busted barge
Submitted by jutt on Wed, 2012-08-08 20:14
Seen this barge on Monday 6/6 between West Lewis and Malus Is, looks like its had a flogging, its in 18m of water so not sitting on the bottom, vry nasty load to deal with. Any body got any idea what happened?
Posts: 522
Date Joined: 10/07/08
looks like a balls up to me!
looks like a balls up to me! id say its a suply barge for gorgon. looks like 18/20'' pipe
Any one free to help me pull my drum lines tomorrow?
Posts: 58
Date Joined: 09/01/12
its had a smack on the arse
its had a smack on the arse end and you are about spot on with pipe size, the deck is not a nice place to be, the concrete coated pipe looks ready to go any minute. Located just out of Karratha Bay.
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
At least the weather isn't
At least the weather isn't sloppy so might be retrievable.
Love the West!
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Date Joined: 18/12/11
Bloody nice weather, you get
Bloody nice weather, you get into some good fishing?
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Should mark it, could be a
Should mark it, could be a new occy heaven/reef in the make down there.
Posts: 22
Date Joined: 01/08/12
I heard it dropped more pipe
I heard it dropped more pipe at sea somewhere. Then towed to ankor there. Wish I knew where it is? New fad maybe?
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Yep. Dropped its load about
Yep. Dropped its load about 80 nautical out. Could of waited till it got a bit closer.....
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
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Date Joined: 09/01/12
Great day out JackoW but no
Great day out JackoW but no fish, most blokes i spoke to on that day had same outcome, heaps of whales around the ships, watched a calf havn fun with its mother which was the size of a sub. makes you feel like getting a bigger boat!
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Date Joined: 27/12/06
deep drop
80nm is a long way out for the deep drop lol
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Date Joined: 14/01/10
McDermott's 335
McDermott's 335 materials Barge for Gorgon.... fastest lay rate in the world- 9 kms of pipe laid in 1 minute and not one repair! and you're on the money with 18" pipe...
Posts: 1
Date Joined: 04/08/11
It was for the masadon for
It was for the masadon for McDermott's south of barrow.
They where not that far out when they lost most of the pipe 800 all up. Only in 30m of water so they are going to have a dig at retreving as much pipe as they can. it was caused due to the hull braking appart.
At least it keeps the boys in a job for longer while they wait for more pipe to be made up...
Posts: 358
Date Joined: 12/05/12
yep...environment is safe
yep...environment is safe as..all precautions in place...what can go wrong...whose responsible for checking the barges and thier integrity...
Posts: 404
Date Joined: 17/05/12
9kms of pipe in 1 minute
9kms of pipe in 1 minute really ?? would love to see that
If fishing is a sport I,m an elite athlete
Knot Big Enuff
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PGFC Member
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I think, as in 9km of pipe
I think, as in 9km of pipe fell overboard in 1 min :) hahahaha
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Date Joined: 16/10/08
Ha Ha
I got it at the start, but had to chuckle when I read the "I'd like to see that" comment. Just about LMFAO.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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Date Joined: 27/12/06
if you think that kind of stuff gets checked tank your dreaming. Get a contractor to look after that then blame them if it goes wrong, in this case with the pipes there inst much enviromental damage anyway.
Toby Roe
Posts: 118
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Every barge has a sailaway
Every barge has a sailaway certificate signed by the inspecting MWS prior to departure.
Posts: 50
Date Joined: 13/01/12
Hope it sinks
I hope it sink's fully, would be a nice to have a big object to fish & dive around, straight out from the shack, that would be gold.
Probably just get patched up and be working again.
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough
Pilbra Dave
Posts: 194
Date Joined: 30/09/11
I'm With You, Hope it Sinks
Would make a good reef in 18m
If you ain't Fishin you ain't Livin
Adam Gallash
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Date Joined: 29/11/05
Amazing what really goes on out there you dont normally hear of. Was three groundings in 8 days around barrow about 3 weeks ago, out of the industry now so dont hear much any more, all gets covered up pretty quickly.
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Was watching the risers get
Was watching the risers get loaded onto the standby boat the other week. Reckon there was a good 4m swell running through at the time but the rig crane driver made it look easy. Some awesome shit to see out there.
Love the West!
Posts: 522
Date Joined: 10/07/08
F@$% IT! i knew i should have
F@$% IT! i knew i should have taken that job!
Any one free to help me pull my drum lines tomorrow?
Posts: 58
Date Joined: 09/01/12
added some pics of some other
added some pics of some other cool stuff seen here. Awesome stuff yes, but at least you southerners have Hungry Jacks and Bunnings!!!!!
Posts: 1136
Date Joined: 10/06/09
in the last 2 pics is that a
in the last 2 pics is that a drill rig?
getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
OOOOOh if only we could fish
OOOOOh if only we could fish around them like the ones in the Gulf of Mexico. Those ones have created a whole fishing industry; commerical, charter and recreational!!!!
Posts: 58
Date Joined: 09/01/12
Yes Thesupervisor it is a
Yes Thesupervisor it is a drill rig, heavy lift ship is submerged (in a controlled manner and depth) and the rig is floated overit and secured, the ship is then deballested and up she goes! Will put another pic on to show how small a blke looks on the deck.
Posts: 58
Date Joined: 09/01/12
if you look in the right hand
if you look in the right hand side you can see a bloke walking across the deck.
Posts: 1721
Date Joined: 29/05/09
shame thats the only blue
shame thats the only blue marlin we see around Dampier.... bloody impressive when they load the semi sumbmersible rigs on those ships. poor old blokes doing thier fire drill on 72 the other day wasn't impressed with the locals chatter thats for sure haha
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Heavy lift ship
The last two times I was last down south there was a heavy lift / submersible ship tied up on the south wharf at Henderson, possible still there. If someone goea past pu it on the site for those who haven't seen one close up before.
Wes F
Posts: 1067
Date Joined: 07/01/12
Submersible in Henderson
Gorgon project is using the Gavialift ship as a loading dock at the AMC Henderson can see it from rock wall heading toward Challenger beach. Gorgon will have nine module movers on the project soon eight have been commissionned for use already. Some very larger ships
Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.
pale ale
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Date Joined: 02/01/10
Digger was bogged at the
Digger was bogged at the ramp last week too!