Golden - POTM

 Ningaloo Station land based Golden on 20lb. Good times!

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beau's picture

Posts: 4104

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Good fish but for potm try

Wed, 2013-07-24 12:12

Good fish but for potm try Create Content (top left corner)-> Photo. Then choose Brag board album. This makes it easier for Adam to find the photo as he looks through the album rather than looking through all the forum posts. :)


scottland's picture

Posts: 3038

Date Joined: 10/05/10


Wed, 2013-07-24 12:24

 The picture of the month album is a dam fine place for it to be


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

FISH-ON's picture

Posts: 469

Date Joined: 19/07/11


Wed, 2013-07-24 12:32



Be patient and calm - for no one can catch fish in anger

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15645

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Wed, 2013-07-24 12:51

cheers Beau. To be in the running for potm, it must be submitted as an individual image as theres too many forums for me to check.


Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

shorething's picture

Posts: 244

Date Joined: 05/10/11

 Hey Adam, so is this

Wed, 2013-07-24 15:52

 Hey Adam, so is this suitable or do I need to add it elsewhere? 

MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

Date Joined: 15/06/09

The other pic

Wed, 2013-07-24 16:24

before its throat was cut is a better pic IMO

shorething's picture

Posts: 244

Date Joined: 05/10/11

 maybe they both need to be

Thu, 2013-07-25 20:57

 maybe they both need to be entered then :D