being outfished by the female of the species
Submitted by Faulkner Family on Sun, 2009-08-09 22:40
With so many posts being put up of late with the guys being outfished by their Wifes , Girlfriends or just a female friend they take fishing, How many of you guys have this happen to on a regular basis and do you just say you taught them well or is it beginners luck. Come on guys fess up . it would be interesting to see results. yeah i am one that gets outfished quite often by my wife but im the skipper , well thats my excuse
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 1508
Date Joined: 01/11/06
seeing as i make all the
seeing as i make all the rigs, buy and service all the gear, bait the hooks, skipper the boat and all she has to do is drop her line over when i tell her its ok to aviod the sea anchor .... i claim all fish to be mine :P
unless its a scorpion fish or leather jacket - those ones are hers :) ...
thankfully its about even on the actuall fish catching ability.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
i do like your style. but i
i do like your style. but i dont think my wife would let me claim all of her fish unless its all blowies or sb's :)
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
Jody does catch her fair
Jody does catch her fair share of good fish,between Jody and jesseca,it is hard some days to get a look in.
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
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Date Joined: 20/07/09
My missus always seems to
My missus always seems to steal fish off me...
One time we were trolling for macks and I saw a few fish ahead boiling so asked her to hold my rod while I had a few casts up the front, even said "what ever you do, dont catch a mack" and what do you know... hook up! Boated a decant mack, only one for the day!
Another time fishing for barra we just pulled up near a nice little run off coming out of the mangroves, and i said "There's a barra sitting in there for sure".. as I turn around to get my rod she sneaks in the first cast and pulls out a nice barra!
We teach them well.. :)
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
Ha Ha good one fellas
think the only time I ever out fished hubbie was squidding, must have been the way I held my mouth, I'm pulling them in hand and foot and all he caught or was using was his mouth and Ladies you know what was coming out of that hole ha ha ha the one and only time I out fished him and that was about 6yrs ago. But if I do get the first fish on the deck, well you can imagine what is said ha ha Think us ladies have heard the banter if we've out fished our partners or boyfriends. Come on where are the blokes excuses???????
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 2258
Date Joined: 27/06/08
Never been outfished by my partner, dont know what all the fuss is about Russ.....nothing to see here move along!
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
ROTFLMAO yeah not a prob
ROTFLMAO yeah not a prob mate but we know the truth but will keep your secrets :)
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
But I do tie the rigs. She baits but mate can she fish. I try everything like jigs etc and still come back home second. All in a days fun!!! LOL.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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my missus hates
my missus hates problem!
The Kimberley....perfect one day and more perfect the next!!!
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 13/10/07
female pheromones
I think scent plays a part in catching fish.Female Pheromones maybe. I always catch more fish than my husband.
Member of the Offshore Angling Club of WA (Beach Branch)
Posts: 313
Date Joined: 18/05/08
That will be a bit tricky
Trying to get some female pheromones and go fishing on the same day normaly doesnt work for me. its usually one or the other.But thanks for the tip.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
i do hope your keeping it
i do hope your keeping it clean , after all its a family site :) ,
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
This thread is the very
This thread is the very reason i sent a letter to Minster Moore asking to ban female fishers, this will achieve a 90% reduction of the overall take and we will not need fishing taxes. From what i have seen from the minster he will be sure to jump at the idea ,lol
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
one prob with that shorty is
one prob with that shorty is if the women cant fish a lot of us guys wont ever eat fresh fish again
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together