Fisheries Minister & Recfishwest 2008 Annual General Meeting

Recfishwest 2008 Annual General Meeting

The Recfishwest 2008 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Friday 24 October in the "Wardroom" at the Fremantle Sailing Club on Marine Terrace, Fremantle commencing at 7.30pm.

Nominations for positions on the Recfishwest Board of Management are now being called and will close on 24 September, unless there are insufficient nominations.

The AGM will include elections to fill a number of Public Board Member positions as well as one Special General Board Member position on the Recfishwest Board of Management.

The AGM also provides the opportunity for Recfishwest members to discuss any matters of relevance regarding recreational fisheries management and share some refreshments at the conclusion of the formal proceedings.


At the 2008 AGM there will be vacancies for:

•    Four Public Board Members for two-year terms

•    One Special General Board Member for a two-year term and

•    One Public Board Member for a one-year balance of term

These vacancies follow the completion of terms of Norman Halse, Des Wood, Craig Leatt-Hayter, Allan Bevan and a Special General Board Member term of the Australian Fishing Tackle Association (AFTA). All are eligible to re-nominate. The one-year balance of term has arisen from the resignation of Dr Howard Gill part way through his two-year term.

An election is required to determine who shall fill these vacancies. Nominations to fill these vacant positions are open to Public Members of Recfishwest. We strongly encourage any interested Recfishwest members to nominate for a position on the Board.

The four candidates with the greatest number of votes will be elected to a two-year term. The fifth candidate with the greatest number of votes will be elected to the one-year balance of term. The two-year term for the Special General Board Member position will be filled by either the Australian Fishing Tackle Association or the Charter Boat Owners and Operators Association, depending on which of the two Associations gains the greatest number of votes. A further casual vacancy for one year may arise if the Chairman of Recfishwest is elected from amongst the Public Board Members at the first Board meeting following the AGM.

ONLY financial members will be entitled to vote at the AGM, so please renew your membership if required. We will have contacted you separately if your membership is due to expire before the AGM.

The Ballot papers will be forwarded separately.

BOARD OF MANAGEMENT as at 1st August 2008

* Craig Leatt-Hayter    Chairman, Public Board Member, Chair-Executive Committee, Chair - Audit Committee

* Norman Halse    Deputy Chair, Public Board Member, Chair Research Sub Committee

* Des Wood    Public Board Member, Chair-Policy Development Committee

* Allan Bevan    Public Board Member

*** Howard Gill    Public Board Member

Jamie Chester    Public Board Member

Mark Morris    Public Board Member

** Steven Gill    Public Board Member

John Webber    General Board Member (WAGFA), Chair-Sport Development Committee

Harry Vosper    General Board Member (WATFAA)

Stephen Gilders    General Board Member (ANSA)

Terry Fuller    General Board Member (AAA), Chair Communications and Membership Committee

Joe Petrovich    General Board Member (AUF)

Ben Patrick    Special General Board Member (AFTA)

* Vacancies due to completion of term.

** Currently backfilling for the Chairman position and will be required to be filled if a Public Board Member is elected as Chairman.

*** Resigned part way through two-year term.



Beavering away in the background.......

Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.

You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?

Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.

You can join for just $20 or $10 for over 65/under 18, $40 for a family of 4 - by post, by phone 9246 3366, fax 9246 5955, by email , in person, or fill in a website form see

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Fisheries Minister and RFW AGM

Fri, 2008-10-03 23:58


The new Minister for Fisheries, Hon Norman Moore, MLC, has accepted an invitation and will attend this Recfishwest Annual General Meeting.

Nominations have been received for the Board Member positions, from:-

Andrew Rowland

Matthew Gillett

Steven Gill

Peter Blyth

Andrew Matthews

Craig Leatt-Hayter

Norman Halse

Michael Sawyer

Des Wood

Tim Carter - AFTA - WA (This position is not being contested)

The Recfishwest 2008 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Friday 24 October in the "Wardroom" at the Fremantle Sailing Club on Marine Terrace, Fremantle commencing at 7.30pm.

Information and ballot papers will be posted to Recfishwest members commencing 7 October.

Full details including Agenda for AGM, Candidates' Background Paper, Minutes of 2007 AGM in



Beavering away in the background.......

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Fisheries Minister and RFW AGM

Wed, 2008-10-15 17:50

Recfishwest posted out the Ballot papers and information for the Annual General Meeting on 8 October.

If you are a RFW member and have not received your ballot paper & information by now, (Wednesday 15 October), please contact the Recfishwest office 9246 3366 or email

Financial individual members are entitled to one vote and family members are entitled to two votes.

With 9 nominations for the Board, it would really help a lot if members sent in their votes by post using the reply paid envelope (no stamp needed) so that fewer votes have to be counted on the night. Election results will be announced at the meeting.

Postal votes must be received by Thursday 23 October.

Fisheries Minister Norman Moore will attend the Annual General Meeting.

And as with most AGMs, attendance is limited to Recfishwest members only or invited guests, and voting is restricted to financial members only.

Full details



Beavering away in the background.......

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Time's a passing.

Mon, 2008-10-20 19:46

Time's a passing.

Recfishwest members who are not able to get to the AGM:- if you haven't already, please post your ballot papers early tomorrow, Tuesday 21 October to have any chance of getting to the RFW PO box by Thursday.

Or arrange someone to hand deliver it to Recfishwest during business hours at the Watermans Bay Marine Centre, West Coast Drive, (opposite Elvire Street) Waterman.

Please contact the Recfishwest office 9246 3366 or email with any questions.



Beavering away in the background.......

big john's picture

Posts: 8763

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Mon, 2008-10-20 20:00

Yeah my ballot's been posted in Terry.

Anyone heard of this 'Andrew Matthews' fella who is one of the candidates? Laughing


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