Had a quick look but can't find any recent info.
Have the FADs been deployed yet? any updated on when they might go out if they haven't already?
Posts: 144
Date Joined: 19/12/13
Hi Noxious,
Fads were due to be put out from the 9th up until today the 11th of November.
We should start to see some activity out there within a couple of weeks.
Hope this helps.
CACW Nedlands
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Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Saw photos of them being loaded onto the vessel on Monday, but not heard update since.
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Compleat Nedlands
Posts: 144
Date Joined: 19/12/13
Hi Noxious, Fads were due to
Hi Noxious,
Fads were due to be put out from the 9th up until today the 11th of November.
We should start to see some activity out there within a couple of weeks.
Hope this helps.
CACW Nedlands
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Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Saw photos of them being loaded onto the vessel on Monday, but not heard update since.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance