Dual battery Sytems



Want to replace the cheap dual battery system in my ute and start over....


What is the best value, dual bat system you can buy nowadays....


I'm out of the loop, doesn't need to be top of the wazza!





Posts: 181

Date Joined: 23/09/14

 IMO the Redarc SBi12 is what

Sat, 2021-04-03 19:59

 IMO the Redarc SBi12 is what I would be using.

I currently run a BCDC 25 amp in my 200 series which is ample with a solar panel im running for remote trips, but if your not running remote just split the batteries with the SBi12.

You can also run a toggle switch off dash to run in parrallel for jump starting off 2nd batt if required.

Purchase online as they are cheaper.

Posts: 1086

Date Joined: 21/05/12

 baintech only had issues

Sun, 2021-04-04 13:33

 baintech only 

had issues with redarc - and mates as well- can give u numbers of 3 m8s who wont ever touch redarc again


 btw baintech serivice is amazing

i lost a screw that holds the cables into the unit- stupidity on my side - fell into a spot wich meant rebuildin g the whole camper setup

was traveling thru tassie

called them  to buy a new one as its a standard thread but had a spot for a inline plug- and i wanted the original

they had a giggle about my stupidity

at their cost send a replacement speed post to a post office i was gonna be at in 2 days

Posts: 2086

Date Joined: 16/05/09

 Never had an issue with

Sat, 2021-04-10 14:35

 Never had an issue with redarc products in 15 years of using them.Currently using a couple of 50amp bcdc chargers and lith batteries.

 Do your homework timboon there is lots of options out there. For my money spend a bit more now and it will pay off in the long term.