awesome cape fishing
Submitted by harro on Wed, 2011-01-12 21:39
what a day!!! went out to the cave I found recently, landed a cple size dhuies but we released them easy 4-5kg each
ended up , moved around the cave area a bit and landed this awesome baldie, then the pros came up and dropped their lines right next to us, miles of it, we drifted right into their net, really pissed us off,
we moved out a few more mile and sounded new around, 1st drop lost a monster fish, (snell snap) second drop a 17kg female dhu, bagged out with shark , big BB , baldie and dhu, great day :-)
ended up with 2 quality dhuies , baldie, shark ,baldie & 2 big blackass
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
Nice work mate
just as I suspected
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
well done there. would have
well done there. would have been totally pissed about the pro's. at least you ended with a nice feed
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 1959
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lol matty, we had to work hard today mate, pros pissed us off , we dropped a dhu on the first spot and I gave a mate the coords to the cave, he ended up catching the 10kg with my snell in it, lol.
was good fun to try something new, will get u out next week if your keen mate,
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
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nice fish caught thereis that
nice fish caught there
is that toast with a mulie and a hook in the back ground of the middle photo? >;)
Names matt
Posts: 1959
Date Joined: 07/02/08
nah, its BB fillet,
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
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street fighter
nice eye gouge and hooter fish mate
Posts: 2283
Date Joined: 09/07/09
fantastic baldiewhat ramp is
fantastic baldie
what ramp is that??
If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am.
Posts: 165
Date Joined: 20/06/07
Ripper Dhuie mate, get some
Ripper Dhuie mate, get some nice fillets off him.
The ramp looks like Quindalup?
See many tuna schools out there? they were everywhere over the xmas break down there
Posts: 1959
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yeah home base at quindalup, we saw 1 tuna school, dont now if their will be anything out their now, the pros dropped a shitload of line (nets) right next to us, I went to go back to my drift and his ropes went under my boat,
so wrong, to imagine the impact thats gonna have..
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
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Date Joined: 22/10/09
Great work Harro. Can't get a
Great work Harro. Can't get a better bag limit than that.
That pro is a shark fisherman setting a net in prime dhuie country. Shits going to hit the fan soon with these guys attitude towards recs.
Posts: 165
Date Joined: 20/06/07
How deep were you guys
How deep were you guys fishing?
Everytime we go down there am finding it bloody hard to get any decent size fish. might be fishing to shallow??
Man Overboard
Posts: 957
Date Joined: 16/01/10
Nice work Marky boy, those
Nice work Marky boy, those "shark" fisherman are really pushing it,
I would love to see the figures of by-catch they achieve, purely while targetting shark ( my arse )
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
Nice work Harro, your doing
Nice work Harro, your doing well mate
Patto 1
Posts: 371
Date Joined: 02/12/10
good work mate
We had same problem yesty with the nets to,I didnt even see the floats at first with the wind blowing in the morning wasnt till it started to drop of that i noticed them .going to wreck a lot of good ground out there the way they going
Posts: 1959
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cheers guys,
heinz we were out in the 40,s and 50,s yesterday, ,
yeah I know micky, all the fish swimming north are gonna get caught, there was a big pod of dolphins not to far away either ,they were feeding, did the same happen to you patto!!
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
Patto 1
Posts: 371
Date Joined: 02/12/10
yeh seen all the floats and a
yeh seen all the floats and a heap of them makes you doubt weather your favourite fishing holes are going to be favourite holes the next time you drop by
Posts: 940
Date Joined: 05/01/11
great fish mate. down south
great fish mate. down south is looking just as apealing as up north
Posts: 1921
Date Joined: 09/05/07
if it was not for some pro shark netters you would not have got alought of mark that you have got ,so dont bag them to much mate ,just dont forget where they came from
nice fish
Posts: 1959
Date Joined: 07/02/08
sorry jeff,
you are totally wrong, I have never found a spot along a nett if thats what your saying, the netts are for sharks right? but why did this guy drive along side us then decide to drop it??
that pissed me off as then I had to move for one, his lines went under my boat as I tried to move back to my spot,
thats actually the first time I have seen a nett, but like i said and i will say putting a nett out god knows how long it is, but i would say from watching this guy 1km - 2km is gonna catch more than sharks?? especially in 45m of water close to the cape,
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
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unforturnatle it is a
unforturnatle it is a demersal gill net this catchs ever thing ,they dont just make a living off the shark they catch it all ,80% of what is at most places that have fish on the menu that is where it comes from
you see blue groper on a menu that is the only you will catch it
if i remender i think he has about 9 miles of net
Posts: 1959
Date Joined: 07/02/08
thats a lot of net jeff,
how come you guys stopped doing it? , also this nett was pararrel with the cape going east into the bay, i thought netting like that was a thing of the past..
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
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Long time
Seems people think that netting is only a recent thing. I used to go out with the pros pulling their gear by hand when I first moved to Bunbury in 1963 and there was 6 boats shark fishing from there alone and possibly 5 more from Busselton and Quindalup where my grand father used to fish before I was even thought of.
When you start setting your gear you are committed to keep going, even if there is someone drifting in what could be the middle of your set, because if you change you mind it means breaking the net to feed it back on to the reel and spending hours winding it back on.
As Jeff said, the reason we stopped is because we got ripped off, otherwise I'd still be doing it if my back hadn't packed up.
For the fishermen still in the business its like any other business. You invest in your plant and expect it to pay for itself and make wages for you and your crew and the initial outlay if massive. Boat = $3-400,000. licence $ 100.000, units of net -$15-20.000 per unit, gear $50-60.000, and a large capacity freezer, ice machine, dinghy, vehicle, fork lift and so on plus annual fees and inspections as well as closures and no go areas make it a lot harder to make an good living. Most of those in the industry have been in it all their life and know no other means of making a living away from fishing.
One thing that always gets forgotten when these arguments come up is where would the people who cannot catch their own fish get a feed if it wasn't for the pros? Sure, buy the imported rubbish served up at fish and chip shops that no one on this site would even think of eating, don't thinks so! How many people in Perth eat fish,1xmill? how many go fishing 10.000? still leaves 900.000+ who buy fish from somewhere supplied by pro fishermen.
Posts: 1132
Date Joined: 22/10/09
This guy was targeting
This guy was targeting dhuies.
How much dhuie is brought by the average family at $50-$80/kg? F##k all.
Same thing was said about the timber industry when they shut down hardwood milling. Where would our timber come from?
We should be investing in aquaculture not raping the ocean of its stocks.
Having the right to make a living is no excuse for wiping out fish stocks.
Netting has been going on for too long and IMO is the main cause of where we are today with our fish stocks.
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Shark fishing
You will find on his licence it shows up as demersal netting, not shark netting so he is well within his rights to set where ever he likes. Just because the majority of his catch is shark it doesn't mean that is all he is entitled to take or target.
Posts: 1921
Date Joined: 09/05/07
we got ripped off by the
we got ripped off by the owner at the time , i wish it was a thing of the past ,but i think there is still 3/4 linces still down there working
Man Overboard
Posts: 957
Date Joined: 16/01/10
I don't remember the last
I don't remember the last time i saw Baldchin Groper at a fish retailer,
Seen Dhuie @ $80 p/kilo, good luck selling that. Mostly fish from overseas or up north.
It might be my ignorance, but i have no qualms with line fishing, just nets !
In a perfect world the goverment should buy these last gill netters out, and strongly push for aquaculture.
Time to farm the ocean and stop raping it.
Posts: 1132
Date Joined: 22/10/09
Don't mind them wet lining
Don't mind them wet lining but nets are just wrong in so many ways.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what effect kms of net in prime breeding grounds has on fish stocks.
Why have they banned them in the Metro from fishing these sorts of grounds?
Why not do the same down here?
Seems we wait until fish stocks are in trouble then try and fix it.
Surely it would be better to act now.
Posts: 83
Date Joined: 08/01/11
Youd be best to act on it
Youd be best to act on it now
up here Seiner nets that trail for miles are illeagle in Canadian waters thats 200 mile off the coast line and youd be surprised at the number of boats that still try to do it but they always get caught fist the plane flys over and spots them taking pics and boat names and such then a coast guard cutter and a couple of navy warships haul them in take there boat fine them and what ever else they do with them
this has protected our wild salmon stocks and other animals like the killer whales and such them nets decimate anything they run into
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Grounded in the Past, Growing the Future
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sounds like your government has balls reaper. big, huge, ready to use them, i am right, balls.
unfortunately, our government is as wek as piss when it comes to taking a proactive approach to, well, anything.
i was speaking to a young dude up north last year. him and his mate had travelled over from sydney, to fish for a month at gnaraloo. we would always swap fishing stories at night, and one of the most interesting things he had told me, was that 2 or 3 years ago, the NSW government bought back a lot (maybe all?) of a certain style of pro fishing licences. he said that within 12 months of doing this, the average yellowtailed kingfish size went from 60 cm, to over a metre long, and it only got better from there, with dramatic increases of numbers and generall sizes of the majority of frequently caught fish.
gyou have to loose a bit, in order to gain a lot.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
That was trapping. They
That was trapping. They didn't really have much choice, trapping nearly wiped them out.
Posts: 1959
Date Joined: 07/02/08
the nett I saw dropped alongside us, was going east into geographe bay, now if thats 6mile of nett imagine the damage that would do to the bay,it is about 8mile from quindalup to cape nat , I thought the bay was protected from this type of fishing?? some conflicts are becoming more & more, abusing a rec for fishing on a spot where he wanted to fish is stupid not to mention the danger in what he did, so is dropping a nett so another boat drifts into it,
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
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The bay is protected from trawling not demersal netting. With exception of the no go areas, he can seany where he likes as long as he's further 500 metres from shore
Posts: 1959
Date Joined: 07/02/08
500m from shore, shit... are the netts big john, i mean hown high from the bottom or top etc,
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
Posts: 8673
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15 meshes
From memory 15 meshes deep and a maximum of 7 3/4 inch and a minimum of 7 1/8 mesh size.
Many years back it was the high water mark as the limit, many times one has had to swim ashore with the end of the net and a star picket to anchor it and not surprisingly the biggest sharks were caught in the first 150 metres of net.
Posts: 83
Date Joined: 08/01/11
Sad Really
by the time your government wakes up and smells the coffee instead of looking for the fast bucks itll be to late for you to do anything
if you want preservation you must act now i mean come on why do the crocs gain more protection status than the fish in the beautifull reefs and such
i recall a few years ago up here not sure how many but there was a seiner that came along dropped his nets within the 200mile limit a cutter and a couple warships went out to greet him they decided they was gonna make a run for it two well placed shots infront of his bow made a fast change of mind
they are dead serious about that shit here and have no hesitation whats so ever in sinking your boat
the ones we catch mostlly are tha japanese the feel they are aboue the law and can fish where ever they like some of the Salmon we catch here are unfortunatlly caught by them in there big nets as these fish travel thousands of miles before they begin there journey home
and these boats dont get that all they see is the money side of it more they catch the more the money they make
we also have fish harvesting but we have limits on what and how much can be caught the run size is estimated every year and there catch limits are based aopn these numbers and are adjusted mid season if needed
you all need to band together and have this sort of fishing stopped from anywere within 200 miles from shore
we are about to fight a battle here as well some high priced politicains are trying to pass a law that will effectivelly kill sports fishing as we know it unless you are best friends with a politician you wont be able to drop a line in the water anywhere
there is a point when this become ridiculous
Thats What Dreams Are
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Grounded in the Past, Growing the Future
Posts: 1959
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mako tasts better than baldi
mako tastes better than baldi .. f.a.c.t , :-)
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
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Harro .. i think youll find
Harro .. i think youll find that even tho the nets look huge that they dont actually catch a heap of demersal fish .. i used to buy it all for the seaffod shop in bunbury off Brian as well as all his small sharks . the number of sharks was large but not many dhufish .. he gets a few blue groper at times but not heaps ,, its more boar fish and stuff like that ..
im not saying its right or wrong .. (actually i think it is a bit wrong) but ive been on wetliners in the deep water and they catch a LOT more fish than Brian does.