Hydrastar / P3 setup

Have just installed new Hydrastar to the dual axle trailer and Tekonsha P3 to the car. Had difficulties bleeding brakes and located the problem as the Hydrastar not building enoiugh pressure. This led to check the P3 output. Seems that when I wiggle the wires into the P3 the output voltage increases and the hydrastar starts working (can hear the pressure build and pump noise increase).

Just wondering what output voltage other users get when the brake pedal is pressed. I'm geting 1.5V and it appears the hydrastar works ok when the wires are wiggled and the output gets above about 6V. Seems like there's a bad connection inside the new P3 as with the 1.5V output the brakes don't activate.

Anyone help me on this? Cheers.

jr_frosty's picture

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 sounds like there is a

Sun, 2012-10-21 12:48

 sounds like there is a problem with the adjuster on the brake control unit in the car. The voltage going to the trailer will change as to how high you have the adjuster wound up on the control unit. I have only ever worked with the redarc controllers, i would be checking the connections where it has been wired into the controller considering that when you wiggle it the voltage increases. check how the unit is earthed as well. Hope this helps a little. Dan




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Have you run a hot wire to

Sun, 2012-10-21 17:37

Have you run a hot wire to the plug as most hyralic brake systems need this to keep pressure up.


Dinkum Auto Electrical A/C & Mechanical Unit 10/16 Kent way Malaga 0438755754 Also Mobile

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Sun, 2012-10-21 18:23

The wires into the controller are 'as shipped' in the plug for quick connect/disconnect. I'll check the earth thogh as I hadn't thought of that. I understand that the voltage will vary as it is a proportional controller but I feel the voltage is too low to begin with - It seems like the hydrastar runs with any voltage but need the 6V and above to really build any pressure.


Not sure what you mean by a hot wire but there is a direct wire for the output to the hydrastar. This is what the P3 output voltage is showing me - 0V or 1.5 V etc.


Hoping for a P3 user to assist with actual voltage outputs.

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Date Joined: 10/09/12

 Hi Prego,For the hydrastar

Mon, 2012-10-22 15:29

 Hi Prego,

For the hydrastar unit to operate you will need a contant power supply from your battery to Pin number two on your cars plug.

The hydra-star will not operate from a brake contoller only, like for example electric brakes on your caravan might.


Hope this helps.



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Date Joined: 28/05/09

A hot wire is a direct power

Mon, 2012-10-22 08:09

A hot wire is a direct power from the battery to pin 2 (reverse) on the trailer plug which provides constant battery power to the hyralic unit. Without this it will not work we have seen many people not get this put in then wonder why they dont work.


Dinkum Auto Electrical A/C & Mechanical Unit 10/16 Kent way Malaga 0438755754 Also Mobile

Open 7 days except when we are fishn For all your auto electrical needs

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Yes, got the direct wire (25Amp)

Mon, 2012-10-22 23:32

so that's not the problem. What I'm looking at is the output from the P3 controller (the blue wire) voltage. Its the signal to the hydrastar unit that I'm looking for info about.