Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest

Five weekly issues of "Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest" have been produced and emailed to members of Recfishwest, with topics as below. Issue 6 will be sent out on 23 July.

The most recent up to date issues are reserved for members of Recfishwest.

Older versions will be placed on the Recfishwest website, but will be delayed by some weeks.

Issue 1, 13 June is now on the RFW website. See

Topics in Issue 1, 13 June 2007

Trust works to avert fishing tragedies.

Device saves boy's life four years on.

NZ Judge Finds "Wellbeing of the People" is the Priority in Landmark Fishing Ruling.

Black Bream Restocking.

Anglers face much tougher limits on WA's most popular fish.

Anglers recapture Samson fish they tagged.

Are you putting Australia's future on the line?

State Coastal Conference, Denmark

Topics in Issue 2, 25 June 2007

Minister explains radical recreational fishing changes.

Leeuwin Current Symposium.

Bid to save fish could see coast closed to anglers.

Report on future of Collie-Wellington Basin released.

Countries to discuss managing aquatic genetic resources

Western Australian Fishing Industry Council bulletin - commercial wetline fishing changes.

Study identifies Perth's future boating facilities

Call to Pilbara fishers to Fish for the Future

Issue 3, 2 July 2007

Perth beaches hit by poison flowing from drains

Order:- Prohibition on Fishing Rottnest Island

Recreational-only fishing areas

Recreational fish restocking road map.

Luxury fish prices tipped to rise as catches cut.

Drag nets to be prohibited in the Peel Harvey Estuary

Ningaloo reef life topped up by plankton-rich ocean waves

Stab-resistant vests make Fishery officers safer .

Issue 4, 9 July 2007

Cobbler protected in Swan/Canning Rivers, Black bream protected in Heirisson Island lakes.

Recreational fishers take the right steps to ensure sustainability

New marine sanctuaries enacted on Rottnest Island.

New focus on WA South coast as first regional marine planning initiative.

Imported seafood products have repeatedly contained potentially harmful residues.

Seafood Import Protocols 'Out of Step'

Out of season marron fishing case attracts $12,317 in fines.

School's in for future fishing leaders.

Issue 5, 16 July 2007

Harbour plans to dredge and fill in more of Cockburn Sound.

Native fish threatens commercial catch

Released fish soon back in the swim

Fears Wilson Inlet snapper size limits to put commercial pressure on other species.

Recfishwest praises increase to minimum legal size limit for Wilson Inlet Pink Snapper.

Fish stocks surge are not only indicator of Wilson Inlet health.

Salmon farmers warned on antibiotic use.

Swan River Trust policy:- Rivers' jetty use for public.

Underwater robots scanning biodiversity of Ningaloo

Issue 6, 23 July 2007 You'll get it by email on 23 July if you are a RFW member.

We have made it very easy for you to become a full voting member of Recfishwest and receive these by email.

You can join by post, by phone, by email, in person, or fill in a website form. See

Beavering away in the background......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member , get involved and help us.

Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with.

You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.

SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

Im keen to join up as ive

Thu, 2007-07-19 08:37

Im keen to join up as ive wanted to for a while now. Hear from my aplication soon. Cheers.

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest

Thu, 2007-08-02 09:26

Issues 1, 2 and 3 are now on the RFW website. See

Issue 6, 23 July 2007 contents

Anglers' Legacy shares the recreational fishing experience.

The public's right to fish faces constant erosion.

Catch and release:- fish survival maximised by simple changes to fishing practices.

$42 million to enhance recreational fishing opportunities

Funds sought to develop lifebuoy technology

TAFEWA aquaculture technology breeds success

China says its food not safe to eat

New grants program to support regional volunteering  

Issue 7, 30 July 2007 contents

Prawn White Spot virus in seafood imports

Increased use of imported raw prawns as bait or berley ramps-up the risk

Stronger quarantine measures for prawn imports

New fishing bag and size limits announced

Setting of Fish Harvest Levels

Recreational fishers to record their catch in statewide survey

Water quality in live wells affects survival of catch and release fish

Western Australian Marine Science Institution research

Issue 8, due 7 August 2007 You'll get it by email on 7 August if you are a RFW member.

We have made it very easy for you to become a full voting member of Recfishwest and receive these by email.

You can join by post, by phone, by email, in person, or fill in a website form. See

Beavering away in the background......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member , get involved and help us.

Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.

You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest updates

Tue, 2007-09-04 11:50

Issues 1 to 6 of "Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest" are now on the RFW website. See

Issue 9 was emailed to Recfishwest members on 4 September.

Issue 8, 6 August 2007 contents

Court told lobsters in holiday haul were all undersize.

South-west abalone virus spreading.

Recfishwest Talking Tackle Workshop.

Amateur fishers are cautioned about releasing fish.

Proposed Closure of Part of Geographe Bay to Commercial Fishing.

Fishers confused over protection zone plan.

Young leaders to take a path less travelled.

Peel Harvey fishers reminded of annual set netting closure.

Government's proposal for the crumbling Busselton Jetty.

Issue 9, 4 September 2007 contents

Headway made with illegal foreign fishers, but job is far from done

No more confusion over your fish dinner

South-west may have early Ross River and Barmah Forest virus outbreak

Avoiding mosquito bites

Setting the record straight on extra taxes on fishing tackle.

Fines of up to $75,000 will apply to those caught fishing coral reef fin fish.

More State Government funding for boating facilities.

WA Fishing Industry Council on recreational finfish management proposals.

Clean-up at Koombana Bay, Bunbury.

Fishing spot lifebuoys 'need funding'

We have made it very easy for you to become a full voting member of Recfishwest and receive these by email.

You can join by post, by phone, by email, in person, or fill in a website form. See

Beavering away in the background......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.

You can join by post, by phone, by email, in person, or fill in a website form. See

Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.

You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Free Lure, Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest

Wed, 2007-09-12 13:33

Issues 1 to 7 of "Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest" are now on the RFW website. See

Issue 10 was emailed to Recfishwest members on 11 September.

Issue 10, 11 September 2007 contents

Recfishwest calls for new members and recreational fishers to get behind their peak body Minister for Fisheries, Jon Ford acknowledged the input of Recfishwest but added:- "The government has recently set Recfishwest the challenge to dramatically increase their membership in order to secure future funding... It is important that the recreational sector makes a direct commitment to the peak body."

Black Jewfish not tough enough for catch and release

Peel Harvey inlet closed to crab fishing until 1 November

Safety equipment to be installed at dangerous rock fishing locations

Recfish Australia world first NEAT idea for fishing tournaments.

Big fines prove the folly of fishing offences

Strategy to repopulate waterways with fish

Moray eel found to have double set of jaws

Recfishwest Annual General Meeting and election of Board Members.

We have made it very easy for you to become a full voting member of Recfishwest and receive the up to date versions of these by email.

For $20, you can join by post, by phone 9246 3366, by email , in person, or fill in a website form. See for the free lure offer for new and renewing members (while stocks last.)

Beavering away in the background......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.

Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.

You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.

SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

Soon as get a minute ill

Wed, 2007-09-12 13:39

Soon as get a minute ill call in and sign up......thats for sure.

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Casting Around Issue 11

Tue, 2007-09-18 12:41

Issue 11 will be emailed to Recfishwest members on 18 September.

Issue 11, 19 September 2007 contents:- (Yes I got the date wrong...)

WA Government launches fishing package to save iconic fish for the future

Recfishwest welcomes metropolitan commercial and recreational fishing reforms.

Scenarios for future management of recreational catch of demersal scalefish on West Coast.

Spatial scales of exploitation among demersal scalefish: implications for management.

Role of recreational anglers in plans for new Marine Protected Areas on WA's South Coast.

Research suggests Marine Protected Areas do not give coral reefs long-term resilience to bleaching.

The pros and cons of Marine Protected Areas in New South Wales: who's been hoodwinked?

We have made it very easy for you to become a full voting member of Recfishwest and receive the up to date versions of these by email.

For just $20, you can join by post, by phone 9246 3366, by email , in person, or fill in a website form. See

Beavering away in the background......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.

Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Casting Around Issue 12

Mon, 2007-09-24 14:16

Issue 12 is ready to be emailed to Recfishwest members on 24 September.

Issue 12, 24 September 2007 contents:-

• Commercial fishing body WAFIC demands no recreational fishing in the Perth Metro zone

• New recreational management strategies required for sustainable demersal scalefish fishing

• Fisheries Minister Jon Ford encourages debate on how to save iconic fish species

• Consultation process to help determine long term management for recreational fishing

• Wilderness and low impact fishing areas

• Scheme offers $1 million collected from boat registration fees for improved boating facilities.

• 70,000 Recreational Skippers' Tickets issued in WA

• Making grass meadows under the ocean.

Issues 1 to 8 of "Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest" are now on the RFW website. See

We have made it very easy for you to become a full voting member of Recfishwest and receive the up to date versions of these by email.

For just $20, you can join by post, by phone 9246 3366, by email , in person, or fill in a website form. See

Beavering away in the background......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.

Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.

You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest Issue 13

Fri, 2007-10-05 09:17

Issue 13 of "Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest" was emailed to Recfishwest members on 4 October.

Issue 13, 4 October 2007 contents:-

• Western Australians invited to public briefings about management of recreational fishing.

• Concern over alleged illegal fishing in Abrolhos fish protection areas

• Public invited to discuss Peel-Harvey waterways

• Community information sessions on planning for marine parks in South Coast.

• Anglers called on to help with barramundi research

• Shire decides on State Government offer of assistance to repair and rebuild Busselton Jetty

• Fisheries Minister takes action to safeguard sustainability

• Cape to Cape beach clean up on again mid October.

Earlier issues 1 to 9 are now on the RFW website. See

We have made it very easy for you to become a full voting member of Recfishwest and receive the up to date versions of these by email.

For just $20, you can join by post, by phone 9246 3366, by email , in person, or fill in a website form. See

Beavering away in the background......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.

Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.

You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Casting Around Issue 14

Thu, 2007-10-11 09:18

Issue 14 of "Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest" was emailed to Recfishwest members this week.

Issue 14, 8 October 2007 contents:-

• Metro area public briefings:- sustainability of demersal fish and recreational management options

• Reality bites for metropolitan recreational fishing management and accountability

• Fisheries Minister explains impact of Perth metropolitan commercial fishing closure

• Blaming sustainability initiatives for fish price increases is 'way off the mark'

• Have your say in regional marine planning and no fishing areas for WA's south coast

• Court punishes greedy fishers' grab for pink snapper with $10,000 in fines

• Recfishwest at the Mandurah Boat Show - meet us and sign up new members.

Earlier issues 1 to 10 are now on the RFW website. See

We have made it very easy for you to become a full voting member of Recfishwest and receive the up to date versions of these by email.

For just $20, you can join by post, by phone 9246 3366, by email , in person, or fill in a website form.  New members get a a choice of

A free Fantastic Fish 2008 Calendar valued at $19.95.  While stocks last!


The free Halco Laser Pro 45 in 'Recfishwest' special colour ONLY available to Recfishwest members!  While stocks last!

and more... See

Beavering away in the background......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.

Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.

You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.

Edit Fixed the • symbol

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Casting Around Issue 15

Thu, 2007-10-18 07:40

Issue 15 of "Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest" was emailed to Recfishwest members this week.

Issue 15, 17 October 2007 contents:-

• Lobby group Recfishwest under threat:- increase membership or government funding in jeopardy

• Environmental Protection Authority delays opening of Denmark's Wilson Inlet sand bar

• Sharing the recreational and commercial crab and fish catch in the Mandurah estuary

• DNA tester will show if fish really is the variety claimed.

• Plastic pellets are pollutants in the South West coastal marine environment

• High price paid for excess catch of undersized crabs at Mandurah

• Next generation of recreational fishing leaders program is outstandingly successful

• Recfishwest Annual General Meeting and election of Board Members

Earlier issues 1 to 11 (13 June to 19 September) are now on the RFW website. See

We have made it very easy for you to become a full voting member of Recfishwest and receive the up to date versions of these by email.

For just $20, you can join by post, by phone 9246 3366, by email , in person, or fill in a website form.

Beavering away in the background......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.

Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.

You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.

SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

Pleasure to meet you and

Thu, 2007-10-18 08:37

Pleasure to meet you and have a yarn terry. How many did you get to sighn up at the boat show? Looked packed when i was there.

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Issue 16 is out.

Thu, 2007-10-25 20:52

Issue 16 of "Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest" has been emailed to Recfishwest members this week.

Issue 16, 23 October 2007 contents:-

• Recfishwest Annual General Meeting, annual report and election of Board Members

• Toxic shellfish found - public advised to avoid eating wild shellfish from Peel-Harvey Estuary

• Fremantle boat launching area included in plans for public comment

• Geraldton public briefing on recreational fishing rules for at risk demersal fish

• Commercial fishers to join sustainability consultation meetings

• Court order bans repeat offender from fishing

• Commonwealth funding for Great Australian Shark Count project

• Taste for shark fin could threaten the species

Earlier issues 1 to 12 (13 June to 24 September) are now on the RFW website. See

We have made it very easy for you to become a full voting member of Recfishwest and receive the up to date versions of these by email.

You can join for just $20 or $10 for over 65/under 18, $40 for a family of 4 - by post, by phone 9246 3366, fax 9246 5955, by email , in person, or fill in a website form

Beavering away in the background......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.

Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.

You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Issue 17 is out

Fri, 2007-11-02 07:01

Issue 17 of "Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest" has been emailed to Recfishwest members this week.

Issue 17, 30 October 2007 contents:-

• RFW Draft response to options paper on managing fishing in the West Coast region

• Recfish Australia calls for political commitments to an Australian way of life

• National Code of Practice for recreational and sport fishing

• Fish traps exemption to reduce feral freshwater crayfish

• Bioregional Profile the first major milestone for Commonwealth South-west Marine Plan

• Fire destroys part of Carnarvon's fishing jetty.

• Outstanding local response prepares for Mandurah crab and fish survey

Earlier issues 1 to 13 (13 June to 4 October) are now on the RFW website. See

We have made it very easy for you to become a full voting member of Recfishwest and receive the up to date versions of these by email.

You can join for just $20 or $10 for over 65/under 18, $40 for a family of 4 - by post, by phone 9246 3366, fax 9246 5955, by email , in person, or fill in a website form

Beavering away in the background......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.

Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.

You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Issue 18, Logue Brook closed, Warnboro Sound no fishing

Tue, 2007-11-06 08:36

Issue 18 of "Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest" will be emailed to Recfishwest members this week.

Do you want all the details and the links by email? Become a member of Recfishwest.

Issue 18, 6 November 2007 contents:-

• New no fishing zones in Warnbro Sound and Shoalwater Bay area

• Logue Brook Dam to be closed to recreational fishing from May 2008

• "Mates Day on the Bay" helps people with disabilities enjoy recreational fishing

• Victoria’s peak recreational fishing body launches new information magazine

• Victoria helps non English speakers with fishing rules in their own languages

• Abalone cheats caught by fisheries officers on first day of season

• New council changes decision on funding for Busselton jetty rebuild

You can join for just $20 or $10 for over 65/under 18, $40 for a family of 4 - by post, by phone 9246 3366, fax 9246 5955, by email , in person, or fill in a website form

Earlier issues 1 to 14 (13 June to 8 October) are now on the RFW website. See

Beavering away in the background......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.

Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest

Tue, 2008-06-17 08:38

33 Issues so far. See for issues 1 to 30.

Issue 31 (27 May 2008) headings:-

• Mandurah Professional Fishermen's Association stakeholder workshop

• Voluntary Fisheries Adjustment Scheme offers compensation for commercial wetline fishers

• Reef shark capture leads researchers to better understanding

• Contaminants in stormwater discharge at Perth's marine beaches

• Calls for help with "slender sunfish" sightings

• Murray cod secrets revealed in research supported by recreational anglers fees

Issue 32 (3 June 2008) headings:-

• Recfishwest supports protection for blue groper at Rottnest Island

• Fish possession limits extended to anglers' homes

• Yellowtail Kingfish in Marine Park aquaculture

• Australia's Marine Parks and the planning processes

• Fremantle breakwater, islands and marina plans spark controversy

• Recreational fishing survey - a joint investment in the future

Issue 33 (10 June2008) headings:-

• 2006/2007 State of Fisheries report

• Research to examine the sharing of rock lobster resources

• Effect of "fish lip grips" on bones and tendons to be researched

• Marina fish kill due to lack of oxygen in water

• 20 plus years since construction of last new metro public boat ramp

• Review of fisheries consultative arrangements

• What has Recfishwest done for YOUR recreational fishing?

Do you want all the details and the links by email? Become a member of Recfishwest.

You can join for just $20 or $10 for over 65/under 18, $40 for a family of 4 - by post, by phone 9246 3366, fax 9246 5955, by email , in person, or fill in a website form



Beavering away in the background......

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest

Tue, 2008-06-24 15:25

Issue 34 (24 June 2008) headings:-

• Minister releases recreational fishing changes for vulnerable West Coast demersal fish

• Recfishwest cautious about flow on effect from long closed seasons

• Contract awarded for Woodman Point boat ramp upgrade

• More monitoring wanted for Cockburn Sound

• Virus breakout and spread panics abalone trade

• Rio Tinto supports community fishing education

• $197,500 penalty for illegal netting

Do you want all the details and the links by email? Become a member of Recfishwest.

You can join for just $20 or $10 for over 65/under 18, $40 for a family of 4 - by post, by phone 9246 3366, fax 9246 5955, by email , in person, or fill in a website form

See for issues 1 to 30. Posting of recent issues deliberately delayed by about 4 weeks.



Beavering away in the background......

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest

Sat, 2008-07-19 07:55

Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest.

36 issues so far.

Issue 35 (8 July 2008) headings:-

• After 15 years, it may be farewell

• Doubled funding offered for Busselton Jetty repairs

• Pilchard stocks recover from devastating virus

• Not enough projects for available Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme funds.

• Call for new Fisheries and Marine Officers

• Budget for management and research in WA fishing

• Blowfish - necessary or just a nuisance?


Issue 36 (18 July 2008) headings:-

• Free DVD about using the Release Weight to improve the survival of released fish

• Fish "missing" from WA's oceans

• Expression of interest called for Recreational Fishing Industry Study Tour to United States

• Fish recording board helps record catch details for Research Angler Program logbooks

• Women fined for undersized crabs, commercial fisherman fined for false catch returns

• WA Tsunami study underway

• 10,382 boat crews in WA ocean line fishing creel survey


Do you want all the details and the links by email as soon as they are released? Become a member of Recfishwest.

You can join for just $20 or $10 for over 65/under 18, $40 for a family of 4 - by post, by phone 9246 3366, fax 9246 5955, by email , in person, or fill in a website form

See for issues 1 to 33. Posting of recent issues is deliberately delayed by about 4 weeks.



Beavering away in the background......

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest.

Fri, 2008-08-01 19:31

Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest.

37 issues so far.

Issue 37 (1 August 2008) headings:-

• Tough decisions have to be made in fisheries because of increasing pressure on fish stocks

• Rocky reef fin fish fishery under review

• Recreational fishing plan is "an election must"

• EPA recommends against proposed salt farm in important wetlands

• To the marina in the hunt for unpaid taxes

• Recfishwest calls for recreational angler involvement in implementation of Shark Bay changes

• Department of Fisheries community surveys estimate the overall participation rate for recreational fishing in WA


Do you want all the details and the links by email as soon as they are released? Become a member of Recfishwest.

You can join for just $20 or $10 for over 65/under 18, $40 for a family of 4 - by post, by phone 9246 3366, fax 9246 5955, by email , in person, or fill in a website form

See for issues 1 to 34. Posting of recent issues is deliberately delayed by about 4 weeks.



Beavering away in the background......

STAAL LOVER's picture

Posts: 406

Date Joined: 13/05/08

Stab-resistant vests make Fishery officers safer .

Fri, 2008-08-01 20:08

Well when theres "NO" Dhuies people will do anything to keep a small one!!!!Surprised




Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest

Sat, 2008-08-02 07:12

Stab-resistant vests make Fishery officers safer .

Well when theres "NO" Dhuies people will do anything to keep a small one!!!!

NEVER any dhuies in NZ - well except maybe in the fish shop, but that'd be a long shot.

Beavering away in the background.......


Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

42 Issues so far

Mon, 2008-11-03 11:33

42 Issues so far of Casting Around the Internet with Recfishwest.

Recent issues.

Issue 42 (3 November 2008) headings:-

• Corruption and Crime Commission report on fisheries officers

• Minister limits recreational lobster take to 6

• Cockburn crab ban extended by a year

• Worrying research data for another iconic WA fish.

• Recreational fisheries and its management - looking back and looking forward

• Remotely piloted aircraft to monitor compliance in areas closed to fishing

• People with a recreational fishing passion wanted.


Issue 41 (29 October 2008) headings:-

• Minister's advisory council a step in the right direction for recreational fishing

• Government agencies not convinced of environmental safety of salt works

• Recfishing awards recognise excellence and contribution

• Scientific hunch may save thousands from toxic fish poisoning

• 2007-8 Annual Report and new faces on the Recfishwest Board

• Recreation poses a very minor risk in water catchment areas relative to other risks

• Outcomes of fisheries consultative arrangements review announced


Issue 40 (20 October 2008) headings:-

• Ballot papers and AGM information sent to Recfishwest members.

• Out of season marron fishing doesn't pay

• Swan River Trust decides not to prosecute after fish kill

• Snapper stocks plummet in south-east Queensland

• Marine Park increases protection on capital city's doorstep

• Invitation:- Marine data management in Western Australia one year on

• Recfishwest a finalist for 3 Recfishing awards


Issue 39 (9 October 2008) headings:-

• Minister announces decision on West Coast Fishing rules

• Fisheries Minister to attend Annual General Meeting.

• Wife loses husband's vehicle in shellfish plunder

• WA's lobster industry facing disaster as numbers fall

• Fraud leads to big fine, licence loss for South West commercial fisher

• Recfishwest at the Mandurah Boat Show

• WA research and grains help feed the world's farmed fish


Do you want all the details and the links by email as soon as they are released? Become a member of Recfishwest.

You can join for just $20 or $10 for over 65/under 18, $40 for a family of 4 - by post, by phone 9246 3366, fax 9246 5955, by email , in person, or fill in a website form

See for issues 1 to 38. Posting of recent issues is deliberately delayed by about 4 weeks.



Beavering away in the background......