Dunsborough/Hamelin Bay Salmon
Hi guys, first time poster here so bare with me cheers (and bare with me on another salmon thread sorry). Heading down to dunsborough for the rest of this week purely to chase salmon, as I was down there 2 weekends ago and had many close calls, breaks off's etc etc fishing off the beach at bunkers, so am keen for another shot. I will be hitting up the coast anywhere between dunsborough and augusta basically, and want to know if the late salmon run has started yet or if there are still fish schools down there? I have read all the recent forums on here, and it seems they are still running in patches but would love to know if any of you have had success lately or heard of anyone getting into the salmon, and if so maybe general areas (doesnt need to be spots). I will try out hamelin bay one day, but since I haven't been there for over a decade I cant remember if there are any fishing restrictions (no fishing zones etc) or where the tracks are onto the beach. Any help on that matter would be great! Apologies for the long post, its my last shot this season for salmon and I am keen to catch one.
Posts: 3916
Date Joined: 14/10/12
I trawled up and down the
I trawled up and down the beach at Hamlin bay for three hours last Monday (before the front) and didn't even see a fish. Even the pros on the beach looked bored.
In a desperate move, I sent out a live herring under a balloon and that even came back long bored there was so little around
Posts: 42
Date Joined: 03/12/07
To get to Hamlins go down the highway till Karadale and turn right. I think it's bushby rd. Go to the end of that and right again at caves rd. the track into Hamlins is about 400 meters on your left. You can't miss it it's the only one in. I would also give Contos a go if the swell is not up. It's about 20 Kms north of Hamlins. Look for sign slopey rock. Good spot for salmon. Hope this helps
Posts: 9
Date Joined: 05/05/13
Thanks, I know how to get
Thanks, I know how to get into the bay like to the caravan park, I was just interested to know how to get onto the tracks that lead up the beach.
Cheers, I have surfed there before but never thought about fishing there, will give it a shot.
Anyone heard anything about cape naturalist east side?
winnie 182
Posts: 21
Date Joined: 27/02/13
bushby rd
Yer just past Bushby theres a track onya left pretty open so you wont miss it , a little rocky but nothing major and only for a sort time then just a basic sand track youll get all the way down to the beach and the sand is good at the moment just let ya tires down if your going on to it, but no need to let them down until your on the dune bfore the beach.
i just parked at the top and walked down and managed to pull in a salmon, head down to the right and hit up boranup beach few more been caught down there just look for the holes / trenches.
was down there just last week before that storm come through and got 2 over the week i was down there only went fishing twice.
hope that helps
Posts: 9
Date Joined: 05/05/13
Hey thanks winnie I just
Hey thanks winnie I just used your info and looked around in google earth, just mapped out every track to the beach from hamelin bay to contos in an hour, gotta love google earth! Big stretch of beach hopefully have luck there one day. Might try cosy corner or smiths as well, hear its worth a cast. Got my spots sorted out thanks! Anymore info on where ppl have caught fish recently would be great! Seems like I am not the only one searching for salmon around the dunsborough area.
Posts: 670
Date Joined: 05/01/12
Still quite a few around
Still quite a few around rocky point(bunker bay).
new age
Posts: 330
Date Joined: 15/03/13
im looking for potential 2wd
im looking for potential 2wd destinations for salmon later this week any tips guys? Or is bunkers still the go?
Posts: 3
Date Joined: 15/02/13
I caught one a few days ago.
Down in Flinders bay just near the light house. We were chucking lures at a school of herring around the rocks to catch one for live bait and a salmon smashed the little squidgie out of nowhere ... It was a long fight on the bream stick i was using with only 4lb line and 5lb leader but I eventually managed to get it onto the beach with a smoking drag clutch and a big grin on my face ... stoked!
There was a small school there scooting around mate ... they're definately still around and it is easy to get to with a 2wd just park up off leeuwin road and walk down to the rocky little points. it is a good option when the wind is onshore at hamelin bay.
hope this helps
Posts: 249
Date Joined: 07/02/10
They are still at Bunkers
They are still at Bunkers mate, just walk around the bay flicking metals, richters ect...
check this vid out from the weekend..
Cheers Russ
Posts: 33
Date Joined: 19/05/13
Nice fish mate good to know
Nice fish mate good to know they're about!!
Might head down that way Thursday!!
4 days on 4 days off equates to 4 days work and 4 days fishing
Posts: 9
Date Joined: 05/05/13
Hey guys got back this
Hey guys got back this morning from down south and had no luck unfortunately. Nice video hey, what day did you catch him Russ? I was at bunkers/rocky point all day friday but didnt see any schools pass through, the overcast weather and dam northly winds didnt help though, might of missed them. Also tried out hamelin bay/cosy corner aswell as the usual spots from castle up to eagle bay but knowone was getting anything. Me and my mate probably got almost 100 herring between us without even targeting them when we were using 40g slices, they were just everywhere! Heard a couple of stories that the odd school is hanging around, one was in hamelin bay early morning but the guys that told us said they didnt take any lures that were thrown at them, and we saw a small bust up out from the northern point at bunkers but it didnt last very long. Another guy told us his mates caught a couple at meelup earlier during the week as well. Anyways, they are still around in small numbers, but it seems like the season is practically over, although I might be wrong.
Anyways, thanks for all the tips, we will be well prepared next year and go earlier. Cheers
Posts: 249
Date Joined: 07/02/10
Gday mate, I was there
Gday mate,
I was there saturday morning and there were a few taken on bait aswell as lure. You allways get a few fish hanging behind if they are sick or injured and once they have recooperated they will jump on the back of a passing school and continue on their way.
I would wait till reports start too show up of salmon at white hills or the cut and have another crack at them mate.
Cheers Russ
Posts: 225
Date Joined: 19/06/12
As Choc and Ruste said still a few comming through at Rockys , bit hit n miss tho. When wind and swell allow the beaches and rocks north of Sugars have still been producing with tailor thrown in the mix . The Pro's have packed it up for the year from Hamlin , they did get over 100 tonne for the season .
Posts: 27
Date Joined: 29/04/13
We caught 4 at Rockies on
We caught 4 at Rockies on Saturday
i just had a live herring on a blob sitting about 5-10 metres from the rocks and waited then once that hooked up I would get my mate to cast a mulie out there was always more salmon going for the herring
Posts: 27
Date Joined: 29/04/13
the ones we caught were all this size