Furuno FCV 585 transducer

Ok guys just doing more homework on buying a 585. I need to know the best tranducer to go with this unit for the kind of fishing I'm doing. It will mostly be in the 20-50m range. Will the standard transducer that comes with the unit be ok? or is there something else that is better suited? I have already Asked Simon C some of the questions but more opinions are a good thing. It will be used for bottom hunting so I want to exploit the units maximum capabillity for that. Any help appreciated fellas.


Love the West!

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Any of the 1kW multi element

Mon, 2011-09-12 07:43

Any of the 1kW multi element transom-mount jobs is probably your best bet.

Furuno FCV-585, then click the tab that says equipment list, and then the Airmar TM258, 260 and 270W. Check this PDF for spec. What you're looking at is the beamwidth at the depths you're operating at, and the rx and tx senstivity ratings, more detail on the individual product pages.

I don't think there is any denying that 1kw is better than 600W, could be a hard sell putting a 2kW on for those depths though.


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Posts: 1617

Date Joined: 28/08/07

get as wide a beam

Mon, 2011-09-12 09:40

as you can for fishing shallow ,We have 22' on our 585 but only 11' on the 295 and the amount of fish you see on the 585 v the 295 ishuge but it helps us find the fish because if it dosnt show on the 295 then we know the fish arnt straight under the boat