Oceanside Tackle and Marine FW " Specials" also including " New " products

We also have plenty " New products " in this Special and a Massive selection of gear at discounted prices.

*** These prices are for gear " in store right now", no lay-bys on these specials.  

*** Starts Saturday 9th February and Finishes Sunday 5pm 17th February ( 9 Days Only )

*** Pop down and check out the range, these Specials are for the time period mentioned or until stocks sold out.

*** Feel free to PM us, call or pop in for more info.

*** Open 7 Days a week.

*** Plenty more gear instore.


* Powered by saltwater.
* Lasts more than 100 hours.

Esca Light " HOW DOES IT WORK" Check out the Youtube Link below:


The Esca have been proven around the world and we have been asked for them before also but now after using them both with bait/patternoster rig setup and jigs we're impressed. They have a soft fade light and soft blink light so not intrusive and very stream line so perfect for bait rigs or jigs!!!!

We've used the Esca fading blue and the Esca blinking blue in the Super Deep and couldnt see a difference between the two but they work. We know a few commercial fisherman doing the Super Deep stuff with Esca and they have been using them periodically on different drop lines to test the results and they said to us they got more bigger fish and more blue-eye with the Esca attached " interesting ".

FW price $

Esca used on the Super Deep 1kg Pink Jig

Esca used on the Oceanside Custom made Super Deep rig with a double header.

We also stock the green light both soft fade light and soft blink light which is better for shallow water and dirty water.

We also have the prawn and squid soft body so you can convert the Esca into a lure or jigs etc for pinkys/mulloway/dhufish etc

FW price $ (2 per pack)  


If your jigging the Super-Deep ie 300-500m these 750 & 1kg are it. Made in Japan and they have a great finish
thats attracts fish and lasts for ages.

Fast drift speed & currents make jigging the Super-Deep very hard but these " rear weight " 750 & 1kg solve that problem. We have
just received another order of Super Deep jigs but we went heavier on the 1kg as they're more popular.

Ideal for;

Bass Groper
Blue-eye Trevalla
Ruby Snapper

750g & 1kg -  FW Price $

Our 3 favourite colours;

*** We not only sell the Super Deep gear we actually use it so come and talk to us, happy to help ***


Oceanside Custom Super Deep Rig;

This is the rig we use for Super Deep species when using baits. Made of quality components, heavy duty hardware, two droppers with strong 14/0 circle hooks, long lumo sleeves to enhance the bait in the dark depths and the lumo sleeves also help with teeth abrasion resistence.

Normally $24.95        FW Special Price $

Or buy 3 or more and $ FW Special Deal


We have a great selection of jig bags including Waves;

Waves jig bags have a Small, Medium & Large versions. Special Price ALL $

Small is good for demersal jigs etc. Suits up to 160mm long, holds 24 jigs and ideal for up to 150g jigs.

FW Price $

Medium is good for longer demersal jigs and general jigs/sambo jigs etc. Suits up to 238mm long, holds 12 jigs and ideal for up to 300g jigs.This jig bag also has two pouches for assist hooks/split rings etc.

FW Price $

FW Price $
Large is good for long jigs ie sambos/dogtooth/YTK etc. Suits up to 320mm long, holds 12 jigs and ideal for up to 400g jigs.


* (jigs in pictures not included)


The New 2013 JM Long Jig bag, soft bag that roll wraps and is perfect for the longer jigs.

FW Price $

* (jigs in pictures not included)


Vexed " Hand Dance "

100g  $

150g  $

200g  $


Vexed " Woofer "

100g  $

150g  $

240g  $


Vexed " Pogo "

90g    $

110g  $

165g  $

Vexed " Wood Booger "

100g  $

150g  $

240g  $



Vexed " Fat Pitch "

80g    $

100g  $

200g  $


Vexed " Double Base "

160g  $

220g  $

320g  $



These Jigging Master Fallings jigs have been very popular for demersals and sizes start from 40g/65g/100g/135g. The lighter sizes have been popular for the yak & tinny fishers and the 100g/135g sweet for the offshore fisho's targetting demersals. They are very well priced and the darting action of these jigs on they way up and flutter on the drop entices bites/gets results. The heavier sizes ie 190g/260g & 320g are ideal for sambos/amberjacks/skippy/deeper water demersals etc.

All these jigs are ideal for upnorth species like rankins/reds/trout/goldband etc and at these prices it wont hurt to loose one to a macky etc

Jigging Master Fallings 40g.
Awesome yak/tinny shallow water demersal jig  FW Price $

Jigging Master Fallings 65g
. Awesome yak/tinny shallow water demersal jig FW Price $

Jigging Master Fallings 100g. Awesome demersal jig.  FW Price $

Jigging Master Fallings 135g
. Awesome demersal jig. FW Price  $

Jigging Master Fallings 190g
. Awesome demersal jig for slightly deeper water or faster drift. FW Price  $

Jigging Master Fallings 260g. Awesome jig for deeper water species like sambos/amberjacks/skippy

but also ideal for upnorth on rankins/reds/trout/goldband etc.etc  FW Price $

Jigging Master Fallings 320g. Awesome jig for deeper water species like sambos/amberjacks/skippy

but also ideal for YTK &  dogtooth tuna etc FW Price $


Jigging Master " Fallings " Big jigs;

4 Colours available

800g      FW Price  $

1200g    FW Price  $

Duel Tamentai is a great demersal jig and one of the originals. It comes pre-rigged with twin assists.

80g in weight and the main popular colours ie orange/gold and blue/silver.

FW Price $


*** We stock a massive range of other demersal jigs like Lamble and more;


Lamble Haoli F2 90g

Lamble Haoli F2 165g

Lamble Haoli Flat 160g

Lamble Madai 110g

Lamble Haoli Japan 70g

Lamble Kanpachi Haoli 170g

Damiki Backdrop 100g

Geecrack Long Gun 80g

ZetZ Slow Blatt 100g

Fisherman Marado 110g & 130g

Fisherman Andaman 150g & 185g

Xesta 80g, 100g, 120g, 150g

Sea Iron Jigs 84g, 112g, 150g

Zesta Agraam 160g & 200g (Including Redhead/black stealth colour)

*** Assorted discount, see instore for details ***




** We have in stock over 1300 plus demersal jigs, assorted brands, assorted styles and different weights **



Jigging Master Ocean Devil rods;

The new Jigging Master Ocean Devil rod blanks are made from the finest Japanese graphite, ALPS guides and Fuji alconite inserts and Fuji reel seats.


JM Ocean Devil Spin UL
- Jig 100~220g PE 1.5~4       Special Price $ (ideal for demersal jigging)

JM Ocean Devil Overhead UL - Jig 100~220g PE 1.5~4       Special Price $  (ideal for demersal jigging)

JM Ocean Devil Overhead  ML - Jig 200~350g PE 3~6       Special Price $  (ideal for demersal & sambos etc)

JM Ocean Devil Overhead  MH
- Jig 300~450g PE 4~8      Special Price $  (ideal for Super Deep bait & jigging)

Jigging Master " Ocean God " Rods

The JM Ocean God rods have all the quality components but economical priced in the market place.
Build with FUJI guide and accessories and JM aluminum rod accessories. New carbon material used
to ensure product pass the high JM standard.

* Ideal for demersal jigging

Ocean God 180 Spin - 5'3 Jig 100-220g PE1.5 - 4    FW Special $


Jigging Master Evolution Titanium rods;

These Titanium rods have a specific titanium/graphite combo mix for plenty of power when turning fish but still maintaining its parabolic bend.

The 150g & 200g are ideal for demersal jigging, the 250g for sambo's/bottom fishing and the 400g for Super Deep bait & Super Deep jigging. Also suitable for general Bottom fishing. 

Max 150g 5'3  PE 1-3  color:gold

Overhead - Normally $599              Special Price $
Spin - Normally $629              Special Price $           


Max 200g 5'3  PE 1.5-4  color:red

- Normally $609              Special Price $
Spin - Normally $639              Special Price $     


Max 250g 5'0  PE 2-5 

Overhead - Normally $619              Special Price $ 


Max 400g 5'0  PE 4-8 
   color:silver   (ideal for Super Deep bait & jigging)

- Normally $649              Special Price $    


* A FREE Jigging Master DVD with every Jigging Master Evolution Titanium rod purchase;


Jigging Master Saber "Game Casting" Spin & Overhead - Color Gunsmoke.

*** Ideal demersal jigging rod at a great price ***

Jigging Master Saber Spin & Overhead - Color Silver

 *** Ideal demersal jigging rod at a great price ***

Jig:60~ 150g PE 1~3 Max power 8kg(Gunsmoke)

FW price $ (Spin & Overhead )



Jigging Master " Three Kings " Special Rods;

JM Three Kings Special 5'4  UL  Overhead PE 1.5-4

Jig 80-220g Normally $639          Special Price $

JM Three Kings Special 5'3  L   Overhead  PE 3-6

Jig 120-300g Normally $649       Special Price $

JM Three Kings Special 5'3  M  Overhead  PE 4-8

Jig 250-400g Normally $659       Special Price $

* A FREE Jigging Master DVD with every  "Three Kings Special" rod purchase


Jigging Master Squid rod

The Jigging Master Squid Hacker 8'5 Pro Type has been designed with value for money in mind. At 8'5 in length it is designed for land based eging suited to 2.5-4.0 size squid jigs.

If you are in the market for a great value squid rod don't look past the new Jigging Master Pro Type.


PE 0.6-1.5

EGI: 2.5- 4

FW Special Price $


(Blue colour only available)


Jigging Master NEW 2013 GT Special Ocean Devil range
of popper rods are perfect for those looking for a new casting rod without the large price tag. Built on Japanese graphite blanks with fuji alconite guides, there are several models designed to cast poppers between 50-200 grams and we are stocking the two more popular models.

The yellow GT 7'3
is the lighter model for casting 50-110g and suited to PE2-5 line. The other model is the gunsmoke GT 7'8 which is the heaviest model of the range, designed for those larger poppers from 100-200g and PE6-10 line. Each rod comes complete with its own rod bag.

GT Special Ocean Devil 7'3          FW Special Price $

Casting 50-110g  PE2-5


GT Special Ocean Devil 7'8          FW Special Price $

Casting 100-200g PE6-10

JM 2013 NEW OCEAN DEVIL GT 73 PE2-5  You Tube Link TEST below.




Jigging Master Power Spell PE series reels
have been a great seller for us and most of our customers dont own one they have several. These reels are the end result of Jigging Master's 12 years of fishing experience. These reels we specifically designed for jigging but makes for an awesome bottom bouncing reel. The lever drag setup with a super smooth and strong drag system gives you confidence in stopping big fish. Fully supported with 8 stainless steel ball bearing + 1 stainless steel anti-reverse bearing, coupled with 2 anti-reverse docking gears design. Completely crafted out of a whole solid aluminium block. Comes with a power handle and a ergonomically shaped aluminium power T-bar handle.

These reels are designed to crank fish up with ease and one of the strongest drag systems ever made. 

PE3 Reel

Gear Ratio : 1 :4.5
Gross Weight : 490g
Capacity : PE3-400m
Spool dia 54mm
Spool width 25mm
Efflcient drag : 25lbs. Max : 50lbs

Normally $659     Reduced to $


PE4 Reel

Gear Ratio : 1 :4.5
Gross Weight : 500g
Capacity : PE4-400m
Spool dia 54mm
Spool width 31mm
Efflcient drag : 25lbs. Max : 50lbs

Normally $689     Reduced to $



Gear Ratio: 1 : 4.0
Gross Weight: 570g
Capacity: PE5-400m
Spool Dia: 64mm
Spool Width: 25mm
Efficient Drag: 35lbs. Max: 60lbs

Normally $749     Reduced to $


PE6 Reel

Gear Ratio : 1 :4.0
Gross Weight : 600g
Capacity : PE6-500m
Spool dia 64mm
Spool width 38mm
Efflcient drag : 35lbs. Max : 60lbs

Normally $759     reduced to $


PE8 Reel

Gear Ratio : 1 :4.0
Gross Weight : 715g
Capacity : PE8-500m
Spool dia 70mm
Spool width 38mm
Efflcient drag : 45lbs. Max : 80lbs

Normally $799    reduced to $


 PE10 Reel

Gear Ratio : 1 :3.6
Gross Weight :830g
Capacity : PE8-650m.PE10-520m
Spool dia 75mm
Spool width 38.5mm
Efflcient drag : 55lbs. Max : 100lbs

Normally $859    reduced to $

* A FREE Jigging Master  DVD with every Jigging Master Powerspell PE reel purchase


Jigging Master Power Arm.

These power arms are just another great add-on for the BLING!!

That aside, these arms are very strong especially when your punishing big fish.



NS113 weight: 71g length: 113mm

(with left&right shift)

Suits: SHIMANO NEW STELLA SW 18000~20000


FW Price $


JM Monster Spool 16000
(suits New Stella SW 8000~10000 & New Twin Power 8000~12000)

7 piece JM custom made CARBON MASH fiber washer +7 piece titanium drag plate
Powerful drag force, more line capacity, smooth drag performance when water affect.
Our new water proof drag technology spool ,will allow anglers to fish a hard & tough
drag force.

Supply model: SHIMANO NEW STELLA 8000~10000 &
NEW TWIN POWER 8000~12000
Capacity: PE5-400M PE6-320M PE8-250M

*** Efficient drag: 18kg Maximum drag: 35kg

FW Price $

Colour Gold/Silv


JM 25000 monster spool (suits NEW STELLA 18000~20000)

7 piece JM custom made CARBON MASH fiber washer + titanium drag plate
Powerful drag force, high line capacity, smooth drag performance when water affect.
Our new water proof drag technology spool ,will allowing anglers fish with tough
drag force.

Supply model: SHIMANO NEW STELLA 18000~20000
Capacity: PE6-600M PE8-420M PE10-360M

*** Efficient drag: 25kg Maximum drag: 45kg

FW Price $

Colour; Black/Gold
Colour; Silver/Gold


The 2012 Jigging Master patented two way gimbal
is designed for both jigging and popper fishing. Its unique design that allows the angler to simply position the pin to either the centre or to one side of the gimbal, depending on their preferred fighting style. Available on several colours and the stylish finish will make this new product a popular one indeed.

FW price $

*** We also stock the JM " Two Way " gimbal's and JM Pin Compact gimbals also ***



JM pliers FW Pricel $ with pouch & lanyard (other brands equivalent $99)

Plier body machined from hi grade aluminum with quality anodising.
Stainless steel tip
Light weight = 180gm
Come with PE Tungsten braid cutter
Opens split rings up to 350lb (hi tensile)


Waves Jig rod

Mare Nostrum Shorty 5'6 20lb - Max Jig Weight 150g  (Rod weight, very light 225g)


Normally $399        FW Special Price $


Quality blank made from 100% Toray carbon fiber, Fuji Sic Guides, Fuji quality reel seat, tapered rear grip and shaped foregrip for comfort.

Mare Nostrum Shorty is a slim powerful rod with a moderate fast action. This parobolic blank puts more pressure on the fish and less on the angler. These rods are dedicated to offshore jigging with light to medium jigs. Perfectly balanced the single piece blank has a nice tip action for working jigs but the lower section has plenty of power to turn big fish and get a good hookset.


Pirate Demersal Jig Bag suits up to 10 Pirate's.


FW Price $

(jigs in picture not included)



Chef's Choice CC120 electric knife sharpener;


This professional electric knife sharpener is another sharpening

breakthrough. It incorporates conical 100% diamond coated disks in

Stages 1 and 2 and a revolutionary stropping/polishing disk in Stage 3.


In just seconds, an edge of unprecedented sharpness and durability is

obtained on fine edge (straight edge) and serrated knives. The

flawless, highly polished fine edge can be customized to suit the

cutting task. High precision elastomeric angle guides eliminate all

guesswork. Assembled in the U.S.A.


Chef'sChoice® Diamond Hone® EdgeSelect® #120 Tech Spec overview:

Model 120 Electric 3-stage Knife Sharpener

Incredibly sharpens knife blades, straight edge and serrated.

Unique stropping and polishing stage - Unbelievably fast.

EdgeSelect with Trizor-Plus, optimum edges for gourmet, butcher, sporting and serrated knives.

Unbelievable sharp edges - razor sharp quality.

3-Stage Sharpening for durable, longer-lasting edges.

100% diamond abrasive - guaranteed to never detemper.

Completely safe for quality kitchen knives.


** Us as staff actually use the CC120 at home and suitable for all knives, not just fishing knives. 


Normally $299   FW Special Price $


Kti SA1 406MHz EPIRB

10 Year Battery Life
10 Year Warranty

Strobe Light
Superior Accuracy
Compass Safe
Global Coverage 406MHz
Australian Owned Company
Australian Made
Making EPIRBS for 25 Years

FW Special $


JM Premium PR Bobbin ( Free Demo instore)


These bobbins have become very popular and this is what we use. Very well priced when compared to other brands.

The PR knot is very strong and runs through the guides with ease so perfect for casting and jigging.

FW Price $


Jigtalk PR Bobbin ( Free Demo instore)

These bobbins work well and are very well priced.

The PR knot is very strong and runs through the guides with ease so perfect for casting and jigging.

FW Price $




AJN (All Japan Network) Rods are great value with Ultra Light and Light carbon models. These rods are very strong and vitually unbreakable. Many FW members own these rods including us and great feedback.

Several Models including 2 "New models";


AJN 5' UL 4-10lb (can run 15lb) Ideal for the light jiggers/yakkers & tinny fishers.

FW Special $


AJN 5'6" UL 8-15lb (can run 20lb)  Ideal for the light jiggers/yakkers & tinny fishers.

FW Special $


AJN 6' 10-20lb (New Model called Jigging Jack) Ideal for the jiggers that are working lighter jigs/fluttering jigs & SP's

FW Special $


AJN 6'4 10-20lb (New Model called Jigging Jack) Ideal for the jiggers that are working lighter jigs/fluttering jigs & SP's

FW Special $


Jigging Master Drag Washer Upgrade for Daiwa Electric reels.

Theres no doubt Super Deep fishing is becoming very popular and so is the use of electric reels. Daiwa is a popular brand and one we use ourselves out there but standard drag smoothness and longevity isnt very good. Since Ryan ugraded his Daiwa electric reel with the JM electric drag washers we wont recommend anything else. We have been upgrading our customers reels with great feedback also.

These washers are ultra smooth, last a longtime, work well when the washers are hot or if water is on the drag washers so basically no more sticky drag. JM Electric Drag washers suits 750 & 1000 models including Megatwins.


Click on the link;




* JM Electric Drag Washers by themselves $   (FW Price)

* Electric Reel service with JM Electric Drag Washers (incl instalation) $  (FW Price)



Squid rods
are ideal for landbase & boat squiders. You get more distance, cover more ground and better sensativity with these squiding rods. The other benefit is allowing you to work your squid jigs throughout the water column especially in deeper depths (boats) or rock walls (landbase)

All squid rods are up to  % OFF


Brands included - Banax, Hearty Rise Egi Force B & C models,
Fishing WA Extreme, Gladiator, Okuma X-Factor and many more.


There’s no doubt stick baits are becoming very popular and something we have used for many years now. Its good to see Clone stick baits enter the market as fully injected, tough as nails stick baits that gets results.


These are weighted stick baits in;

1 oz         $

1 ½ oz     $

2 oz         $

3 oz         $


Ideal for salmon, tailor, dolphin fish, mackerel, queenies, trevally, tuna, barra and even beach mulloway.

A massive colour selection also.

Geoff Anderson Picture

Geoff Anderson Picture


We also have a descent range of other jig rods like;

Eupro Giant King

Eupro Jigman

Eupro Salty Fighter

Eupro Exploder

Eupro Twincraft

NS Black Hole " Magic Eye "

Maria Steady Jig

K'Slabo Airmark Bay Rubber

and many more!


** Pop in store to check out our range **



Stocking plenty of;


McArthy Softplastics



Richter Skirted lures


......... and plenty more


We also have plenty " New products " in this Special and a Massive selection of gear at discounted prices.

*** These prices are for gear " in store right now", no lay-bys on these special.  

*** Starts Saturday 9th February and Finishes Sunday 5pm 17th February ( 9 Days Only )

*** Pop down and check out the range, these Specials are for the time period mentioned or until stocks sold out.

*** Feel free to PM us, call or pop in for more info.

*** Open 7 Days a week.

*** Plenty more gear instore.



Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.

Don't forget to ~ Like us on Facebook ~ 

Phone #(08) 9337 5682 - Shop 4/364 South Street O'Connor - OPEN 7 Days

Oceanside Tackle's picture

Posts: 2803

Date Joined: 23/07/09


Sat, 2013-02-09 11:06

A few FW members have asked what hours are we open over the weekend;

Saturday 8am - 5pm

Sunday 9am - 5pm


Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.

Don't forget to ~ Like us on Facebook ~ 

Phone #(08) 9337 5682 - Shop 4/364 South Street O'Connor - OPEN 7 Days

Frank F's picture

Posts: 481

Date Joined: 17/03/09

New Toys

Tue, 2013-02-12 19:43

It's been a while since I have been into Oceanside due to being laid up in hospital. Went in Yesterday to drop off my reels that needed to get repaired/serviced and checked out the specials.

I couldn't go past buying a new Jigging Master Evolution Titanium rod for the super deep fishing so now to load it up in anger.

Also picked up a new super deep 1kg jig for next trip out.

I was very surprised how many Jigs and assorted lurers they have in stock for demersals and super deep fish.

Thanks Blake for taking the time to sort me out with the right gear and discounts.

soupster51's picture

Posts: 2724

Date Joined: 29/11/06


Thu, 2013-02-14 18:54

 Good news Frank. I've avoided Oceanside so far, I'll spend all my hard earned island money......

Great to hear you're feeling better, beers soon.i

The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.

Oceanside Tackle's picture

Posts: 2803

Date Joined: 23/07/09

2 days left for these Specials.

Sat, 2013-02-16 10:21

Thanks Frank and to the many FW members that came through and picked up some of the specials. The demersal jigs, JM rods, JM reels, PR bobbins, knife sharpeners, Esca's lights and Super Deep Jigs being a standout with plenty of interest from members. 

* These Specials finish Sunday 5pm 17th February so 2 days left. *


Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.

Don't forget to ~ Like us on Facebook ~ 

Phone #(08) 9337 5682 - Shop 4/364 South Street O'Connor - OPEN 7 Days

kamo king's picture

Posts: 190

Date Joined: 30/08/09

after a new SP rod guys

Sat, 2013-02-16 10:29

after a new SP rod guys running 20lb braid any options buget $200 max running 1 1/2oz heads max any ideas

kamo king's picture

Posts: 190

Date Joined: 30/08/09

after a new SP rod guys

Sat, 2013-02-16 10:29

after a new SP rod guys running 20lb braid any options buget $200 max running 1 1/2oz heads max any ideas

Oceanside Tackle's picture

Posts: 2803

Date Joined: 23/07/09

No probs

Sat, 2013-02-16 10:33

We have plenty here mate, I'm assuming spin?


Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.

Don't forget to ~ Like us on Facebook ~ 

Phone #(08) 9337 5682 - Shop 4/364 South Street O'Connor - OPEN 7 Days

kamo king's picture

Posts: 190

Date Joined: 30/08/09

yeah spin mate

Sat, 2013-02-16 10:51

yeah spin mate

Oceanside Tackle's picture

Posts: 2803

Date Joined: 23/07/09


Sat, 2013-02-16 13:15

Sorry for the late reply, the shop has been very busy.

We will PM you a few options very soon.


Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.

Don't forget to ~ Like us on Facebook ~ 

Phone #(08) 9337 5682 - Shop 4/364 South Street O'Connor - OPEN 7 Days

Oceanside Tackle's picture

Posts: 2803

Date Joined: 23/07/09


Sun, 2013-02-17 12:58

Specials finish today 5pm


Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.

Don't forget to ~ Like us on Facebook ~ 

Phone #(08) 9337 5682 - Shop 4/364 South Street O'Connor - OPEN 7 Days