Submitted by fish feeder 13 on Wed, 2016-11-23 07:13
just seen a couple of guys get busted at Port Kennedy boat ramp this morning at 600.
fisheries were waiting at ramp when we pulled in and checked our boat catch. we had 0 again.
we then pulled boat out of water and were talking to officer about seized boats and what happens to them when he said that he needed to check this boat that was coming out of water.
he then looked in the dingy and pulled three 700mm pinkies out of boat.
its these people that ruin it for the masses.
piston broke
Posts: 776
Date Joined: 05/11/08
Great work
Posts: 508
Date Joined: 21/11/12
douche bags
roll the dice if you like but this is the consequences. I hope Fisheries get a successful prosecution and these turds lose their boat and gear.
Posts: 754
Date Joined: 18/09/12
Sort of people you'd tell the
Sort of people you'd tell the ban is on and get the response "Yeah who gives a fuck?"
Posts: 9513
Date Joined: 10/02/07
Good on yah
mr fisheries
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 219
Date Joined: 10/04/08
Great to see
Unfortunately, all theyy lose is their little dinghy, imagine losing a big flash boat, but then I reckon people wouldn't take the risk.
Wish more law enforcement was done, not just on the water, but also on the roads etc
Grey Ghost
Posts: 183
Date Joined: 12/10/15
Pity we can't see the business name on the car as well...
"Grey Ghost", 670HT Barcrusher with 150 Yamaha, based at Cockburn PBC.
Posts: 327
Date Joined: 18/10/10
Thinking exactly the same
Then boycott!
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
idiots after seeing the
after seeing the awesome pics of the pinks spawning in another thread....this just comes up so wrong.
randall df223
Posts: 6454
Date Joined: 08/08/11
Good job my fisheries.
Good job my fisheries.
Fish! HARD!
Posts: 1296
Date Joined: 03/04/09
There is no cure for stupid.
Cheers & Stay safe
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
But duct tape will muffle the
But duct tape will muffle the sound
Ron Ashcroft
Posts: 95
Date Joined: 22/11/07
Great stuff.
Great stuff.
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
Well done fisheries, throw the bloody book at them
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 116
Date Joined: 23/08/14
great work fisheries
shoud be banned from fishing
Brock O
Posts: 3264
Date Joined: 11/01/08
Great Stuff
Great Stuff Fisheries....nice work fish feeder!!
Im sure we will hear more about this....
Posts: 108
Date Joined: 24/06/14
This is what happens when
This is what happens when you let people park at ramps for free, trash like this turn up.
would never happen at Ocean Reef
Posts: 3916
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Great to see
Great to see
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
This is pure gold!
This is pure gold!
Love the West!
Posts: 116
Date Joined: 04/02/13
the level of stupidity of
the level of stupidity of some people amazes me! Good on fisheries
Hand over fist!
randall df223
Posts: 6454
Date Joined: 08/08/11
It does show a distinct lack
It does show a distinct lack of intelligence or complete ignorance of the law to come into a boat ramp during almost peak cray season time and not expect to be checked by fisheries.
Fish! HARD!
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Could be our mate off
Could be our mate off Crayfishing WA Randall lol
Love the West!
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Yaaah go Fisheries
The news of these sorts of bastards getting caught just gets better and better.
Hope they lose the boat and gear, it is very sad to see this sort of thing going on, particularly after the good news post of the snapper breeding school on the surface posted yesterday.
I hope the story makes the tv news and the daily paper or at least the local rag.
You never know when, you never know where.
Well done guys of the Fisheries compliance section.
Posts: 88
Date Joined: 20/05/09
What's the bet if there
What's the bet if there doing this there pulling pots too!
great job fisheries!
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Good to see them busted, probably been out every day this week.
always late
Posts: 33
Date Joined: 17/01/11
It would have been good to
It would have been good to sit back and watch it unfold!
fish feeder 13
Posts: 8
Date Joined: 05/02/16
could not stop laughing
could not stop laughing
Posts: 714
Date Joined: 27/11/15
It's great to see these
It's great to see these dickheads caught ....well done fisheries
My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!
Posts: 465
Date Joined: 06/02/14
Pretty sure I saw that same
Pretty sure I saw that same ute in the car park there yesterday. Nice work fisheries
Posts: 11
Date Joined: 03/12/12
IPC maintenance just off
IPC maintenance just off Dixon rd
Posts: 1235
Date Joined: 27/01/07
Thought it looked like an ipc ute wankers ppl are slow learners just do the right thing and u wont have a prob!!
Posts: 91
Date Joined: 16/11/14
Now Now
The culprit now has nothing to do with IPC and has not done for the last year or so. The IPC ute was just a parting gift to him. Its a long story and nothing to do with us.
Posts: 15049
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Yep I'd be very carefull
Love the West!
Posts: 91
Date Joined: 18/01/15
Throw the book at them,
Throw the book at them, those pricks ruin it for the rest of us !!
FIFO's got knobs on it - but it buys my toys !!
Posts: 42
Date Joined: 14/12/11
IPC work ute ?
That would hurt if it got impounded....
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Darwin Award???
Darwin Award???
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 1
Date Joined: 24/11/16
IPC Ute - Involved in Fisheries Bust
To all concerned personnel,
Please note;
I can 100% categorically confirm the vehicle and the individuals who have been caught carrying out illegal fishing practices have no business or social ties to IPC.
IPC are presently trying to locate the vehicle to remove its business name from the door panels. We are also hoping it has been impounded as the vehicle had been de - registered by IPC and the plates handed back in over a year ago.
The vehicle may have been re registered under a new name or not at all. We do not know at this point.
IPC does not condone and will not support any individual carrying out illegal fishing practices or any other activity outside of the law for that matter.
IPC Operations Manager
M. Markus
Posts: 508
Date Joined: 21/11/12
not good
Mate, I have never done any business with IPC but I can imagine it would be bloody awful having your business name associated with this situation. I hope you get it sorted soon.
Posts: 659
Date Joined: 28/05/10
not sure i agree
with the name & shame on forums ,but do agree with reporting of wrong doings to fisheries ,this seems to be a classic case of doing damage to {innocent } laws are in place ,theyve been caught out, law needs to deal with it .
Posts: 30
Date Joined: 14/01/14
Fisheries are on fire at the
Fisheries are on fire at the moment! Legends
Posts: 3916
Date Joined: 14/10/12
I call them about a crab trap
I call them about a crab trap at a local yacht club at 1630 yesterday. Had a chat with the fisheries officer assigned to it today and he said they have removed the trap, release the crabs and walked down all of the jetties and finger jetties and looked at everything hanging into the water.
Don't really want assholes who break the law putting extra limits on my recreation.