Mills charters today

Hi guys! Left Hillarys headed straight out to 110m. Wasnt much around out there, and i didnt feel one tap on my braid. But Claire (my other half)managed to get a double hookup..small pinky and small kingy. We then headed into the 80m mark. Alot of big skippy and swallow tail were brought up and one pink and one  queen snapper.... and again Claire brings in a nice Breaksea...bitch!

Things were not so good there either so we headed into the 60m mark. We caught lots more swallow tail and one lucky guy got a nice sized red snapper. Then back out to the 80m mark. I felt a small fish on my line..called it for a skippy...then all of a sudden it felt very heavy...i was thinking shark...i was battling to gain any line as it was so bloody heavy....but only small bumps on the line. Twenty mins later i raise up a skippy...around 1 km of old fishing line people had lost....two jigs and a 10kg lump of coral. I wasnt happy as the old arm was done in after this effort...and i was also thinking to myself...gee they have fished this exact spot a couple of you could see 4 different types of fishing line and all had been there a fair while!

Then 2 nice dhuis were pulled up first one clocking in at 8.5kg and the second at 13kg.. and also a couple of kingy/amberjack.  We then started heading back in at 1330 and back in at Hillarys at 1500. I wasnt really happy with the day..but working !





SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

well sounds like you had

Fri, 2008-10-03 17:37

well sounds like you had some fun anyway. and you got some jigs to take home as well !lol.

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!


Colby's picture

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Sure beats work

Fri, 2008-10-03 17:44

But far out, just goes to show that the skipper likes to take pple to that spot hey.

Nice coulours in the Cod !!

Adam Gallash's picture

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Fri, 2008-10-03 17:59

Personally I think thats disgraceful and would never go out with them again, how many times have they flogged that spot and then to have the evidence appear on deck!  As Derryn would say, SHAME SHAME SHAME.


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mako magic's picture

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some nice fish there from

Fri, 2008-10-03 18:29

some nice fish there from mills, that blackbum is a nice one too well done to the missus

The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga


wadetolley's picture

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Fri, 2008-10-03 18:39

Dont worry Adam it was my last trip with them..would have had more fun catching whiting in my runabout..and still have money in my pocket! 


MOBILE 0416341256 OR PH 92496113

Faulkner Family's picture

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Not good mate

Fri, 2008-10-03 18:47

Looks like Claire had a nice day fishing tho



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wadetolley's picture

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Fri, 2008-10-03 18:55

 Yes Sandy..she always has to out do me!



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Dean's picture

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That lump of rock with line

Fri, 2008-10-03 18:58

That lump of rock with line may have just been 1 previous trip. With the line and Jigs looks like a sambo or a few have gone around a few people and done them in.

gpc123's picture

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Mills Charter

Fri, 2008-10-03 19:08

was a good charter co when it first started ,i went out 1990 on to 2001 but it changed hand about 5 years a go i think . Bill mills ran it then. has be come to much about the money now (sad)



Single dad and proud of him

Rodrat's picture

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Fri, 2008-10-03 19:13

I'm over charters for good! Spoke to a mate today who went out last week with a charter from hilarys.
They went out and headed to 110m of water out from garden island. He said that they moved around heaps and no one got anything desent. They weren't impressed with traveling to hilaries and then ended up fising out from rocko/freo area.
Why wouldnt they head north from hilarys????? Never had a great experiance on any charters. Last time we traveled 6 hours out of the whole day! Sucked big time.




SPESS's picture

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yep waist of time and fully

Fri, 2008-10-03 19:46

yep waist of time and fully agree rodrat. Theres only two charter boats i recommend and thats apache charters, matt always trys his best to get you fish. And nebraska, tony always lands fish when ive been with him. But i havent been out for a long time now because id rather catch whiting form the Atleast i get something.

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!


Adam Gallash's picture

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Fri, 2008-10-03 19:54

Been out on 4 charters in my life and my best catch was a 4kg pink snapper and I had braid and everything, knew what I was doing and the boat just caught bugger all everytime.  I'm sick of them and their money making activities and when they have to go hit skippy aggregations to make a catch, all I can do is sigh.  Its bloody pathetic, sure there are the good operators out there, but the ones I've been on have made me wonder why I spent my money.


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carnarvonite's picture

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One to Try

Fri, 2008-10-03 20:02

If you're going out from Mandurah try High Calibre Charters.The owner/skipper Trevor Rooney,has worked for Mills,Nelson's as well as professionally for years out of Mandurah plus Hillary's/Mindarie/Two Rocks areas

Leemo's picture

Posts: 3712

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saw u guys coming in. i was

Fri, 2008-10-03 20:44

saw u guys coming in. i was fishing at the disabled platform on the north wall. was thinkin of going out with em but that does it- rather go out with nebraska or somesuch


bludgin' since 94'

STAAL LOVER's picture

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Fri, 2008-10-03 23:37

I was a deckie on Cray-z-Cat charters out of Hillarys and we Always were gone before any others had left Hillarys. On return all the other boats would be in their pens already clean and put to bed (wish this site was around then it may have made money and be still running) . We always seemed to return with a half descent catch but never went out as far as 60m!!!!

So many times (when we weren't out) you would see Mills etc return with a catch of sambos and maybe one or two good fish. But never did we feel that the CUSTOMERS got off any boat happier than ours!!!! It's all about the VIBE on the boat I recon (good vibe/good fishing)!!!! Even when we didn't get alot the CUSTOMERS still had a fun FULL day on the water. With a bbq lunch or even a stop at Rotto for a pie at the bakery!! It's not always about the fish!!!! 




wadetolley's picture

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Sat, 2008-10-04 06:11

Crazy cat sounded great! Did you guys put your catch straight on ice, or leave it sitting on the deck for 45mins? 



MOBILE 0416341256 OR PH 92496113

STAAL LOVER's picture

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The catch was slurried for

Sat, 2008-10-04 09:35

The catch was slurried for 30min then put on ice ALWAYS !!!! If there is someone who knows how to look after a fish it should be charter opperators !!!!!

Once a customer catches a fish the deckie should worry about nothing but the fish!!! Maybe a photo if the angler wishes!!

On my own boat I don't have room for 2 eskies so a light slurry(a little more sea water than normal) is made for a whole day out!




Watto069's picture

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I have only been on 2

Sat, 2008-10-04 08:24

I have only been on 2 charter boats so can't really say to much about them but the last 1 I went on was the Aqualib out of Mandurah. Took my Dad as a birthday present and he caught a 17kg Dhu. Everyone that day pulled a sized dhu and many other species. It was a great day

So many fishing spots. Not enough sickies!!!!!!!

Andy Mac's picture

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Haven't done too many charters myself

Sat, 2008-10-04 10:50

But here is a story I wrote about one over 8 years ago now. Those that haven't read it before might get a laugh out of it given the context.Wink

Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

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STAAL LOVER's picture

Posts: 406

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Good story Andy

Sat, 2008-10-04 18:31

Quite fitting seeing as I work at the Swan Brewery now!!!!LOL




mitch's picture

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ive only been on one charter

Sat, 2008-10-04 11:01

ive only been on one charter and it was TOP CLASS .was out of coral bay so im cheating i spose.i dont think ide bother in the metro though .ide rather pool a few mates and hire a decent boat for the day.ive done it before many years ago and had a fat day .actualy caught my first dhui out of a hire boat . thrashed the hell out of the boat, as ya do,nah not realy heheheh .bit under powered but better than a charter by the looks of things
always in it just the depth that varies

wadetolley's picture

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Sat, 2008-10-04 13:08

 Yes your right about Aqualib mate.I have been out with them twice and both times caught 2 size Dhuis..think the name of the skipper was Steve..seemed ok for a skipper!



MOBILE 0416341256 OR PH 92496113

Colin Hay's picture

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Those jigs you brought up

Sat, 2008-10-04 13:11

would pay for some of your trip. You will have to go sambo jigging now. Your better half did nicely.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


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Maverick's picture

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Sat, 2008-10-04 13:16


Is that a transducer tangled up in with the fishing line ??????????????


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wadetolley's picture

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Sat, 2008-10-04 13:21

 Yes they would of been nice..but the skipper took it upon himself to claim them!

Nah Maverick what you can see is a small square of wood with a number on it, which they use to mark your fish



MOBILE 0416341256 OR PH 92496113

mako magic's picture

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the skipper of the boat

Sat, 2008-10-04 19:10

the skipper of the boat claimed the jigs as his own? no different to catching a fish, they can't claim your fish, very bad imo

The Tackle shack, for all your fishing needs
huge range of stock to suit any fisherperson.
PH:9248 3800 unit 3/11 Alexander drive Malaga


Watto069's picture

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Yeh Wade his name is Steve

Sat, 2008-10-04 17:32

Yeh Wade his name is Steve Thomas. I went to school with his younger brother

So many fishing spots. Not enough sickies!!!!!!!

STAAL LOVER's picture

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Sat, 2008-10-04 18:34

He would have got a bit of an argument out of me if he tryed to claim them!!! Wouldn't have made the wheel house and gone for a swim!!!!!




wadetolley's picture

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Yes stall

Sat, 2008-10-04 18:42

 Yes stall i was that pissed with there form before that...i didnt want to get to worked up over a couple of jigs..when some guys fish were still sitting on the deck, when they had been caught 45 mins before!



MOBILE 0416341256 OR PH 92496113

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Fishing Charters!

Sun, 2008-10-05 11:52

Good to see Claire do well, congrats!

Mills was good when i used to fish with them a very long time ago and when i did work for them back in 1992/3

They do go out all the time and with so many punter & charters its taking its toll. Back then for a very long time there was no limit at all so the damage has been done way back by all charter boats imo. Things are better now as far as rules & regs but the impact has been done!

So, charter boats with more spots, less hammered grounds are a better proposition if ppl are wanting to go on a charter boat. Yes they're rare but boats like Nebraska Charters (Fremantle) & Seasport Charters (Jurien Bay) are a few that come to mind and with good reputation as they're both ex crayfisherman. Out of the others i do hear Aqualib do well still but you have to travel over the water for a while before they drop...sign of the times!



* Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *

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flangies's picture

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Images arnt coming up for me

Sun, 2008-10-05 21:00

Images arnt coming up for me damnit ! :@

When i went out with mills before i was very pleased, And it was pretty much all u could eat chicken or lamb rolls :D i think i made my money back 


You couln't wipe that grin fom my face even with a hammer.

BQ544's picture

Posts: 361

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Go a little farther North

Sun, 2008-10-05 21:14

If you want to go on a good charter and catch some good bottom fish take a group up and fish with Whitey at Seasport Marine Seasport Charters