Chirp vs Traditional (Garmin/Furuno)
Hi all,
ive recently relocated a M260 (traditional 50/200) transducer and installed it on the transom -connected to a Furuno FCV585).
I have now installed a M265LH (chirp) transducer in the location the M260 was installed (shoot through hull) -connected to a Garmin 8410XSV..
The M260 (Furuno) has continued to work great while travelling, very little noise and good bottom readings at 25+Knots.
The CHIRP transducer (garmin) works OK, but has much more noise while travelling compared to the transmon mount M260 and compared to the M260 that was installed in the exact same location (shooting through the hull).
I have tried/played with all the filters.
Is this typical of all CHIRP transducers (lots of noise)?
While i can make this work, the plan was to get rid of the Furuno eventually and rely on the Garmin. I mightve been better off sticking with Furuno.
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 02/01/09
Got a TM265LH on a Garmin
Got a TM265LH on a Garmin 7410 which reads pretty well at speed on high chirp. However have heard other with lots of interference with high chirp whilst travelling. Can be improved by changing it from high chirp to 200hz while on the run then change back to high chirp when drifting.
Game changer compared to the furuno IMO, the 585 was a great sounder but technology has come a long way since it's release, Rezboost doesn't quite compare to chirp..
I'm tossing up whether to get a matching Garmin unit to pair with the 7410, have a Simrad as my chart plotter but switching to the Garmin charts is putting me off. Waiting to see what the latest release Of the Garmin/Navionics charts looks like. Hopefully be the trigger to switch all to Garmin.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18090
Date Joined: 11/03/08
For someone that isn't so
For someone that isn't so tech savvy like me , please explain the difference between chirp and the traditional.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 308
Date Joined: 28/05/15
Chirp is scanning a range of
Chirp is scanning a range of frequencies not just one frequency so chirp is going to pick up more noise than traditional sonar as it will be more susceptible to a range of frequencies.
Posts: 308
Date Joined: 28/05/15
Very common for chirp to get
Very common for chirp to get more noise as it's scanning lower frequencies, lower frequencies are always going to be more susceptible to noise at speed.