If you are caught illegally fishing

Can you get a licence back?

Just read the article about a 74yo getting caught (and fined) for lifting others pots, and having greater than the daily limit crays onboard.

Now can this "sod" get another cray licence or do they confiscate this.

Just wondering as I recon once you get caught you should be banned from doing that again for a while.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

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That's a good question

Mon, 2015-01-19 17:19

Good question I would like to know the answer as well.

Posts: 908

Date Joined: 06/05/12

you would like to think they

Mon, 2015-01-19 17:26

you would like to think they have lost that right, hopefully someone will know

Paul H's picture

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Would certainly raised

Mon, 2015-01-19 17:30

Would certainly raised questions regarding his credibility to do the right thing with the rules.  Decline any application in my mind (at least for a year or two).


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions


m.jamo's picture

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Not likely

Mon, 2015-01-19 17:37

 Would like to see it happen but like anything in this state got to do the wrong thing a hundred times and get caught then maybe they authorities will give you a 3 month ban. 


 Take a fish boating.

Yewiefish85's picture

Posts: 795

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 One has to wonder, people

Mon, 2015-01-19 17:53

 One has to wonder, people doing this type of thing may not even have a licence, do the right thing ( buy licence) to do a wrong thing ( pull others pots and exceeding the bag limit) doesn't make sense to me, hope they confiscate boat and car too!

Auslobster's picture

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74 years old...

Mon, 2015-01-19 18:00

...he ain't gonna change, licence or no licence!

Bodie's picture

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yep spot on, im actually

Mon, 2015-01-19 22:07

yep spot on, im actually surprised he had a license...

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Mon, 2015-01-19 20:17

of course they won't confiscate his liscense rights. That would be money out of the governments pocket..



Posts: 5981

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I agree with you

Mon, 2015-01-19 20:55

Yep I think you are right Austlobster to old to change his ways and probably doesn't give a toss.

Jackfrost80's picture

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Take his boat then

Mon, 2015-01-19 22:12

Take his boat then


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

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he got of lightly

Mon, 2015-01-19 23:00

he got of lightly and I suspect it was because of his age , why didn't they take his boat and car which they can under fisheries laws

Posts: 2946

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about time

Mon, 2015-01-19 23:05

its about time they applied the same penalty's to cray marauders as applied to marron offenders

crasny1's picture

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Has anyone got an answer

Tue, 2015-01-20 08:17

In my job if I do the wrong thing I certainly could be "banned" from working, so why cant we blackflag or ban offenders.

Also wish you could have a citizens arrest. Was just relaxing on the water anchored in the Peel enjoying an ale when I noticed one boat come in at the Bouvard ramp, offload crabs and take off. The crabs were walked to a car (not with a trailor attached). One chap in the boat but couldnt see even though we "parked" pretty close to the ramp how many crabs he had. Enjoyed lunch and noticed he was back. Same story, unload and off again. Since we were going crabbing decided to see where he went so roughly followed him back out. He had set 10 nets, BUT also there was 3 scoopers on the flats. He pulled the nets and got a few. Then went to the scoopers, picked up their crabs and back to the ramp. Now I was a little pissed off but what can I do other than call fishwatch. I think they responded because fisheries was at the ramp when we returned with our feed off 10 ( 2 licences but cant eat 20 crabs between 4 off us at home) but by this stage they had gone, perhaps due to my mistake of telling the scoopers that I have noticed what they where doing. Dont mention race but this blatant exploitation just pisses me off so couldnt resist venting anger at the 3 in the water.

Advised fisheries at the ramp about the boat and car make and colour and some other detail. They thanked me for the call and assistance (after checking my crabs) but said that there was probably little they can do know because they werent caught in the act. You can have 10 people scoop, get their limit, go to a home and have a crab cookup with 100 crabs, and unless observed you cant prove who caught what/when etc.

Perhabs like a forum Fisheries could use "Modurators" in the Public that could act as eyes and ears and be enforcible in Law. JMO.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

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Thu, 2015-01-22 10:58

was at the Bouvard ramp walking the dog, when a boat with a fellow and about a 9 year old girl came in and as the boat was loaded withcrab nets, asked the girl did you do ok with the crabs, "yes, we got heaps " she said. So got your twenty then I asked, " we got way more than twenty mister " she replied. I said I hope not or I might have to arrest you. The bloke with her, probably her dad, hesitates for a second, bundles her into the ute, boat isn't even tied on, and they leave, an older bloke behind me chuckles and comments yuh put the wind up them mate, and laughs. Don't even know if you can do a citizen's arrest, for too many crabs, bet the girl got the don't talk to strangers talk on the way home. Marrisy.

carnarvonite's picture

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Rec skippers ticket

Tue, 2015-01-20 10:56

We had trouble with a rec skipper who had no F"ing idea on how to control a yacht and was continually running aground or having difficulty at sea resulting in him being towed in many times. Spoke to DoT officer about what could be done to stop him, answer was that he had to be convicted of the same offence in a 12 month period three times for his licence to be suspended or cancelled.

Right slap on the wrist with a wet bus ticket compared to commercial ticket with risk of completely losing your ticket with only one minor offence.