Hunting Properties (Rifle)

 G'day crew, just wondering if anyone can swing me a property that will allow me to hunt feral animals on using a .308 calibre rifle... My property is all the way up in Carnarvon... 


Hunting & Fishing isn’t about the pursuit of an animal, it’s about who we are as Humans.

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 hey skrew loose..i shoot

Thu, 2014-11-27 09:04

 hey skrew loose..i shoot heaps on many different properties chasing pigs, goats, roos and rabbits..willing to take you for a shoot next time i go in return for the same mate

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 gday mate i do a lot of

Thu, 2014-11-27 09:50

 gday mate i do a lot of hunting usually go up to bolgart east of toodyay for rabbits and foxes not far either 

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did u buy a property letter

Thu, 2014-11-27 11:07

did u buy a property letter and have no where to shoot, ? getting afire arm these days is way to easy, what about go door knocking and meeting farmers face to face and explain what u do and why u do it, thats how i got my places to shoot then u get the next door property, do the ground work and get rewards

jayce's picture

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Bullshit when was the last

Thu, 2014-11-27 12:44

Bullshit when was the last time you left work to get a property?

I agree but head out for a door knock and talk to some farmers.

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door knocked a few places

Thu, 2014-11-27 13:20

door knocked a few places latley thank you,

jayce's picture

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Get kicked of your cream

Thu, 2014-11-27 13:25

Get kicked of your cream joints for missing pigs all the time?

Posts: 633

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what are u talking about?

Thu, 2014-11-27 13:33

what are u talking about?

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 A bloke named "skrew loose"

Thu, 2014-11-27 13:59

 A bloke named "skrew loose" armed with a 308 asking for properties to shoot on 

Dont take this the wrong way but...

Honestly, (and im a life longer shooter/hunter) if i was a property owner id expect at least a proper name before responding to such a serious request.

I get many messages from people here asking for Abrolhos info etc but if they dont have even a christian name usually i dont respond.

But thats just me 


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Thu, 2014-11-27 14:10


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

SKREW-LOOSE's picture

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My name is Mathew Di Carlo,

Thu, 2014-11-27 15:58

My name is Mathew Di Carlo, i'm licensed and skrew-loose is the name of my record label and clothing line, as i am a business owner/director. 


Hunting & Fishing isn’t about the pursuit of an animal, it’s about who we are as Humans.

SKREW-LOOSE's picture

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 Yeow, cheeers guys, nah i

Thu, 2014-11-27 15:54

 Yeow, cheeers guys,


nah i know a few blokes with properties, they are just so far to get too.... 


Hunting & Fishing isn’t about the pursuit of an animal, it’s about who we are as Humans.

SKREW-LOOSE's picture

Posts: 49

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 Check your inbox Sambo84

Thu, 2014-11-27 15:56

 Check your inbox Sambo84


Hunting & Fishing isn’t about the pursuit of an animal, it’s about who we are as Humans.

darren monks's picture

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doorknocking and face-to-face

Tue, 2014-12-02 20:15

doorknocking and face-to-face asking the big Q - do enough of it in the right manner and gates will eventually open. good luck.

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Hi, I am in the same boat as

Wed, 2014-12-03 08:09

Hi, I am in the same boat as skrew-loose. Would love to find a property or even go door knocking, but i don't know where to start. Any suggestions of areas or suburbs with farms large enough to shoot a .308 calibre rife, a point in the right direction would be much appreciated. The property letter i got for my rifle is from Canarvon too, and its just way too far.

jayce's picture

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Seems alot of guys are

Wed, 2014-12-03 08:49

Seems alot of guys are getting letters from Carnarvon. Probably all from the same station that is selling property letters?

Drive a couple of hours out of perth and start door knocking.

The Problem most people have when they buy a letter is they think they need the biggest gun they can get and unfortunatly that will put most farmers off.
For the average recreational shooter in WA you dont need to go bigger than a 243.

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have to agree somewhat

Wed, 2014-12-03 12:10

have to agree somewhat there-a .308 has limited application and specially around Perth Im not sure what you'd specifically want it for other than target.

For me-the most fun comes easily from the .22 even though I have others


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Yeah initially i got it for

Wed, 2014-12-03 12:59

Yeah initially i got it for target shooting but would like to now try and do some hunting with it. I probably should have got a .22 first as they can be used on farms locally. oh well.

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You dont actually need a

Wed, 2014-12-03 13:26

You dont actually need a letter for from a property for target shooting.

Is that your first firearm?


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darren monks's picture

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well, i shoot pigs (100kg

Wed, 2014-12-03 13:26

well, i shoot pigs (100kg boars and .308's are like strawberries and cream combo) and big red deer (anything less than a .270 and you're under gunned) not far from Perth for my .308 so it depends what you're after.

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 i shoot camels and donkeys

Thu, 2014-12-04 07:05

 i shoot camels and donkeys up at kumarina i only got a .25-06 and it does the job mate u know yourself it all depends on where ur hittin them try for the chest on them units its like throwin stones at em they wont budge

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Yes first firearm, and i

Wed, 2014-12-03 13:30

Yes first firearm, and i wanted the letter for the option of going on a hunt later down the track. Otherwise if i got it through a club then it would only be Target shooting. This way i keep my options open.

I'm not too fussed on what to hunt. Ideally pigs and goats would be awesome but i'd hunt any feral animal thats suited to a .308.

darren monks's picture

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.308 is one hell of a first

Thu, 2014-12-04 18:43

.308 is one hell of a first firearm (as most WA boys grow up shooting .22's and shottys etc under supervision and with nothing much bigger than a fox to aim at) and does make it harder getting access (unless there's biggish ferals on a biggish property - which isn't the mainstay in WA south west). hard but not impossible and I'd be thinking of pigs within a couple hours of perth.

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that is what I was thinking

Thu, 2014-12-04 22:12

that is what I was thinking but didnt want to say-kind of like a Kawasaki Ninja as a first bike.

Im dead against suggesting any new regulations, but I thought there was already something in place to restrict first firearms from a Hi power


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darren monks's picture

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dunno how to post images, as

Thu, 2014-12-04 18:54

dunno how to post images, as there are better maps, but this website gives a real general overview on pigs

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I don't see why a high power

Fri, 2014-12-05 09:13

I don't see why a high power firearm should be regulated? Any firearm has the capacity to do damage or kill someone regardless of the calibre. In my country in europe the .22 calibre is the hardest to get a license for because they are cheap to shoot and people use them in their yards for rabbits, foxes etc. and when they hit a person the grain usually gets stuck in a person causing infection and other damage. They have killed the most people in my country because they were the easiest to get and shoot. If you are responsible and follow all safety procedures, like you agreed to when applying for a license, it shouldn't matter if its a .308 or .22 calibre. The only problem with a high calibre rifle is the limitation of where you can legally go for a shoot or hunt.


And thanks for that pdf darren. I'm going to wagoe for fishing around christmas, on the way I might stop off if we see properties 2+ hours out of perth and see if i can get permission.

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From what your are writing

Fri, 2014-12-05 13:24

From what your are writing reveals part of the problem unfortunately.

A 308 with even a reasonably placed shot could easily pass straight thru a lightweight goat or roo with more residual energy than a .222 has at the muzzle.

Once it does this it is uncontrolled and could easily travel a huge distance with huge killing power remaining.

Im not saying you are a poor shot but just the fact that an inexperienced person could buy that as a first firearm on an open licence worries me.

No different to a P plate rider under 250cc or driver with turbo/V8 excluded.



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Thats why property

Fri, 2014-12-05 15:00

Thats why property restrictions for rifles exist. For a .308 you can only shoot on a property thats at least "x" amount of square metres. (not sure how big). Plus what your saying can happen to the most experienced shooter. As long as you shoot with safety in mind then i think its fine. My opinion anyway, and the government tends to agree with me. Hence why i purchased a .308 at the age of 21 with no problems.

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 The restrictions you refer

Fri, 2014-12-05 16:14

 The restrictions you refer to are only for providing the letter, not actually shooting on.

This is to stop someone with a 100 acres writing letters.

But you could still use it on that 100 acres if its otherwise not unsafe.

Unless there has been recent changes in this regard.


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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

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SKREW-LOOSE's picture

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 Please privately message me

Fri, 2014-12-05 16:05

 Please privately message me if you are all keen on a hunt! I'll even pay good money for the hook-up to hunt on a property! 


Hunting & Fishing isn’t about the pursuit of an animal, it’s about who we are as Humans.

SKREW-LOOSE's picture

Posts: 49

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 A .243 is the same size

Fri, 2014-12-05 16:07

 A .243 is the same size bullet as a .308's just thinner... 


Hunting & Fishing isn’t about the pursuit of an animal, it’s about who we are as Humans.

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Firearm laws

Fri, 2014-12-05 17:02

Most of the firearm laws are liveable with, however some in my opinion can not be justified. You can't buy 30 cal sabbots, why because the projectile (22 cal) will not have any rifling marks on it after firing. Well what about shot gun pellets or slugs same same. IMO if sabbots were allowed you would not need to get another rifle to bust bunnies, foxed etc namely a 22 cal moderate/high velocity rifle which, imo is much safer than the humble 22rf because of the much reduced chance of a ricochet.
Oh well such is life.

darren monks's picture

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skrew loose - what kinda

Fri, 2014-12-05 17:59

skrew loose - what kinda calibre ballistic comparison is that - "thinner"??

a .308 can push twice as much lead as a .243 can??

exponential hitting power.

SKREW-LOOSE's picture

Posts: 49

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 Yeah, .308 is just a thicker

Wed, 2014-12-10 13:42

 Yeah, .308 is just a thicker bullet...


like to see you kill a pig with a .22 LOL


Hunting & Fishing isn’t about the pursuit of an animal, it’s about who we are as Humans.

skipjack's picture

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tikka t3 in .223 is the way

Wed, 2014-12-10 18:54

tikka t3 in .223 is the way to go i also have a t3 in 300wm witch i got licenced on a 22000 acre property 2 hours from perth it just has to match the vermin and reason

SKREW-LOOSE's picture

Posts: 49

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Tikka t3's are amazing

Thu, 2014-12-11 00:31

Tikka t3's are amazing rifles!


Hunting & Fishing isn’t about the pursuit of an animal, it’s about who we are as Humans.

darren monks's picture

Posts: 110

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they had over 10,000 people

Thu, 2014-12-11 08:27

they had over 10,000 people attend the shot show at Claremont Shwogrounds on the weekend.

lot's of toys on display.

highlight for me was meeting Rob from 'Beyond the Divide'.

Hanging out to stalk in on some stubble swine early Jan under full moon.

Posts: 78

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 Hey buddy, how'd you go with

Thu, 2016-07-21 18:03

 Hey buddy, how'd you go with finding a property? My old man and I are also looking but it's harder than it used to be haha

let me know if you know anywhere we will also pay all fees