Jurien Marlin
Submitted by adam.steff on Sat, 2011-03-26 18:45
Went looking for some action at the JB FADS but couldn't find 2 of them. Finally found the southern most FAD but no luck with the Dollies, they were jumping though. Caught a Blue Marlin between the apparent location of the other two FADS. 30 minute fight and then released with no issues. Anyone else fishing tomorrow at JB? I am chasing Spaniards if anyone has any info on how they are currently going.
Posts: 115
Date Joined: 15/08/10
2 FADS are missing mate, Ive
2 FADS are missing mate, Ive replaced them twice but desperately need donations of gear to get them back out. The local shire and royaltys for regions payed for them initially, the two replacements that have dissapeared were funded by me and another mate, so if anyone enjoys fishing the FADS and would like them replaced, dont be shy!
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
whats it worth each one to
whats it worth each one to replace whitey? surely we can get a fishwrecked donation going to have a FW fad at jurien
Posts: 115
Date Joined: 15/08/10
All we need is anchors of any
All we need is anchors of any description, (train waggon wheels, railway iron, RSJ ) anything we can make into anchors, chain, rope, shackles and a float. The full pro built ones cost 5k, we can put them together with gear lying around peoples yards. If FW wish to put there own out Im all for it. Lets put 10 out there
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Whats the story with getting
Whats the story with getting them onto charts though? Thats probably helped keep the PGFC ones out of harm's way, more often than not, but not every time ...
Posts: 115
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Ships arent the problem
Ships arent the problem Jamie, drifting lost craypots are whats pegging ours. There is no requirement to have them on charts.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Ahh wasn't sure, even the
Ahh wasn't sure, even the PGFC ones get pinged by ships occasionally and IIRC Brad saying he saw some container ship trying to go backwards and sideways when the first fad went missing? That middle one sure sounds like current though.
Posts: 115
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Your missing the point, if
Your missing the point, if people enjoy fishing them then it would be nice if they would help to maintain them
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
No missing the point at all,
No missing the point at all, after all I did make the effort to build them, as well as come up to launch them ;)
One of the farmers up that way must have some railway iron, they always seem to hoard that kind of crap.
Posts: 115
Date Joined: 15/08/10
Your help along with all the
Your help along with all the other volunteers was very much appreciated, it would be very helpful if all the other FAD fishers showed the same amount of good spirit that you do so we can keep this program running.
Pete D
Posts: 1681
Date Joined: 07/06/07
I've used a 1m square piece
I've used a 1m square piece of prefab wall with two holes cutout in it (chain shackles through these) for a mooring at Sandy Cape for 10 years - the slab is probably still there!
Someone out there must be in the building concrete game with left overs laying around. Would need to be bigger then 1x1m though.
Would be worth setting up a new thread Whitey. The fisho folk on here have lots of contacts.
Transporting heavy things to Jurien? I do have a contact (no guarantees though, but it is a contact).
Know someone in Mermaid marine aswell - I'll enquire about scrapped chain/anchors.
Cheers Pete
Posts: 2629
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Mining companies
CRA, Fortesque etc all have heaps of scrap and I am sure they would like to be involved as they like to get behind community and recreational activities - I know we have a few members who work for these companies and getting stuff backloaded by fishing truckies shouldn't pose a problem either
Bit late for this season but we need to start now for next !
Nauti Buoy
Posts: 595
Date Joined: 20/04/09
Whitey- How are you configuring the weight, ie dropping a chunk of steel to the bottom, or do you weld it so it performs like a Danforth anchor?
I can provide you with the large steel float that i sent you a PM about the other week. Also have quite a bit of scrap laying around the farm that can be made into anchors.
Not that i have been to the JB FAD's , but happy to help out for the greater good. If you need something made up for next season I will be able to help you out.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
All of the original ones went
All of the original ones went in the same way as the PGFC ones IIRC. That is to say;
Anchor to 5m of chain
Then another anchor and to another 5m of chain
Then another amchor and another 10m of chain
Then 200m of rope to a bobbing chain
Then another 200m of rope to a bobbing chain
Then a 30-50m length of doubled, shrouded rope,
Then 25m of chain to the final float with radar reflector.
All joints shackled, all shackles moused with wire, some number of shrouded swivels to help with the twisting, yet not get buggered up with braid.
Posts: 373
Date Joined: 27/10/10
can we put 1 at lancelin as
can we put 1 at lancelin as well as a couple of weeks ago a tuna was bitten off someones line by a SAILFISH and heaps of others caught there as well, it would be a good idea
Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
Who's gonna
pay for it Tommy???
Posts: 373
Date Joined: 27/10/10
we could do the same, just
we could do the same, just some iron, a float and some rope
Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!
Posts: 115
Date Joined: 15/08/10
We have been making anchors
We have been making anchors by welding railway iron in a " T" and then cutting flutes out of scrap grader blades and welding them top and bottom of the "T" to form the flutes no matter which way up it lands the flutes will grab, we then have been shackling 30m of chain onto the anchor, then the rope + float. In the case of the PGFC FAD we shackled 1m long lengths of railway iron along the length of the ground chain to add extra wieght. The wieght of the ground gear needs to be around the volume of the float, ie 200lt float = 200kg of ground gear
Posts: 27
Date Joined: 26/02/11
Fishing Sunday
Went out the back of the reef between the south and north passage and caught two Spaniards about 1M long nad my wife landed a 35 Lb Yellow fin. Happy to lend a hand with the FADs, unfortunately I have no gear to donate. Pictures above in original post.
Posts: 373
Date Joined: 27/10/10
Australian Representative for Roatan Lures, If you have any questions please pm me!
big john
Posts: 8767
Date Joined: 20/07/06
Top work Adam, that yft would have pulled those two macks together backwards!
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
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