Fishwrecked Storage Size?

How many nb/gigs of photos and videos must you have up now? There must be a shitload by now eh?

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

FW Statistics

Mon, 2006-06-19 18:01

Measuring since … 16 August 2005
Total number of page views up till now 99180
Busiest day so far 5 February 2006
Page views 1005

Nearly 100,000 views in under a year, quietly happy with that and 25% being International visitors.

Disk usage 3618.61 Megabytes
Bandwidth usage (current month) 28253.81 Megabytes

Month Uniques Returns Pages Hits Bandwidth
Jan 2006 1070 2858 24859 144829 6.03 GB
Feb 2006 3640 7608 57948 240491 33.53 GB
Mar 2006 2709 7093 86888 276279 28.17 GB
Apr 2006 2724 6678 84376 264508 20.91 GB
May 2006 3074 7751 123803 378521 21.41 GB
Jun 2006 1833 4788 68286 224746 14.53 GB

Last Weeks transfers - U.S time format
12 Jun 2006 1.73 GB
13 Jun 2006 1.26 GB
14 Jun 2006 1.60 GB
15 Jun 2006 1.56 GB
16 Jun 2006 912.89 MB
17 Jun 2006 716.14 MB
18 Jun 2006 234.64 MB

Percentage of where the hits have come from.
1. Australia 74888 75.5 %
2. United States 6300 6.4 %
3. Singapore 3694 3.7 %
4. Hong Kong 2067 2.1 %
5. France 1501 1.5 %
6. Malaysia 1291 1.3 %
7. Spain 1136 1.1 %
8. Canada 727 0.7 %
9. Indonesia 502 0.5 %
10. United Kingdom 498 0.5 %
Unknown 2533 2.6 %
The rest 4043 4.1 %
Total 99180 100.0 %


Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

SHizz's picture

Posts: 1556

Date Joined: 07/08/05

"The Rest 4.1%" Osama must

Mon, 2006-06-19 18:47

"The Rest 4.1%"

Osama must have a thing for jigging videos too :P

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

Date Joined: 18/08/05

pretty good stats there

Mon, 2006-06-19 19:42

pretty good stats there Adam.. lets hope it keeps getting bigger ;)

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

100,000 hits

Tue, 2006-06-20 18:30

Measuring since … 16 August 2005
Total number of page views up till now 100,000 has just had its first 100,000 views, onwards and upwards. :)


Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance