boat wieght
Submitted by WET WEASEL on Mon, 2012-08-27 10:33
I know boats wieghts can vary alot but my car is rated to 1500kg and I want to buy a fibre glass boat the bigger the better can anyone tell me the estimated wieght of a 16-18 foot boat and also the the boat model
thanks for the help
Posts: 482
Date Joined: 17/10/11
I have a 5.2m glass cuddy
I have a 5.2m glass cuddy cab. Loaded with trailer is about 1300kg.
Posts: 174
Date Joined: 30/04/12
My 21' Southwind loaded is
My 21' Southwind loaded is approx 1800Kg including 200L of fuel.
Posts: 392
Date Joined: 24/07/11
Even better
The douglass craft with the 150 johnno and 50lt fuel on the trailer weighed 1440kg.
Wherever you go, there you are
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Date Joined: 08/03/09
thanks guys
sweet thanks for the help but I forgot to mention the boat will be under $15000 again thanks for the help
Posts: 669
Date Joined: 13/06/09
I have a Haines Hunter Breeze 500. It comes in fully loaded at just under 1200kg. I have a Magna 3.5liter front wheel drive and it pulls it and retrieves it without any problems.
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This doesnt really fit your
This doesnt really fit your case but 21ft trophy loaded with fuel 2600kgs. Nudging 3t with diving gear, eskies etc etc
Just a thing to consider that even though a car is rated to tow 1500kgs, what is the max tongue weight, what is the max tonque weight with 4 people and gear in the car. What will the traction at a ramp be like. All small things to consiuder. What car is it ?
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jeep patriot
yeah its a jeep patriot its 2.4 litre soft roader 4x4
Posts: 442
Date Joined: 07/01/10
just be carefull with those really short wheel based jeeps and
suziki vitaris etc. They can be a really dangerous tow vechile. very suseptable to trailers getting a sway up.. And if not handled correctly often end up with trailer in drivers side door...
Have seen and no of about 5 different episodes of this happening from small box trailers to jetski and larger boat trailers....
Posts: 4657
Date Joined: 24/05/11
Sheart mate, ur boat dwarfs
Sheart mate, ur boat dwarfs ur tow vehicle
I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.
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Date Joined: 12/03/10
Find out gcm
What you need to do is find out the gcm of your vehicle then compare what boat weight your gonna tow if your boat weighs say 1800kgs your vehicle needs to be over that gcm capacity if so your all good
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what is gcm
pretty new to the whole towing idea the tow bar is an original jeep part fitted by the dealer before I recieved the car does this make any difference
really apreciate the help
Posts: 408
Date Joined: 12/03/10
Gcm means gross combined mass so basically the gcm of your vehicle is the max weight your allowed to tow
Rob H
Posts: 5822
Date Joined: 18/01/12
not exactly
GCM is not the max weight your allowed to tow, its the max weight of the vehicle and tow combined together.
So for example it may be possible for the combined MAX allowable vehicle weight and max tow weight to be more than GCM and one may need to be reduced if the the other is maxed out.
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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
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18 foot Voyager 1985 with
18 foot Voyager (1985) with outboard and trailer and 50L of fuel was 1600kgs
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93 cruisecraft spirit 470 -
93 cruisecraft spirit 470 - 1.1 tonnes and 100kg on the ball
Posts: 245
Date Joined: 17/07/12
mfg 22ft caprice /se
heavy old girl wieghs 2 tonne plus+when loaded.
makes a slow drive to the ramp
launched with a triton 4x4 no problems.
Posts: 174
Date Joined: 30/04/12
The general "rule of thumb"
The general "rule of thumb" is to not tow anything more than 80% of the cars stated towing capacity (i.e car with 2000kg limit, dont tow more than 1600kg). That said, if you use your brain, you can push this a bit, I do ;)
The stated towing capacities of the car are generally referring to what the car can safely stop, not what it can pull - hence your car will have two capacities, one for a braked trailer, one for a non-braked trailer. Dont exceed them. Your tow bar assembly will also have two stated capacities - pulling weight and downward ball weight. Its very important not to exceed either of these either.
As stated, some vehicles are prone to getting a bit light in the bum, or prone to trailer sway when you load them up. Towbar companies such as Hayman Reese produce anti-sway and weight distribution devices etc which I believe are very good.
This was something I was pretty worried about when buying my boat and so did a lot of research prior, and always checked the boat and trailer specs before looking at a boat on the market (the T&A weights stamped on the trailer are *usually* a good indicator). I even took my boat for a road test prior to buying it for peace of mind). To give you some indication, I tow a 21ft Southwind with up to 200L of fuel (approx 1800kg) with a Landrover Freelander2 which has a towing capacity of 2T, and have no issues.
Gotcha (not verified)
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Date Joined: 01/01/70
Best to check with the manufacturer..
My wife has the Grand Vitara 2,5 V6 and the manufacturer rating for towing is only 450kg.... so be careful, as if you exceed this, your insurance will not honour a claim - I queried the validity of this with Suzuki and was told the short wheel base vehicle tow shit... so they get derated for safety, like chookc said....
My tinnie and donk is just under the 450kg, so a big fibre boat is probaly not the way to go... I heard a guy at the boat shop say that each axle on the trailer cannot take more than a ton, so rule of thumb is that if it is a double axle trailer, the boat is between 1 and 2 tons etc.. not sure if this is true, maybe others can comment...?
Look in your owners manual for these ratings - the Vitara manual had a lot of info on this...
Rob H
Posts: 5822
Date Joined: 18/01/12
no not true
"I heard a guy at the boat shop say that each axle on the trailer cannot take more than a ton"
a 45mm square trailer axle can take up to 1400kg, hence a dual axle trailer with 45mm axles could be licenced for up to 2.8T.
I believe 1400kg per axle is also the limit for your run of the mill Holden/Ford trailer bearing as well.
After that its 50mm axles.
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Gotcha (not verified)
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Specs from Jeep mate.. 907.18 kg is 2000pounds..
Patriot has a healthy towing capacity of 2,000 pounds, when properly equipped.
Patriot can tow a healthy 2,000 pounds, when properly equipped. The available Trailer Tow Prep Group includes an engine oil cooler, full-size spare tire and trailer tow wiring harness.
Mopar® hitch receivers match your vehicle's towing capacity. The hitches are covered with two-layer, E-coat paint finish to resist rust. For more on this Jeep® accessory by Mopar, visit
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Date Joined: 08/03/09
that is strange
looks like all the info is right there I dont know why they would fit a tow bar rated to 1500kg I think a tinny will have to do for a few years then thanks for that mate I realy just dont need the greif of a crash what size tinny do you tow
Posts: 245
Date Joined: 17/07/12
that towball and joint looks pretty weak .
dont think i would trust that one with a heavy load. (jeep).
Posts: 29
Date Joined: 08/03/09
looks completely different
looks completely different to the one on my jeep it also 1500kg max braked and 150 max down force on the ball , Im a bit lost as to what is going on unless theye changed it since the 2008 model to say IM dissapointed is an understatement I wanted glass cause of a crook back and again I really apreciate all the advice you boys know youre sh$t
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Come on now no Jeep knocking,
Come on now no Jeep knocking, I tow 3T and 5 blokes with mine no worries !!
And Wet weasel is correct, straight from Jeep AUS:
Jeep Patriot TowingYou already know that Patriot allows you to conquer any terrain, but the 2.4L petrol engine can also tow a healthy 1,500 kg(1) when properly equipped. And for added strength, the available one-piece Mopar® hitch receivers have a welded assembly that can match your vehicle's towing capacity.
I'ts not a SWB being 4.2m @ 1600kgs, i dont see why it couldnt tow 1500kgs braked safely. But consult the user manual they don't normally lie.
Posts: 245
Date Joined: 17/07/12
jeeps are kool!
but i would be worried towing a full rubbish trailer on that connection
Posts: 29
Date Joined: 08/03/09
yeah its doesnt look good
as I said the above pic looks nothing like my tow bar at all Im a welder/fabricator and that just looks piss weak wouldnt even consider towing a boat on it
Gotcha (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
Jeep?? LOL!
.....not knocking Jeep, but had to laugh at this..
Imagine Vinesh in his 1600kg jeep and 5 burly mates, all their gear and 3 tons of boat behind it - total 5100kg odd??
no worries...
just kidding guys, please don't all get worked up now - peace Vinesh...
Gotcha (not verified)
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Date Joined: 01/01/70
Towing Legislation Australia.
Australian National Towing Regulations
In December, 1998, agreement was reached by all State’s Ministers of Transport to implement national towing regulations. In essence, the national rules state that “A motor vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Mass (G.M.V.) not exceeding 4.5 tonnes must not, without the approval of an authority, tow a trailer with a mass (including any load) exceeding;
The capacity of the towing apparatus fitted to the vehicle, or
A relevant maximum trailer mass specified by the vehicle manufacturer.”
Put simply, the most you can tow is the amount specified by the vehicle manufacturer or the capacity of the towbar - WHICH EVER IS LEAST.
If you want to know how much your vehicle can tow, firstly check the owners manual or vehicle sales brochure for the manufacturer’s towing recommendations. Secondly make sure that the towing capacity is as least as much, if not more, than the mass of the trailer, including its load. If you are unsure how strong the towbar is, have a chat to a reputable towing equipment specialist.
In the case where a motor vehicle manufacturer has not specified a maximum towing mass, the limit is stated to be:
1.5 times the unladen or kerb mass of the motor vehicle if the trailer is fitted with brakes; or
The unloaded mass of the motor vehicle if the trailer is not fitted with brakes.
It should be noted, however, that the above will rarely apply as apart from using a truck, just about every vehicle that is likely to be used for towing a caravan, boat trailer, horsefloat or similar has a manufacturer’s towing recommendation.
Owners of 4WDs and light commercial vehicles should also be careful that they do not exceed the Gross Combined Mass (G.C.M.) of the vehicle. The GCM refers to the maximum vehicle plus its load, including a trailer, is permitted to weigh. It is possible that when a motor vehicle is loaded with, for example, five adults, their luggage and camping gear that the maximum allowable trailer mass has to be reduced so as to not exceed the GCM.
While this may sound a little confusing, it is important that this is considered so as to not void the warranty or insurance.
Since December 1998 all trailers can be towed at the speed limit for that particular road with the exception of Western Australia.
You should remember that in some cases motor vehicle manufacturers place speed restrictions on a vehicle when towing over a certain mass. Ford only permits 100km/h if the load is less than 1200 kg. At 1600 kg this drops to 90km/h. The speed further reduces until at 2300 kg, 80km/h is the maximum. Holden takes a similar approach but also ties the vehicle speed to the type of towing equipment fitted. Spending a few minutes reading the trailer towing section in the owners manual is highly recommended.
In 1989 Australian Design Rules (ADRs) were introduced which affect the construction and towing of trailers, including caravans. Currently there are no towing regulations which specifically refer to ‘caravans’. The ADRs include the requirement for plates on trailer drawbars which amongst other information states the aggregate, or maximum, mass of the trailer and data on the towbar which indicates the rating of that towbar. It should be noted that ADR 62 states that the rated capacity of the towbar …. “shall not exceed the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations”. Below is a summary of the rules relating to towing weights which should assist in the selection of towing equipment and/or caravan and the towing speeds applicable to various states.
While there are some variations in the Road Traffic Regulations in different States, most agree on the following safety aspects:
The trailer must not be bigger or heavier than the driver can safely control,
The total or laden mass of the trailer must not be more than:
- the maximum mass (A.T.M.) determined by the trailer manufacturer and as stated on the trailer plate,
- the load rating of the trailer’s coupling of the towbar fitted to the towing vehicle,
- the total load rating of all the trailer’s tyres.
The combination of tow vehicle and trailer must be “properly set up”. This means that there is a load of about 10% of the total trailer mass on the towbar and that the outfit has a level attitude. Generally this necessitates the use of a load distributing device.
Exceeding the maximum towing load as recommended by the towing vehicle manufacturer can:
* Invalidate warranty
* Nulify insurance, and
* Effect long term vehicle safety and reliability.
The new towing regulations allow the owner of a 4WD, ute or car to tow a trailer weighing up to the vehicle maker's recommended maximum.
Unbraked trailers with an all-up weight under 750kg are approved under the new uniform law, but trailers weighing more then 750 kg must be fitted with brakes.
The changes are a result of uniform vehicle standards proposed by the National Road Transport Commission and approved by Federal Parliament.
The only exception to this is in Western Australia where the maximum speed limit is 100km/h for vehicles towing a trailer with an ATM of over 750kgs. reference
ATM (Aggregate Trailer Mass)
The total laden weight of a trailer, which includes the tow ball mass and whatever you add as payload (eg. water, gas, luggage). The ATM is specified by the trailer manufacturer and must not be exceeded.
GCM (Gross Combination Mass)
The maximum laden mass of a motor vehicle plus the maximum laden weight of any trailer it can tow. The GCM is specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
GTM (Gross Trailer Mass)
The total permissible mass which includes whatever you add as payload (eg. water, gas and luggage) that can be supported by the wheels of a trailer. This does not include the mass supported by the tow ball. The GTM is specified by the manufacturer and must not be exceeded.
Tare Mass
The unladen weight of the trailer.
Tow Ball Mass
The weight imposed on the rear of the tow vehicle's tow ball from the coupling of a trailer or caravan.
Payload is specified by the manufacturer. It must not be exceeded under any circumstances. Safety, insurance & warranty may be affected if the specified payload is exceeded.
National Transport Commission
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
Hahaha all good im a jeep
Hahaha all good im a jeep basher myself !
Are you saying my wrangler std cant tow my 3t boat full of gear ?
Gotcha (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
Sure it can - send pics?
Maybe it can, but should it mate - your life - your choice......
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
haha nah all good my GCM is
haha nah all good my GCM is like 6500kgs so ive got ' Tonnes' to spare ! a couple of pics down
Posts: 29
Date Joined: 08/03/09
im confused
The jeep web site and the wanneroo jeep both say 1500kg but the owners manual says 2000 pounds what about a 4-5 meter tinnie bigger the better
Posts: 155
Date Joined: 27/08/12
If its not what you want -
If its not what you want - wait and upgrade the jeep prior to buying the boat. You will be far happier in the long term.
Saying that a easy to handle boat is great to start off so might be good?
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
WW im pretty sure they can
WW im pretty sure they can tow 1500kgs in the 2.4l version, and if wannero jeep say its 1500kgs ( the people that sold it too you ) i would be pretty happy. A 5m runabout would be well under 1500kgs
e.g 6m Trailblazer = 1300kgs
5.2 Quinny = 800
My savage osprey 4.8m is about 600kgs so easy to move and launch and beach launch on my own its great !!
Just rough figure but there would be a lot of allys fully loaded at under 1500kgs
Posts: 29
Date Joined: 08/03/09
tandem vs single axle
what would be best I fingure a tandem would be the way to go