New Outboard purchased

Decided that enough was enough and went out and purchased a brand spanking new 90hp yamaha 2 stroke, today

I had been looking for a well priced second hand outboard and trying to find something was pretty fucken hard,

very slim pickings.


Anyhow as I was on a budget the choice was either a Tohatsu or a Yamaha, I have had both these engines on previous

boats and been more then happy. Went for a 2 stroke as the engine is going on an old Pacemaker Hull and really did not want

to spend too much on the repower.


Anyhow, purchased from Seaport Marine in Kelmscott and have to say Mike was very informative and straight forward to deal with.

Yamaha finance is what pushed me over the edge along with fixed servicing costs. Put $5k down with just over $5k

over 5 years with a three year warranty made it an eeeeeaaaasy decision.


My current boat may be for sale so if anyone is after a german made Baltic 4.65 open fibreglass dinghy with a 30hp Tohatsu, epirb

and safety gear included let me know. Great fishing boat that is pretty versatile. Tows well, can run around all day at 20knts and only use

half a tank of fuel. If interested PM me.

Swompa's picture

Posts: 3913

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 My folks have picked up two

Wed, 2013-05-15 20:35

 My folks have picked up two motors from them and have been very happy. 

mbusby's picture

Posts: 88

Date Joined: 08/01/13

30hp Tohatsu

Tue, 2013-10-15 10:32

What did ya pay for the tohatsu im looking at maybe getting one for my f'glass did it have the power to push the Baltic , would like to here from someone who has actually had one and used it in regards to reliability


sIttiNG AT woRK ,