Eco Beach near Broom - tips?

 Hi All,

Heading up to Eco Beach near Broome this Friday.

Just curious if anyone has been up there recently? I believe member Swampa may have had the pleasure, but could not find a report..

Would be great to hear any suggestions with regard to which lures are the go (poppers and twisties I guess)..

Cheers guys!


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Posts: 3913

Date Joined: 14/10/12

I have not been up since I

Wed, 2014-08-06 12:45

I have not been up since I joined this site but will be up in a couple of weeks and will brag.

Creek fishing from a boat, I have caught jacks, Threadies and Queenies. Wife got a Barra.

Offshore in the boat, we have picked up Macks, Cuda's, Gt's Mulloway, big cod tuna and Cobia (all in the same afternoon).

The guys quite regularly pick up sails too, though I am not sure what time of the year.

Off the beach, I have seen people get Macks and Queenies. Personally, I have caught a small Trevally though have never taken my own gear, and just used bait.

If you get to do a tour of Jacks Creek at low tide, it is worth a go just to see what it is like with no water in it.

Kurt (whom runs the fishing tours) is a good bloke. He knows his shit.

Finally, fish the hours between high tide. Big tides = dirty water and unfortunately pretty average fishing.

Are you staying in a tent or villa?

Posts: 11

Date Joined: 03/06/14

 Thanks mate, much

Wed, 2014-08-06 20:02

 Thanks mate, much appreciated.

Sounds like you had a blast that afternoon off shore! 

We'll taking our own gear, both for off shore and land based.

We'll be staying in a villa. Had originally intended to try a tent, but as it was a last minute decision those were all booked out.

Will let you know how we go.


Posts: 17

Date Joined: 29/10/10

Go see Kurt

Thu, 2014-08-07 14:56

He'll get you a sail in the morning and a barra in the arvo!

Posts: 11

Date Joined: 03/06/14

 Sounds great. Booked in with

Thu, 2014-08-07 15:34

 Sounds great. Booked in with Kurt already.

Can't wait; heading up tomorrow. Will report back upon return. Hopefully in the Brag section..

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Posts: 3913

Date Joined: 14/10/12

So howd ya go?

Tue, 2014-08-12 12:33

So howd ya go?

Posts: 11

Date Joined: 03/06/14

 Just got back last night;

Thu, 2014-08-14 11:47

 Just got back last night; great holiday, beautiful part of the world! Resort was great.

Fishing wise, we had a lot of fun on the beach (Whiting, Dart and Golden Trevally), but nothing too big. Queenies did not seem to be around. Throughout our stay we saw plenty of birds working the breaks, but no bust ups by fish. Bait (squid) is definitely the go; available from resort.

The day with Kurt was okay, but heavily impacted by strong winds. I recommend you plan your trip with him carefully, as it's not cheap and you want to get value for your money. We ended up going into Jack Creek's, caught a few Queenies, Jack and Cod. Nice day out, but not what we expected/came out for (Macks/Tuna). Hence, if weather looks bad, next time I would cancel for another day.

Great part of the world, we would definitely go back there. Resort is very nice, food is great! you were ritgh about the tides; quite facinating to watch.

Have a great time when you are heading up there.



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Posts: 3913

Date Joined: 14/10/12

Bit of a shame the boat trip

Thu, 2014-08-14 14:39

Bit of a shame the boat trip didn't live up to the potential and I know what you mean about pre-bookings. I looked at the tides, and with the super moon, it was always going to be a tough one. The ripping easterlies wouldn't have helped.

As before, I have fished 4 times with Kurt. 1st was on mid tides, we cleaned up. 2nd was building to big tides and was OK, 3rd closer to bigger tides and was pretty poor, 3rd was the day after a super moon and we picked up three sharks. That was all.

I am up there in 11 days and really, my best opportunity will be the day after I arrive as the tides get too big but I will see what they have been catching before I hand my money over.

As much of a nice bloke he is, it is quite a wad of cash.

Were you ocean front, ocean view or garden view?

Posts: 11

Date Joined: 03/06/14

 We stayed in a garden view

Fri, 2014-08-15 10:35

 We stayed in a garden view villa; very comfortable.

We drove a hire car from Broome, which turned out quite a good move as it allowed us to grab some groceries on the way there (snacks, water and some food to make some lunches etc).

On the fishing: I was quite happy to have caught our first Queenies; they were one of the target species.

Good luck for your trip; let us know how you go.

Posts: 11

Date Joined: 03/06/14

 Hey Swompa, how did you go

Sat, 2014-09-06 14:26

 Hey Swompa, how did you go up at Eco Beach?