Fishable Wrecks off Carnarvon

 Heading to Carnarvon shortly, has anyone any info on any fishable wrecks within 20 nauticals miles of Carnarvon?

Regards Rob "On the Level" 


On the Level

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

Date Joined: 24/07/07


Mon, 2009-06-15 17:21

There is the Lady Joyce/Joyous which is 10nm on 210deg from the last marker on the leads from the big boat harbour,the exact lats and longs can be obtained of an information board at the main boat ramp.Somewhere in the close vicinity of it is another wreck of a 42 foot vessel that sank about 18months back.
Scattered around the Lady Joyce there are a few tyre reefs,these are all nearly within 1nm of the wreck,its just a matter of cruisin around untill you come across one and anchoring over it.
The trick with the Joyce is to be the first boat there after a blow because it gets a fair hammering from the locals and tourists.If you're thinking of having a dive on it be warned,there are 2-3 biiiggg tigers that regularly haunt the area.They go between 10-15feet,so a diver is only a mouthfull for them.
The other option is to head to the islands--around 30nm or north towards the blowholes and Beejarling Shoals where you can nearly always get a pinkie or spanglie with mackies tossed in.With these other options the weather is a big player if you've only got a small boat

Posts: 35

Date Joined: 13/06/09

Wrecks (Carnarvonite)

Mon, 2009-06-15 19:50

Carnarvonite, Thanks for that, will inform the crew about the tigers. Not a fan of the BIG TIGERS, they are always chasing a feed. By the way nice red emp.

regards Rob "On the Level"


On the Level

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15652

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Tue, 2009-06-16 09:31

Yep, they were getting a lot of mulloway and pinks during Canarfin from there.


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Posts: 35

Date Joined: 13/06/09

Carnarvon Wrecks

Tue, 2009-06-16 16:24

Adam, Thanks for that info, hopefully we'll get some good brag photos for the site.

regards Rob


On the Level