getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.
Having been advised to run my car on 97 Vortex for a while to clean the injectors, and intake syatem, (additives in the fuel) I have found that on 97 octane, fuel consumption has improved quite a bit over ULP, that my weekly bill is the same or slightly less, and with a better running motor.
Sorry mate couldn't tell ya, never actually measured it. I just head in if it ever gets down to 1/4 full. Are you taken back on how much you are using?
Averages 1.5km/lt at cruising speed ie. 25kn but now I am starting to question the accuracey of the fuel flow meter on the Lowrance. It recorded 27lt coming back from Rotto last week when I was running on a 22lt tank that only had 17lt in it. Go figure!
Average of about 1km/1.6 litres x 2 - needless to say I dont do too much fishing 50nm out but the ride in a bit of nasty weather more than makes up for it when you weigh about 8 tonne.
Posts: 1136
Date Joined: 10/06/09
in car boat diesel inboard
in car boat diesel inboard out board ali glass 5hp 300 hp?
getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.
Posts: 652
Date Joined: 21/09/09
On the subject of fuel consumption.
Having been advised to run my car on 97 Vortex for a while to clean the injectors, and intake syatem, (additives in the fuel) I have found that on 97 octane, fuel consumption has improved quite a bit over ULP, that my weekly bill is the same or slightly less, and with a better running motor.
Posts: 2751
Date Joined: 02/04/11
All here
All here
In reality i get 1.5kms per 1L driving like i do which is well above cruising. At a crusing speed it would be a lot better.
Trophy 4.3lMPI 2152 2600kgs+people and gear.
Posts: 30
Date Joined: 02/06/12
Thanks for the link
I was hoping some of the jetski fishing boys might reply, as the thread is started in the jetskifishing forum.
The boat info is interesting, thanks again.
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Sorry mate couldn't tell ya,
Sorry mate couldn't tell ya, never actually measured it. I just head in if it ever gets down to 1/4 full. Are you taken back on how much you are using?
Posts: 392
Date Joined: 24/07/11
Mines not bad
Averages 1.5km/lt at cruising speed ie. 25kn but now I am starting to question the accuracey of the fuel flow meter on the Lowrance. It recorded 27lt coming back from Rotto last week when I was running on a 22lt tank that only had 17lt in it. Go figure!
Wherever you go, there you are
Posts: 82
Date Joined: 14/12/11
You guys get it easy
Average of about 1km/1.6 litres x 2 - needless to say I dont do too much fishing 50nm out but the ride in a bit of nasty weather more than makes up for it when you weigh about 8 tonne.
One day I hope to replace the boat picture I am using with one of a decent fish...One day...