Chopping rod butt
Submitted by fishingaddict on Sat, 2012-03-03 15:30
Hey just wondering if anyone has attempted themselves the shortening of a surf rod butt? Just wondering how hard, what tools, how much cut off etc. It would be on my 13ft sensor surf as butt is very long, i thought i read somewhere they made them long and you could shorten them but not sure if it was the sensor.
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 01/05/11
you can reduce the length of the butt
The bottom stopper should come off if forced, it is only capped on. Trim the cork with a hack saw and replace cap. Saw the guy in the tackle shop do it for a customer one day.
I was going to do this with my 10' sensor surf as it felt long in the shop, but decided to keep it long as i like it now and its grown on me :)
Posts: 256
Date Joined: 25/12/10
measure twice, cut once! try
measure twice, cut once! try to leave a bit longer then you think as really helps casting