PB Pink Snapper
After conflicting reports on what the beach launch was going to be like I headed up to Lancelin yesterday with the 2 brother in-laws.
Would of been ok if the main roads dept hadn't laid some fresh ashphalt as we arrived on both sides of the jetty, blocking all access. Decided to try the point & very soon became bogged, but after a little help from the ranger we got out of the bog & launched the boat (24' Whittley).
Headed south west in the fresh easterly & tried a couple of spots, landing a 45cm Dhui, just sized break sea cod, a stone & parrot fish, all released.
Decided to head out a bit further to the 50m mark & first drop got a tap, tap, wollop & I was on to what I knew straight away to be a good sized pinkie. After a fair struggle landed my PB Pinkie which weighed in at 5.3kilos on the kitchen scales.
That was about it for the day & had a pretty wet ride in crossing the SE wind heading NE right on sunset.
Dropped the boys off & they took the car/trailer around to the main jetty where the ashphalt had dried & retrieved the boat no problems at all. The only trouble we had was from the local constabulary on the road home who was either a top bloke or was close to knock off & let me go with a fair warning after spotting me in breach of 1 or 2 road rules during a moment of in-attention.
Posts: 1752
Date Joined: 07/12/08
Well done on the pb hopefully
Well done on the pb hopefully more to come
Gooooone Fishin!
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Nice PB
Nice snapper mate, Its all a learning curve with boats. Youve been there now and know what to expect any future outings.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Good sized pinky, good the
Good sized pinky, good the ranger was handy too!
Posts: 62
Date Joined: 01/04/11
Thanks guys, yeah the ranger
Thanks guys, yeah the ranger was pretty handy. We were making progress but pretty slow. On a side note I caught the pinkie right on the change of wind & at high tide.
Posts: 188
Date Joined: 10/11/08
Next time try launching south
Next time try launching south of the jetty, just go onto the beach from where the sea rescue is. There is often less surge there but can be a lot of weed. If you go out this time of the year you can target pro cray pots as the are always on reef. Just sound around until you get some colour. The 45-80 meter drop off usually has plenty of good fish.
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18091
Date Joined: 11/03/08
well done on the pb. nice
well done on the pb. nice pinkie for sure and i bet it will taste great
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 62
Date Joined: 01/04/11
Yep, Tony I don't know why I
Yep, Tony I don't know why I have never put in there before. I remember going there as a teenager now that I think about it. Would have made the day a fair bit easier.
Posts: 23
Date Joined: 09/05/11
Great to hear that it all
Great to hear that it all worked out for you in the end, thats a fair launch/retrieve effort with a 24' glass boat.
Hope the car didn't get too wet!
Aaron Santos
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 12/11/10
nice pinky mate, quick
nice pinky mate, quick question tho is there actually a ramp at lancelin or is it just beach launch?
Still trying to catch fish!
West Coast Eagles Supporter and Proud Member.
Nauti Buoy
Posts: 595
Date Joined: 20/04/09
Beach launch
Aaron- it is unfortunately a beach launch only. Beach is reasonably hard, but from March-April onwards you tend to get a fair bit of surge that pushes right up the beach. As TonyB said, the south part of the bay can be better when it is not covered in weed. Don't launch over the top of the weed as you can sink down very quickly- you can generally find a spot where the weed has cleared but someone may already be parked blocking access.
Hope this helps!
Aaron Santos
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 12/11/10
Thanks for the info mate.
Thanks for the info mate.
Still trying to catch fish!
West Coast Eagles Supporter and Proud Member.
Aaron Santos
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 12/11/10
Thanks for the info mate.
Thanks for the info mate.
Still trying to catch fish!
West Coast Eagles Supporter and Proud Member.
Posts: 62
Date Joined: 01/04/11
The only trouble that I've
The only trouble that I've had there in the past is if there is a a south west blowing & I guess that would range all the way around from a SW through to NW. The north point I would not recomend. The other day we retrieved at the jetty & it was 2m+ swell but a SE wind & it was ideal.