Lowrance Elite 7 ......Nav card

A mate recently bought a quinnie with the above older unit installed and has asked me what Nav card to install.....as a sworn Furuno man I have no idea as am totally unfamiliar with Lowrance units ....can someone please answer the question, he operates as far north as Exmouth and south to the Cape  

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Posts: 335

Date Joined: 12/10/10

Whitworths first stop

Fri, 2017-08-18 15:51

the cards are not cheap
I think when I bought my lowrance elite 5 it came with a card included in the price
I do no think you can just get a WA only chart either from having a quick look
here's another link to the Navionics Gold (the card supplied with my elite 5)  www.whitworths.com.au/main_listitems.asp
and here's the link to the top-level of the whitworths map card menu www.whitworths.com.au/main_subdepartments.asp
hoping this helps out - the basemap is useless; the navionics charting is actually regarded pretty well by most on this forum - I found it OK on the Elite 5