Major sounder / gps theft over the weekend
Submitted by sunshine on Tue, 2015-02-24 20:56
Every boat in the Freo boat yard targeted .......keep your eyes open and AVOID any cheapies which may appear on the usual disposal outlets on the web
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
What boat yard
Are you talking about the hard stand area at freo yacht club.
Last time I was there (some months ago) the security was top notch.
Posts: 2631
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Saltwater Marine
Numerous sounders / plotters and even transducers removed in a systematic theft
Posts: 388
Date Joined: 28/12/12
Glad I didn't have my boat
Glad I didn't have my boat for sale in there the wonder how insurance would go
Pgfc member
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
If you want a nasty shock
Have a look at the police figures for successful resolution of stealing cases for last year. It's scary crime is paying
This is not a shot at the police who do the best they can with the resources available, the amount of stealing going on is like a tsunami that is swamping everything thrown at it.
So what's the answer, education, stronger discipline in schools (or any discipline for that matter) bring back the lash. We can't use any form of corporal punishment the do gooders would bring down any government that even suggested such a thing. One of the last schools to use corporal punishment had an act of parliament brought in to stop it doing such barbaric things to students out of control or not complying with school rules laws etc.
Education, yeah right, if it was good enough for robin hood to rob the rich (people who have worked bloody hard for what they have) then it's good enough for me. I see I want I take, simple logic to the bastards.
Rant over
Posts: 2631
Date Joined: 03/03/09
And ripping off copper cabling
Has reached plague proportions with new housing estates taking to burying whole cable reels as they were going missing, have even seem some partially completed buildings totally stripped of cabling after installation - cut their flaming hands off ( but what of the scrap metal dealers simply accepting and paying cash, they are equally culpable.
Believe SW lost over $40 grand of gear which is hard for any small business to wear.
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Didnt think this happened here
But In South Africa all phone/internet is Satelite. Any wire going up is promptly stolen for the copper.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 90
Date Joined: 26/12/14
Years ago, heard of
Years ago, heard of Electricians wiring up complete houses only to come back with mates at night to rip it all out.. They then get the Insurance job to reinstall. Easy way to get paid twice and get a bonus in selling scrap copper.
Posts: 328
Date Joined: 27/10/14
I wish it worked like that..
I wish it worked like that.. the useless shits that tear our cable out make life 10 times harder for us, theres definitely no insurance job to reinstall it.
We won't leave any drums, scraps or off cuts on site anymore, and fit off all cables as soon as we can.. to many people grabbing whatever they can.
Not that easy to scrap copper anymore either, they track it pretty closely now
Posts: 9
Date Joined: 27/01/12
5 caravnans gone
check out here
Sometime during the night from Saturday 21st Feb, to 10pm on Sunday 22nd Feb, two new 2015 Winnebago Minnie caravans and three new 2015 season Adria caravans were stolen from our holding yard in Tullamarine, VIC.
The thieves would have required up to 5 tow vehicles and would have been easily spotted leaving the area.