Flares and Lifejackets what is required

Hi not sure if I have posted on Fishwrecked before as I lived in WA about 12 years ago for 5 years. I have again moved back from not so sunny Queensland and I am looking at putting my boat in the water soon. Long story short I went to a well know fishing store(starting with B and ending in F) to buy some new flares. I went to the counter and asked for flares and the young lady went to the cupboard and presented me with a set of inshore flares(2 orange flares and 2 red handheld flares) I said sorry I was after a set of offshore flares. She then told me they are only selling the inshore ones now as the offshore ones are not required anymore. Anyway I must have looked confused(not unusual for me as I am always confused) she then printed something off and gave it to me to read, which did indeed say that you only need the inshore kit now, so I purchased these yesterday. After just looking on the DOT site I am still a little confused as to what is required. Can some of the locals and more knowledgeable folk clear the is up for me, please keep it simple as I am from Queensland.

Next problem is lifejackets. DOT site states”When operating beyond 400 meters from shore in unprotected waters, everyone must wear a lifejacket (level 100 or higher)", this is for registrable vessels under 4.8 meters. My dilemma is that the boat I have is a small Cruise craft model called the Lure, Cruise Craft state the length as being 4.7 meters which is the approx waterline length however the overall length is closer to 4.87 meters, I haven’t as yet transferred the registration to WA as I only just got the boat here last week. So when I do register it do I put down the length stated by Cruise Craft or do I put down the actual overall length? Thereby getting around the problem of having to wear a lifejacket all the time offshore, I know some of you are going to say I should do this and generally I would but sometimes it is hot and I would like to take it off. Again please keep it simple.

Cheers for the help


Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18006

Date Joined: 11/03/08

As far as life jackets go you

Sun, 2024-04-28 16:34

As far as life jackets go you can get them that are like bum bags. Which wouldn't be a problem in the heat.

First I heard about off shore flare


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 14935

Date Joined: 30/11/09


Sun, 2024-04-28 17:20




Love the West!

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Date Joined: 01/08/11

 Thanks Sea-kem thats looks

Sun, 2024-04-28 20:34

 Thanks Sea-kem thats looks alot simpler. So yes I just need to the 2 red and 2 orange flares. Still have the dilemma with the boat and lifejackets, I do have inflatable ones but as I said before I like to take them off, yes I suppose I could get the bum bag types.

But still unsure what to register my boat as, as the overall length from bow without the bow roller is around 4.87, is this an option to have the vessel registered at this length? Cruise craft say it is 4.7 meters. Need to do a bit more investigating.