big stinky fillet does the job. when you have caught a few then time for the jigs


Anywhere anytime

ALEXANG3's picture

Posts: 71

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Could get some awesome and helpful footage out of this!

Mon, 2012-07-02 20:19

I'd be keen to get involved and can do some underwater filming if you like.  May also be able to provide a boat occassionally.




Posts: 5818

Date Joined: 18/01/12

sounds interesting

Mon, 2012-07-02 20:49

SP's and jigs Id like to learn more about. PM sent


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


Posts: 128

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Awesome idea.Technique.Jig

Mon, 2012-07-02 21:26

Awesome idea.


Jig size and style relative to depth and conditions.

SP size and style also relative to depth and conditions.

Then have why you use either jig/sp in either condition to have a better understanding of where and when to change the size of your jig/sp.

Explanation of setup. Such as spin/overhead, PE rating etc.


Would be excellent to see some of these things explained buy an experienced jigger

RMac's picture

Posts: 36

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Great IDea

Mon, 2012-07-02 21:36

I think all the main points have been listed... maybe squeeze in there 5-10 seconds on tow points and how it affects the action of the jig. Maybe even where to attach supports?

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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 Not quite sure what you mean

Mon, 2012-07-02 21:58

 Not quite sure what you mean here. Most metal jigs will just have the two attachment points, at the top and at the bottom. Most assist cord will run off the top. On pirates style jigs you can rig up two different ways, but I havent used them enough to really explain the techniques properly

RMac's picture

Posts: 36

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Thanks mate

Mon, 2012-07-02 22:02

Sorry i was talking about the pirate style jigs! Either way, still very keen to see your vids.

zeolio's picture

Posts: 49

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definitely keen

Tue, 2012-07-03 22:58

great idea mate. as someone who has fished all their life but has just had a rcent resurgence in the fish sickness this is something I'd definitely be keen on learning more about. From go to whoa

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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Taking a fair while to get my

Thu, 2012-07-12 15:24

Taking a fair while to get my editing skills up to scratch and going through all the cuts, but the videos are getting there. Prepping videos for how to rig up 5 different assist cords and the associated stuff then onto the rest of it. Unfortunately doing the on the water jigging videos requires a good day out (and wind resistant mic would be good). I've created a new channel on YouTube: JiggingTips that I'll upload the videos to. For the meantime I just uploaded a test video I did to get an idea of how to setup but figured it may still be of use to people to get a few tips.. I'll make the next one with more info and better audio quality and include some underwater footage of the jigs as I'm working them, as well as a bunch of rigging videos. So first one is up here: (Just a real rough one to start)

I'll put a separate thread up but thought I'd give heads up to the ones viewing this thread first.

Vinesh87's picture

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Video looks good matty, good

Thu, 2012-07-12 17:09

Video looks good matty, good first take haha. Your voice is good but the water and wind in the background is horrible fire the camera man haha!!

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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 Yeah, wind noise was

Thu, 2012-07-12 17:40

 Yeah, wind noise was annoying but couldnt really do much about it in post (though youtube may have a filter I can try). I really need a windproof mic on me (and to try on a day when  theres not a 12kn+ breeze).

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

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Get milsey in front of the

Thu, 2012-07-12 17:23

Get milsey in front of the camera, he knows how to catch a good fish, and is quite cute too ;)


Posts: 6454

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I am a jigging virgin, but

Thu, 2012-07-12 17:31

I am a jigging virgin, but want to get into.  I see these posts about all the gear and it all seems very expensive to get started; eg I am looking at a jigging outfit at around $500 including the braid.  Thats a lot of money to most people, so I reckon a "Jigging on a budget" episode would go down treat with ideas on gear selection for those that want to keep their costs down?



Fish! HARD!

Lamby's picture

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Eupro Salty Fighter + Stradic

Thu, 2012-07-12 17:58

Eupro Salty Fighter + Stradic 4000 fj + Saltiga Boat Braid = 450 approx (good entry combo)

I am sure people will also have other ideas like a Daiwa Seagate etc

Posts: 6454

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I am looking at the daiwa

Thu, 2012-07-12 18:05

I am looking at the daiwa monster mesh ($299), and daiwa exceler oceano 4500 ($209) and the rest on the braid.  and whilst it is at the lower end of the budget.... its still an expensive introduction!  even before the flurocarbon and all the different jigs.  Will get there soon.


Fish! HARD!

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 It depends on what you want

Thu, 2012-07-12 21:50

 It depends on what you want do to.

For heavier jigging/big sambos I've used a Daiwa Monster Mesh Max PE6-8 ($199) with a Ryobi Safari 5000 ($199) running PE6 Daiwa braid.  Brilliant matched together.

For shallower water and working big plastics I prefer my Daiwa Demonblood 64 Combi Jerk ($299) matched to a Daiwa Phantom J 4500 ($169) running PE4 Daiwa Accudepth braid.  Again a beautiful match and has worked well for me.  For the money you might be interested in checking out the Daiwa Freams 4000 ($189).

Drop me a PM if you have any more questions.

grayzeee's picture

Posts: 2283

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That would be a fantastic

Mon, 2012-07-16 06:42

That would be a fantastic demersal combo Lamby. 


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

Dirt's picture

Posts: 463

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Nice introduction

Thu, 2012-07-12 18:20

 There seems to be quite a few different ways to work the jig, I've seen quite a lot of different styles and all seem to be successful. Eg- the style mearsy and I have adopted is quite basic in comparison to yours but we have been having a heap of success on jigs of late. I will definitely be giving your method a go. Look forward to the next video

Troy Summers's picture

Posts: 408

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 great vid... cant wait to

Fri, 2012-07-13 20:05

 great vid... cant wait to see more!! and have a go myself!!


Posts: 1755

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Yep, from the few vids I have

Fri, 2012-07-13 22:38

Yep, from the few vids I have watched, there are a lot of different techniques.  Will be good to see more!

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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The techniques video was just

Sun, 2012-07-15 22:50

The techniques video was just super quick. I hope to do a better one later with more techniques and show it a bit better.


Two assist cord rigging videos are now up with the third getting uploaded right now. Then a deepwater assist and a pirates assist is next, then after that some basic knots to use for assist cords and also how to finish off jigs by various methods. If you subscribe to my youtube channel you'll get notified if I add a new video.


Btw, if anyone stumbles across other jigging videos that are useful (perhaps showing techniques or how to rig stuff up), then let me know what they are, because then I can link to them from my youtube channel, and then anyone browsing mine will be able to see other good videos by other people too.