Quick Karratha / Dampier trip

Thought I would put up a few pics of a quick trip to Karratha with me and 3 mates. The trip up was slow with 4 of us in a Craptiva - taking 21hrs to get there towing my 5m Quintrex. Once in Karratha we loaded up with fuel and beer and headed out to Withnell Bay where we launched and spent 4 nights camped up the top of Flying Foam Passage. Over the next few days we found heaps of Saddletail and good Trout bottom bashing, and Macks were everywhere, but they were getting smashed by sharks most of the time. We had a 10ft Hammerhead hand around the boat for about an hour, and got some good footage of it. The species caught for the trip were: Trout, Saddletail, Small Mouth Nannagai, Tuskfish, various Cod, Chinaman, Shark Mackeral, Spaniards, Mack Tuna, Rainbow Runner, Morwong, Golden Trevs, GT's, Blurter Tevs, Various Snapper / Emperors, heaps of sharks, and probably a few others I cant Remember... I was also a bit slow with an in-swinger playing Spud Gun cricket, which copped me in the sunnies.... We had great weather for the whole time we were up there, but it was a long 25.5hr trip back, doing 60 - 70k/hr for most of the night due to Roos / cattle.... I will try to edit some footage and put it up at some stage...

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Super peg's picture

Posts: 760

Date Joined: 02/09/12

 Some good fish mate, nice

Sat, 2013-07-13 10:34

 Some good fish mate, nice report! How fun is spud gun cricket! Haha just gotta be reasonable distance hahaha


The art of fishing consists of casting, winding, trolling and jigging

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Date Joined: 18/01/12

ahh nice pics mate-the dearth

Sat, 2013-07-13 12:38

ahh nice pics mate-the dearth of good trip reports lately has been a bit dull to be honest.
Looking at your shelter at that time of day makes me thirsty (been dry for 4 weeks at sea)


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Date Joined: 28/12/12

Nice report.

Sat, 2013-07-13 17:02

Nice report.

Wannafish's picture

Posts: 158

Date Joined: 20/05/12

Thanks for the comments guys

Sun, 2013-07-14 21:37

Thanks for the comments guys - it was a great trip, but would have been a more comfortable and quick drive in the Landcruiser... The spud gun cricket was around normal cricket pitch length - obviously too short... I should have known by the sound the first spud made as it flew past me..... Rob - I did 9 weeks without a drink before the trip, and cracked the first tinny as soon as the outboard fired - those first few tasted alright!!