Looking for new Speargun, Any recommendations??
Submitted by outdoinit on Sun, 2012-10-14 18:00
Hi all fairly new to this site.
I am looking at the Omer et rail 130 speargun, has anyone got one and if so is it any good??
Or better still which do you find to be the ducks nuts?? Hoping not to pay much more than say $500
I would prefer a min size of 1400?
Looking fwd to replies.
I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..
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Ducks nuts
My gun, the last custom Frank Paxman gun ever built.
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Thats sound good,
That Sounds Good, You Selling it. lol
I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..
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For less than $500? Im keen.
For less than $500? Im keen.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
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Not for sale
Choosing the right gun depends on your target species, your diving fitness, diving location and experiance....?
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Want to try pick up some mackies when over at the abrolhos? The odd baldie wouldnt go a stray either..
I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..
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msg damien
at donsborough outdoor sports , site sponsor. he uses an omer ET 130. Ive just bought one but havent fired it yet. So far as i can tell it looks good and feels sturdy but i have a few resevations in that you cant change rubbers easily with dyneema bridles (they come with detachable steel bridles but im not a fan at all) and what happens it your spear shaft gets slightly bent? Will it jam in the enclosed track.
anyways theres a few things for thought
"Its a life style job"
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Echo that from Tony, msg
Echo that from Tony, msg Dunrborough Outdoor Sportz for Damo he will set you right
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OK, that is two very
OK, that is two very different targets, the Abrolhos is the place for both, BIG Baldies will be in the shallows on sand/broken coral in 6-8 ft and they can ruin a good "thin" shaft trying to escape, dont ever try a head shot, gill plates on BIG Baldies are made of cast iron. Mackies can be taken out with a "thin" shaft on the drop offs, 1400mm rail gun will be fine depending on fish size..know your limits before going too gangbuster...have fun...
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Thanks For the Info.
Thanks For all the Info..
I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..
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hey mate Adreno spearfishing have a sail on at the moment with Rob Allen Tunas for 399 - great deal only catch is there all very large 2 rubber guns 140, 150 and 160.
the only problem with getting something that big is when you are amongst the coral and rocks youll do some seriouse damage to the shaft if you hit something other than the fish or it goes staraight through the fish your after.
different guns for different diving :)
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Cheers for that mate!!Those
Cheers for that mate!!
Those Rob Allen Tunas look like it would be a good starter. Thx
I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..
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I have a rob allen tuna. im
I have a rob allen tuna. im no spearing expert but ive shot mackies, trout, blue bone, chinaman etc with it. I have the 1100. I havent owned many guns so I dont have alot to compare it to but I like it.
I live with fear every day... sometimes she lets me go fishing.
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Rob Allen rail guns are
Rob Allen rail guns are awesome, in close i just use a small Picasso . But you should just find something that feels good and works for you.
dunsborough out...
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Omer ET 1.3M Speargun
G'day Outdoinit , Yeah I own and have used an ET I.3 in Fiji for three months , spearing most days , for the island that i live on to feed 20 or so Guests . I found the Gun to be everything that i wanted it to be : that bit extra distance with range and pinpoint accuracy , probably one of the most accurate guns i have ever used .The enclosed track system allows you to "juce up" the rubber as the spear cannot whip like an overpowered railgun can hence the extra range . Initially I found it a little harder to load than my Rob Allens , but after 4-5 days I got used to it and not a problem , technique not muscle power . As Southcity said the Bridles can be an issue , I did find that they "Kinked" at times after a while an took a little mucking around to get them straight , I just cut them off an ran with standard Dyneema Bridles no probs.
I mainly used this gun for Jobbies , Emperors ( all sorts) , Big Eye Sea Bream , Mackies (up to 20kg) and Trevallys , I used my trusty 1.4m Rob allen with a 7.5mm shaft for bluewater with a floatline float and Bunji but ran a small reel on the Omer ET , I did take three spare shafts for the ET ( of a thicker diameter , 7mm) but did not bend the original . I did find the ET quite manoverable for a large gun .
We have the Black version in stock , an for FW members will sell for $550 .
Dunsborough Outdoor Sportz
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Hi Damo,did you find the
Hi Damo,
did you find the ET's a bit long for their alleged size?
I measured the muzzle length for the 105, and it seems to be pretty much correspond to what is sold as a 115 in most guns. Interestingly the shorter rubber length is pretty much exactly what is recommend for the shorter of the pair for a twin 16 gun on that bluewater freeedivers site too.
IIRC anything over 105 comes with a 7mm spear? The 105 comes with a 6.5mm spear which I found a little lightweight for shooting in bombie country.
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I'm a big fan of Aimrite
I'm a big fan of Aimrite gear. Aussie made and very accurate guns (I have two aimrite guns)
Also, bonus points to Beuchat, I recently bought a 115 carbon, again, a good gun.
dunsborough out...
Posts: 83
Date Joined: 11/07/12
ET Size
Hi Till , Yeah I went an measured them and the 105 Barrel (not including muzzel or mech ) was 106cm , the 115 was 116cm and the 130 was 121cm? (go figure??) , the Muzzel is a longer style muzzel than your standard R.A muzzel , it measures 12cm , so yes it does make the 105 and the 115 longer than a stnd gun in corresponding length. The 1.3 barrel and muzzel length is 133cm , so closer to said length.
They all comes stnd with a 6.75mm shaft , can run a 7.1mm in them which is the diameter shafts I carry as spares.
Dunsborough Outdoor Sportz
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Hmm I was measuring from the
Hmm I was measuring from the first hole for the rubber, to the trigger mech latch, but the weird thing is my 140, in a different brand, is pretty much 140 measured that way, but the 105 was 115.
dunsborough out...
Posts: 83
Date Joined: 11/07/12
Yeah those Carbon Beuchats are a sweet guns , personally have had a bad run with carbons tho..
Dunsborough Outdoor Sportz
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just ordered
Tuna 150 - going to be a cannon :) (can't sleep now until it gets here)
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Hey Damo
Took that OMER ET 130 out today for a spin, Just love the accuracy, fantastic gun.. Thx for great service.. ;-)
I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..
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Hey Lyndon
Any pictures from your Omer 'christening' ceremony???
PS. save 2 spots at the marina on Friday for Paul and I, thanks.
If life is boring, you must be doing it wrong!
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No Pics Rusty
We got a nice Dhuie, A good Baldie and topped that off with a sizeable Harlequin fish...
I got the Baldie and Harlie and both spot on head shots... Love the Gun ah
I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..