Jigged Long Tail

With the great spell of Weather we have had on and off for the last few weeks, just went out for a few hours on Saturday 13th with Natalie, I did some jigging while she flicked a few baits around as we mooched around for a Cobia. Had a pod of small dolphins hanging and playing in the bow wave on the way out.


Had a good size Cobia up for a look at the jig and as I free spooled back down he slid down after and a few jigs came up solid, but the speed this thing took off it was no Cobia. After a good fight and a few circles around the boat had the Long Tail boat side, missus couldn't get it in the net due to the size so tailed it. Managed to get it swimming after a bit and it was on its way. Few small bits and pieces after that but was a good quick session for a few hours work.





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wade stenhouse's picture

Posts: 132

Date Joined: 06/10/08

cracker longtail well

Tue, 2011-08-23 19:02

cracker longtail well done!!!!

scotto's picture

Posts: 2473

Date Joined: 21/04/08

Whoa man,

Tue, 2011-08-23 19:02

That's fucken huge!!

Probably one of the biggest I've seen mate. Well done

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Tue, 2011-08-23 19:35

Jazz cracker swamprat, well done!


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

Date Joined: 22/02/07

what a cracker! well done

Tue, 2011-08-23 19:37

what a cracker! well done buddy!


bludgin' since 94'

MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

Date Joined: 15/06/09

Good fish mate

Tue, 2011-08-23 19:46

biggest Longtail i've seen posted for a while, would've gone like a train

nackers's picture

Posts: 341

Date Joined: 23/10/09

silver bullet

Tue, 2011-08-23 19:54

nice fish mate well done on the release

Lucky Tim's picture

Posts: 2536

Date Joined: 28/11/07

 solid fish mate, and they're

Tue, 2011-08-23 20:05

 solid fish mate, and they're always stubborn under the boat

Bones76's picture

Posts: 476

Date Joined: 03/11/08

 call me up for a "site

Tue, 2011-08-23 21:30

 call me up for a "site visit" robbo

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

Date Joined: 04/04/08

 Very nice sized tuna. What

Wed, 2011-08-24 19:04

 Very nice sized tuna. What rod is that you're using?

mullows's picture

Posts: 738

Date Joined: 25/12/08

Nice fish there Swamprat. Go

Wed, 2011-08-24 19:41

Nice fish there Swamprat. Go like a cut cat. Well done




The Older I get the better I was :-)

Swamprat's picture

Posts: 12

Date Joined: 28/10/10

The rod is a Daiwa Saltist

Wed, 2011-08-24 22:10

The rod is a Daiwa Saltist Hiramasa, and the reel is an Avet MXJ with 30lb fins braid.


Got pretty lucky with as was able to keep it on the surface for alot of the fight doing big circles, so it didn't really dog down, which probably made it easier to realise.


First run was a real sizzle, that really had me guessing what the fish was.

Daisy's picture

Posts: 789

Date Joined: 24/01/08

Nice one Johnny, pity you

Sat, 2011-08-27 21:41

Nice one Johnny, pity you didn't get a fly into him instead hey, those saltist rods are good value.


The view expressed in this post is that of a self opinionated bullshitter and does not reflect that of this website, it's owners, mediators, other members or anyone else for that matter :-P