Minister appoints experts to review recreational fishing options

Norman Moore
Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Fisheries; Electoral Affairs

Fri 12 December, 2008
Minister appoints experts to review recreational fishing options

Portfolio: Fisheries
Fisheries Minister Norman Moore today announced the appointment of two independent experts to assess the scientific advice and proposed options to manage recreational fishing of highly vulnerable finfish species.

Mr Moore said the management reviewer was Peter Neville, who has broad experience in fisheries management.  Mr Neville was a former Deputy Director General of the Queensland Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries and currently chair of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation.

“The research review will be undertaken out by Michael O’Neill, a well respected specialist in stock assessment, mathematical modelling, survey techniques, fish ageing and taxonomy,” he said.

Mr O’Neill is a principal fisheries scientist at Queensland’s Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries.

The Minister said the independent experts would begin immediately and he expected to be presented with their reports by April.

Mr Moore said the latest research showed that popular demersal (bottom-dwelling) species such as dhufish, pink snapper and baldchin groper stocks were under pressure in the West Coast Bioregion (north of Kalbarri to east of Augusta).

He had accepted there was a strong case to reduce fishing pressure, but was concerned some of the previous government’s proposed management changes were not the most effective options.

“There are rule changes I have already agreed to that will come into effect for recreational fishers in January - such as reduced bag limits, increased size limits and a boat limit for high-risk finfish,” the Minister said.

“Before considering further action I would like an evaluation of the options by independent and eminently qualified experts.

“It is vital we get an independent assessment of the management options and an updated review of all the scientific data and assessments now available on the current status of the key indicator species.”   

Details of the new recreational fishing management rules to come into force in January are available at  Click on the ‘Fish For the Future’ icon.

Minister's office - 9422 3000


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