Leisurecat Brumby 6000 new
Submitted by fullnoise on Wed, 2013-10-30 17:27
Hi all, were lookin at brumby 6000 gowna put twin Suzuki 90 4st on her was just wondering If anyone has one or has been on one and any pros/cons using her for trips up an down the WA coast with mates and or the family fishing, I haven't owned a cat but wanting the safest smoothest riding boat that I can still take out by myself. Thanks
Posts: 395
Date Joined: 20/02/08
These are a brilliant cat I
These are a brilliant cat I have driven them quite a bit. Go see Kev at leisure cat and have a chat with him. We have taken them out in some pretty bad stuff and always come home safe. Once you get the hang of driving them they are hard to beat in my opinion. I have also driven the 7's , 8's and 9's but the 6 is by far the most fun and versatile. No I don't work for Kev haha
Xtreme Coolers
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I have not been in the 6000, however, i have been in the 7000 and must say, i was super impressed. I am looking at the 6000 myself and caught up with the guys at the Mandurah boat show. I will be booking a test ride soon to see how it compares to the 7. I don't work for Kev either. I would be interested to know how you go.
Posts: 395
Date Joined: 20/02/08
. I like the fact they
I like the fact they also have large fuel capacities for those extended trips, we have had them in the rough stuff off kalbarri, up north to west more island and everywhere in between. Lots of useable deck space as well.
Posts: 47
Date Joined: 01/10/10
Yeh this is what I thought,
Yeh this is what I thought, Dave maby we should go in at the sme time an see what they can do for us if we both get one hahah I have always been wary of glass boats but with the new molds / technology I recon it will shit on any pl8 boat around the only serious contender I see us the sailfish hardtop ally cat they look good too
Posts: 158
Date Joined: 21/04/13
My old boy had one. Will get
My old boy had one. Will get him to write up something about them later on. All I can say is look elsewhere. Seriously
big blue
Posts: 57
Date Joined: 25/03/10
You guys seen all the
You guys seen all the press about these boats ?
the Australian Naval Architect sent warnings to all sea rescue groups & government dept who use the Leisurecats ... Google the press releases , makes for some interesting reading!
we had the first Brumby in 2008, had it for twelve months & did about 200 hours, it never really delivered what was promised
the general finish of the boat was good, IMO ...to small, to narrow, & way to expensive for a boat made in Malaysia.
did the fit up myself with counter 115 Suzukis & built my own trailer, in the end the wife wold not get on it !
traded it on a new 2300 Noosacat with 135 Hondas
do yourself a favour check out the other Cats on the market
Noosacat & Sail Fish from Sports Marine in Bunbury .... Damian is the guy to talk to. Bigger is better
Posts: 4580
Date Joined: 01/02/10
My understanding was all
My understanding was all leisurecats for the aus market were built in aus. The ones built overseas are for the overseas market as export cost out of freo make it uneconomical to build here.
The leisurecats I've been on were pretty good boats. I think the bad press they received was more the result of a witch hunt rather than an inherent problem with the vessel. Much easier to blame the boat than the process.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
big blue
Posts: 57
Date Joined: 25/03/10
When we got our Brumby it was
When we got our Brumby it was built in Malaysia !
Interesting fact is that two Brumby hulls fit into one fourty foot container ....... Draw your own conclusions from that.
After owning a Brumby & well using it for twelve months the only good comment I can give it was that the general finish quality was high, in all fairness we sea trailed the 6000 Islander, which did perform well on the day & have spoken to other owners who liked the boat, but this is a totally different boat to the Brumby
have a mate with the 7000 he did like the boat but had to let it go when he realised that the GVM was to high for his Landcruiser to tow ..... Only found this out after having it for several years? He replaced it with a Cruise Craft
personally I am more inclined to take the opinions & warnings of a government department like the Australian Naval Architect than than hearsay on a forum & the promises of salesmen
Posts: 127
Date Joined: 17/01/12
Australian Naval Architect
I'm an Australian naval architect, and the "Australian Naval Architect" is a government department I have never heard of!
I think you're refering to AMSA, and this was Leisurecat's response on here back in the day:
Posts: 55
Date Joined: 16/03/09
Had to Comment
Is this you big blue? http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/showthread.php?139460-Leisure-cat-7m-or-8m&s=8b84ef1243206f50b2405e1d784814b7
If it is, and it really seems like it is....maybe you should give the full story rather than bashing a local brand.
I don't own a Leisure Cat (I prefer mono hull) and have no affiliation with the company. However, I have spoken to Kevin a few times when I was considering buying one and was more than happy with his up front and frank dealings with me.
Leisure Cat are built in Malaysia (still constructed from the original spec) and do meet all Australian Marine Safety Standards (which does include sea worthiness). In relation to the Govt. warning you speak of, I would like to see it, maybe you can post a link or image on here as I can't seem to find it anywhere and I work for a federal governement transport safety investigator.
Reading the other posts (from Ausfish) it does sound like you had a bad experience but I don't think you're giving the complete facts in your post on this forum.
Not trying to start a war, just making sure that all the relevant information is on the table.
Evolution 552X Platinum
big blue
Posts: 57
Date Joined: 25/03/10
Yes this was the posts from
Yes this was the posts from way back ... As I said still have a bitter taste in my mouth re: that experiences & expenive
thanks for correcting my mistake with the architect , AMSA thing West Australian paper had the article on line & that's where I read the warning issued by whoever was the authority they were interviewing.
seems a bit strange that the company director,CEO, whatever Kevin's title may be, feels the need to revert to school ground taunts & name calling about a fellow who is in the position that AMSA has appointed him to on a local forum?
don't know about a witch hunt, & definitely not a war .. Happy to let sleeping dogs lie, but forums are all about opinions & experiences, I would be remiss not to add our point of view
Unfortunately to give our side of the story would end up a s###storm war of words as there was more than just L/C & ourselves in conflict.
Still my advice would be to the original guy posting to check out all the products on the market before committing to any one in particular
BTW here's the press
Posts: 4580
Date Joined: 01/02/10
My understanding was that
My understanding was that there is a real problem getting smaller vessels to comply with what Amsa see as safe for operation in all conditions. I believe even Australian Customs Stabi crafts were only approved for use on 'partially smooth waters' and had to receive survey exemptions with certain parts of the design.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 158
Date Joined: 21/04/13
It's funny how salesmen seem
It's funny how salesmen seem like stand up honest blokes....
As for ausfish and old mate Solas rep Constantine, anyone who runs a business by saying one thing delivering another and then threatening people with spear guns, seems legit....
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
HMMM.. two sides to every
HMMM.. two sides to every story and both usually have their points. Was wondering if I should get involved but I was waiting for the anti- cat comments as soon as I saw the original post- First I have no affiliation with leisure cat or any other cat builder/seller. my only involvement is sometimes fishing from cats in places and seas that you only go in a very capable boat (mono or cat)
I have been on two different cats built by another builder which have also had negative comments made and all I can say is having been on them in very rough seas I have never felt unsafe or worried and would not hesitate to continue to do so. Even been on one when it took on a large amount of water in the right side hull/sponson (not from a build/design fault by any means) and again handled great with all the water on board and got us home. Cats are not a mono hull and need to be trimmed and driven differently as a result. Some people love cats some don't simple as that.
and to quote one post from Ausfish regarding trim.
"no problems mate I think the single biggest improvement has been the use of not so much negative trim I know on our boat the angle on the transom is quite large and if I'm not careful the O/B's swing under the transom and it does funny things especially in any sort of following sea"
Feel free to correct me but trimming the bow down on any boat (intentionally or by error) in a following sea is not what you want to do.
Re the incident on Xmas island when you take into account the conditions and proximity to a rocky shore I don't think it would have mattered what boat they had (and beware of Goverment Dept spin when they're covering their arse)
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Rob H
Posts: 5808
Date Joined: 18/01/12
I deal with AMSA all the
I deal with AMSA all the time.
Difficult, pretentious, unable to make judgements and no experience at all with small vessels.
Mostly now their surveyors are from the Indian subcontinent etc with the lettuce leaf handshake.
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 2839
Date Joined: 07/07/10
I think most know about twin
I think most know about twin hull's "strange" performance in a following sea. My old man had a 34 ft Kevlacat, nice boat but nothing short of dangerous in a following sea, it was just too heavy for the volume of each sponson. I put it on its side (90 degrees, side window almost touching the water) in conditions most mono hulls would be OK in.
20 ft sharkcat we had was a cracker boat in Esperance conditions, but did broach uncontrollably on big following seas if your were not steering into it like a big power slide and using heaps of nose up trim. Great to fish off like all cats.
A mate has a large liesurecat I went on in VERY average conditions. I was dreading it, but was very surprised how capable it was, certainly way more stable and more comfortable than my Boston Whaler to fish off in 20 knot winds, but on the way hone with a following sea, there were signs of the cat thing with the arse end wanting to go in front of the bow........they are the Porcshe 911's of the sea. My mate knew how to drive it well, and in his hands it was safe as houses, in a beginners hands, it would have been brown pants time.
Cats are great to fish off, great in 1.5 m chop, but can be dangerous with large following seas in the wrong hands.
Like all boats, they have their pro's and con's.
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
Your right JohnBroaching in a
Your right John
Broaching in a boat in not really disimilar to jackknifing a car towing a heavy trailer in that when braking hard the trailer pushes the rear of the car around the same as the following wave pushes the rear of the boat around. When I tow the boat away there's a reason I don't let the wife share the driving (called roos and the resulting braking they cause).
All cats tend to be worse than mono hulls due to the fact the underside of the rear of the tunnel gives something for the wave to push against whereas a V hull dissapates the force to the sides (less grab to push against), same thing with fitting a foil etc onto the motor just gives something for the wave to exert force against. In this respect how its trimmed and driven makes a big difference Cats love a bit of throttle.
As they say you don't treat a big cat like a pussy!! :-)
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Xtreme Coolers
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Thanks John
And thanks to all for the comments. Certainly worth the thread. All very interesting.
Posts: 778
Date Joined: 03/09/09
generally a pretty poor
generally a pretty poor experience with L/C ! the boat itself is not big enough , lenght or beam ,we had a custom built 6m Dolphin plate ally ,150 Sukuiki 4st previous and it was a biiiiiig 6m !!!this thing has no deck space for fishing , its got a cabin thats next to useless unless your a cross beween a Hobbit and a 12 year old russian gymnast
the ground tackle is nearly impossible to access and they have not made any provision for winches the list goes on but in our experience the the thing feels precarious especially in a following sea.
Sounds like you didn't test drive one or even look at/climb over one. Not very clever when your spending that sort of money I`d reckon.
I sort of thought about the 8 metre centre cab one for about 3 seconds before ordering our boat but that's as far as in went. Was too big to tow/store .
Sorry Dave but the 6m brumby is a ugly little pig ;-)
Just for the record I don't like cats much and have never met anyone from L/C .
PMY 25 Centre Console DF300 Suzuki
Posts: 791
Date Joined: 05/12/09
If you are unsure on cats,
If you are unsure on cats, just buy a second hand sharkcat or markham whaler... You can pick them up quite cheap and after using it, you will know if cats are for you or not!!!
I currently have a mono.... but have owned a few markham whalers and wouldnt hesitate on buying another... Start of on a good 2nd hand one, around 15k-20k so you dont lose 30k within a month if you decide a Leisure cat isnt for you!!
If you like the feel of cats, sell the sharkcat or whaler on which you probably wont lose any money at all, then waste your money on a Leisurecat!
Posts: 158
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Marble, there were none in
Marble, there were none in the country when he ordered his as his was brumby #2 and the other one in the container was #1. He test drive the 6000 islander which was mentioned in earlier posts.... No point quoting have the story mate, and if you hit that ausfish link it's all there. As he stated this is a forum for opinions and thoughts, he has cold hard facts on the boat from having owned one, everyone else that has commented here has not owned one and is stating what they THINK. At the end of the day it's each to their own, buy one, don't buy one, however I do agree with the ugly comment
Posts: 47
Date Joined: 01/10/10
Rodger that!!! Thanks for
Rodger that!!! Thanks for everyone's input and thoughts and of corse ill have a test drive in the rough stuff, still lookin at he sailfish too quite expensive and not a fan on the welding either but it's all stuff to consider , not liking the following sea broaching ect talk but maby it's just getting use to driving it , and the brumby is fuckin ugly as but it's got the fetures I'm lookin for and for around the 70k mark not bad when most other cats are around 80/90k also having two separate whole drive systems will give me peace of mind this is the main reason I'm lookin at a cat, thanks again all
big blue
Posts: 57
Date Joined: 25/03/10
Hey Fullnoise , I'm bit
Hey Fullnoise , I'm bit confused @ your budget figures for any new 6 m cat @ under $100k?
by the time you get any trailer cat on water you'll get no change from $100,000!
when we built the Brumby in 2008 it cost me $110,000 without electronics & I did the fit out & built the trailer
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
Don't let it put you off too
Don't let it put you off too much and keep in mind of the cats I've been in neither have ever felt like they're going to broach (and that's is some very average conditions out at Greenly Island west of Coffin Bay Sth Aust which is a long way from home and some bloody big swells out there at times), I have been in mono's that have broached in less so its all relative
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Posts: 1621
Date Joined: 28/08/07
if your cats broching in following seas
your not driving it fast enough they are pigs to drive slow ,cats need to be driven at atleast 22 knots to get on the plane fully ,i sit on 25 to 30 knots i just a bout any conditions except head on into a sw with a sw swell as you tend to get air to much
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Seen too many cat bottoms to ever think of buying one or going out for another ride on one.
They seem to trip over easily and when you see the total number of boats mono and cats on the water and look at the percentage of cats that have tipped over it makes you wonder. Say no more!!
big blue
Posts: 57
Date Joined: 25/03/10
Used to be able to view a
Used to be able to view a clip on YouTube that really showed how good Noosacat cats work in the rough stuff
doesn't seem to be available on any more
Posts: 2029
Date Joined: 07/06/08
makes you wonder
I've seen boats, cars, 4WD, tractors, quads, motorbikes and shopping trollies roll.....
common denominator = human error
Posts: 47
Date Joined: 01/10/10
End of the day
Hi everyone after this discussion I really took a big step back and went and done a shit load of fishing and searching and thinking and the final product ended up a Assasin 660 Dhu Fish with a 175 Honda 4st , totally different to the others I was looking at , a few factors came in to play the main being I've had a monno since I was 17 and haven't had too many scary situations the second was the deck space I was just going to loose to much room in the brumby , so I just went a big tuff plate ally and haven't looked back very happy thanks again.