Club Marine condition report
Submitted by diver albie on Tue, 2015-01-13 19:02
Hi, i need to get acondition report on my boat this year before Club Marine will renew the insurance. Apparently one of their conditions on older boats. Anyone had one done before roughly what sort of cost? Tempted to tell them to stick it and insure elsewhere.
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
How old is your boat
My boat is a 14 yr old quinine, how old is yours and is it ally or glass.
diver albie
Posts: 153
Date Joined: 10/01/11
just turned 20
she'll get the keys to the house next year
fibreglass Pacemaker
Posts: 23
Date Joined: 12/05/13
I had one done at Seasport
I had one done at Seasport in Kelmscott a couple of years ago and it was about $100 from memory.
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 10/02/12
I had one done at Combined
I had one done at Combined Marine in Joondalup. Cost me $150 I think.
You'll probably find other insurance companies require the same thing.
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
I had one done at boats unlimited wangara, got the data dot included for free
Posts: 43
Date Joined: 26/08/13
Insured through sgio with 25
Insured through sgio with 25 yr old boat. No report required. Just stated what I wanted it insured for hull trailer and engine separately. Haven't tried claiming anything yet though.
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
will be battling to find
will be battling to find anyone who doesn't want a condition report every 3-5 years for a boat that age (SGIO told me a condition report was required for mine??).
I got the condition report and went to Club and when my existing insurer suddenly demanded a full survey which is a hell of a lot more $ (and said I'd have to get a full survey every three years). Needless to say they no longer have my business and club have been great. Also get additional cover/benefits with Club that I didn't have before.
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Posts: 43
Date Joined: 26/08/13
Hmm that is strange re
Hmm that is strange re report. Maybe because the boat is insured for under 15k? There are loads of boats older than 25 still registered.
diver albie
Posts: 153
Date Joined: 10/01/11
Boats Unlimited
have spoken to Karl re cost etc can live with it. Club Marine have confirmed it's a 5 yearly thing.
My issue is that no other business would get away with it, under the Trade Practices Act it is quite clearly illegal to conduct "third line forcing" where by you only provide a service once the other party has purchased an allied service from you or an aligned party.
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
understood but with boats
understood but with boats that old they are insuring an unknown (without the condition report) and the condition (seaworthiness and condition of trailer etc) could certainly contribute to a loss. If the boat was unable to be recovered (if it even existed) they would be unable to prove that the condition (for which the insured party/owner is responsible for) did not cause the loss. Would be an open loophole for potential fraud etc, otherwise and they are only trying to minimise this which helps keep our premiums down. We'd pay for it either way.
No I'm not associated with any marine insurers
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Posts: 1396
Date Joined: 25/06/09
Standard practice
We do them at work, anything 20+ should be inspected every 5 years $100-150 seems the norm. Take the boat in as you want it assessed. Eg - fix any issues before taking it down for a report as the people doing the report can only comment on the boat as they witness it.
You should see the boats that get brought into our work to have a report done. If the nav lights dont work or the battery isnt charged, Trailer is knackered then it will go on the report, Then the owner wants to debate or even better write the report themselves. We had one guy come in pissed off that we said the trailer was old, rusted, bearings knackered, welds looked dodgey and basically the whole thing needed replacing. He took the owner out the front and was telling him how everything was perfect when both port wheel bearings failed and collapsed, as the force came down it broke welds on the spring hangers/bent mudguards etc....
Personally I use the club marine condition report as like a pre trip safety checklist.
Cruise Control
Posts: 973
Date Joined: 03/11/10
Interesting, I have been
Interesting, I have been insuring with Club marine for over 25 years and have never been asked for a condition report. One boat was 16 years old and my current Cruise Craft is 12 years old. they are both 23' hulls, maybe its a size thing ?
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
20 years
hull has to be over 20yo to require the inspection
Posts: 219
Date Joined: 10/09/14
i had to get an inspection
i had to get an inspection done on a 20+ year old fibreglass boat in order to get insured through Club Marine. That included a look at the condition of the trailer and outboard
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