I was there from about 10am through to around 2pm. Not prime dawn/dusk times and the tide was falling. I think the tides were only about 200mm movement between high and low today. I was keen to hit it at dawn but it was f*n freezing so I chickened out till the sun came up. I gave the ledge in front of the carpark a flogging and the beach around to the right, then walked right around looking for fishy signs and casting all the way. Im new to fishing south of the tropics so am feeling my way but from experience up north as far as tides go we always said "no run, no fun". It makes sense to me that bigger tides may encourage Tailor to venture in closer chasing bait thats hiding in the shallows.
Think point peron has been hammered by divers with spear guns and snorklers with gidgees killing anything that moves I've fished it dawn and dusk for tailor a few times and had no joy . Even tried for whiting there in what looked like a prime spot not even a nibble !!
Yep its true pt peron does get a flogging, its one of the fishier looking spots south of the river. Flangies gave it a go a couple weeks ago said it was hit and miss, one day firing the next day nothing. I love walking and casting around that area but I've never had much luck but in saying that I've never tried first thing in the morning. IMO the best looking ground is to the right of that beach you mentioned, around Mushroom Rock and Point John, its closer if you park at the other carpark and walk over the hill
Posts: 4106
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Long point, point peron,
Long point, point peron, penguin island, and the stretch of beach from secret harbour to san remo
Posts: 103
Date Joined: 17/04/12
Cheers beau was thinking
Cheers beau was thinking point peron cos of the reef and white wash thats there
Posts: 4106
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Yep exactly, Penguin Island
Yep exactly, Penguin Island is the same deal. The other spots are more for just gutter fishing. Good luck
Posts: 103
Date Joined: 17/04/12
cheers mate
cheers mate
LB Fisher
Posts: 81
Date Joined: 02/06/12
I hit point peron today and cast the water to froth with no luck. Water looked good but no bait or birds around. Are bigger tides better?
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Posts: 4106
Date Joined: 24/01/10
What time was that LB fisher?
What time was that LB fisher? Sounds like the right kind of water. I like to concentrate on sun rise and sunset for landbase tailor
Posts: 215
Date Joined: 10/06/12
Personally I find the bigger
Personally I find the bigger tides better for over reefs & the lower tides more productive for gutters.
LB Fisher
Posts: 81
Date Joined: 02/06/12
I was there from about 10am
I was there from about 10am through to around 2pm. Not prime dawn/dusk times and the tide was falling. I think the tides were only about 200mm movement between high and low today. I was keen to hit it at dawn but it was f*n freezing so I chickened out till the sun came up. I gave the ledge in front of the carpark a flogging and the beach around to the right, then walked right around looking for fishy signs and casting all the way. Im new to fishing south of the tropics so am feeling my way but from experience up north as far as tides go we always said "no run, no fun". It makes sense to me that bigger tides may encourage Tailor to venture in closer chasing bait thats hiding in the shallows.
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Posts: 75
Date Joined: 28/04/12
Think point peron has been
Think point peron has been hammered by divers with spear guns and snorklers with gidgees killing anything that moves I've fished it dawn and dusk for tailor a few times and had no joy . Even tried for whiting there in what looked like a prime spot not even a nibble !!
Posts: 4106
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Yep its true pt peron does
Yep its true pt peron does get a flogging, its one of the fishier looking spots south of the river. Flangies gave it a go a couple weeks ago said it was hit and miss, one day firing the next day nothing. I love walking and casting around that area but I've never had much luck but in saying that I've never tried first thing in the morning. IMO the best looking ground is to the right of that beach you mentioned, around Mushroom Rock and Point John, its closer if you park at the other carpark and walk over the hill
LB Fisher
Posts: 81
Date Joined: 02/06/12
Thanks guys. I'll Post back
Thanks guys. I'll Post back here if I have any luck when I next head out. Might leave it until the bigger tides after this weekend
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