PS3 - who is playing what?

I don't play much but generally have something going.  Currently back with Assassin's Creed III which, while it was frustrating to start with, is starting to grow on me a fair bit; it's not overly different to #II but still pretty cool.  Also playing Rayman Legends which is unreal; never seen so much creativity in a game.  It's a pretty standard format from stage to stage but each stage is so different it makes up for it.

So what's everyone else playing?  Anyone got anything for sale too?

Snags's picture

Posts: 558

Date Joined: 07/05/09


Tue, 2014-01-21 07:48

 Hooked on Gran Turismo 6 at the moment.  Though i am not very good.


I'll sell you a few games I've finished; Resistance 3 (awesome game), Borderlands 2 (my favourite game so far) and Motorstorm Apocalypse.

Bruce's picture

Posts: 527

Date Joined: 11/04/12

 Maaaate Xbox all the way!

Tue, 2014-01-21 08:40

 Maaaate Xbox all the way! Something from the archives is COD 5 WAW is actually pretty fun but not too many people online any more. Don't mind a bit of GTA 5 in free mode

Tim77's picture

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 26/05/07

the last of us

Tue, 2014-01-21 16:03

give' the last of us' a go,its probally the best game ive ever played and ive being playing video games since the sega master system,the game kicks arse,very voilent and has a excellent story.

Tim77's picture

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 26/05/07


Sat, 2015-08-29 14:10
