Offshore tide change

 Hi guys

I see people talk about making sure they fish the tide change offshore. Something I haven't thought of. On Saturday I was off Hillary's fishing some new ground, plenty of show for one baldy. I decided to head to a spot I found last time out that looked alright to fish the tide change and bagged out in 2 drifts. Do you guys find the tide can make a big difference, I was told an hour either side is best.




scotto's picture

Posts: 2470

Date Joined: 21/04/08

2 hours before high

Sun, 2013-08-25 09:19

 Always better on rising tide, and the last 2 hours is usually go time. Very rarely do they chew after high tide in my experience. The change from low to high can be productive too.

roberta's picture

Posts: 2773

Date Joined: 08/07/08

Old fart has

Sun, 2013-08-25 12:38

actually been on where the tide change is, one side calm the other side good current, this was about 40klm's out of Leeman just past the second bank.  Found some brilliant equipment right on the line, stainless steel clips, with stainless steel hooks, good ropes, massive big orange float.  Yes he loves fishing the tide change, always caught fish.  Looked for when the tide was changing and went out, usually about 9.00am as it took him under 2hrs to get off shore, then fished, back home with a couple of dhuies (before 1 per permit)  He always loved the tide change.  Never fishes a northerly wind though, always got nothing hahaha


Ginger Tablets Rock