Fishing Points settings
Submitted by 420casts on Sat, 2018-01-13 13:33
Im using an app called Fishing Points as a catch log and it has a weather funtion on it including tide data, however there are three options in the settings that read: Mean Lower Low Water, lowest Astronomical Tide and Mean Sea Level. Can anyone on here help me understand the difference so I can try set this up to function correctly ? Also if anyone has had good timez with this or any other apps fishing related I'd be interested in hearing. Cheers !
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Start with the easiest - Lowest Astronomical Tide or LAT is just that, so out of all the known low tides, its the lowest and (I think) what charts are referenced to. So if a chart says 5m, it means 5m of water at LAT. Any other time, you have a bit more to play with. Mean sea level is just the average of all the tides. Mean Lower Low sounds a bit weird, but I’d guess its the mean height (above LAT) of all the low tides, so an “average” low tide height.
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