Gold coast fishing
Submitted by Snapperhunter on Mon, 2014-09-08 23:12
Hey guys heading to the gold coast next month, want to be able to get in a fish whilst up there any idea on some good spots up there that could produce me some trevally ect and also some spots on where there could be some bigger stuff hanging around such as jews,pelagics and sharks
Posts: 2630
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Seaway entry - big mullas, big eye trevs etc
Better from a boat than shore but still well worth hitting up, live bait really does well
Posts: 32
Date Joined: 25/10/12
Is there a jetty/pier
Is there a jetty/pier anywhere along the coast?
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Date Joined: 02/01/11
Sand pumping jetty next to
Sand pumping jetty next to sea way, I have only caught bream, whiting and dart there
Posts: 2630
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Umpteen jetties, but the seaway is a prime spot
Some truly excellent charter operators at reasonable cost too
Posts: 32
Date Joined: 25/10/12
I have heard a few stories
I have heard a few stories of the odd big jewie being pulled out of there after i done abit of research, thanks guys hope i can be one of the lucky ones to hook into something decent there
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Date Joined: 13/04/11
Snapperhunter: Yes your
Snapperhunter: Yes your right morning and nights you will generlly see alot of tinnies anchored up all in a line, fishing the underwater pipeline!
Thats where the jews are. I cant comment landbased fishing, i have done a fair bit of fishing offshore though. Chasing Blue Marlin & kingies.... but those king marks/areas are a well kep secret.
I know in the river/estuary what ever you want to call it, if you want some good fun and drag being pulled, there are plenty of sharks./
a hard days fishing still beats work
PGFC member
GCGFC membersunshine
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Date Joined: 03/03/09
Live baits are the key - good luck
I really enjoyed a week there, no big mullas but some nice fish and even got a 60cm snapper off the pipeline - a charter is really worth considering if finances allow
Posts: 32
Date Joined: 25/10/12
Terboz which river system
Terboz which river system and any aprox locations on where in the river?
Posts: 32
Date Joined: 25/10/12
Would it be worth a charter out of there this time of year and also how does the swell go in terms of size there at the moment