Salmon bonanza!
Submitted by Noxious on Sun, 2014-05-11 18:17
went chasing some metro salmon over the weekend with a good mate (claypac). Got stuck into one of the hottest sessions I've had in a long while. Landed over 20 between the two of us in about 2 hours. Double hook ups were the norm and all the fish were horses! Really memorable couple of hours. Seeing 5kg+ salmon launch clean out of the water boat side with a big lure hanging out their gob is something else. We were actually thankful when we would lose one boat side so we didn't have to deal with them in the boat.
The majority of fish were caught drolling deep divers, even though the fish were on the surface they were reluctant to hit my offering of a popper which was strange.
kingfisha1 (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
great job!!
great job!!
Posts: 1126
Date Joined: 02/03/13
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 504
Date Joined: 22/12/11
Cheers guys. For some reason
Cheers guys.
For some reason the pics uploaded upside down the first time, now fixed.
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 12/12/10
Awesome salmon on the troll!
Awesome salmon on the troll!
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Good fun when they go Nuts
Caught the NZ species Kahawai in truckloads when a kid in NZ of new Plymouth, Anything you tied to the hook, bottle tops, rags, straws, blank golden hooks, string of crimps, well everything was eaten. Problem was under the school was bluefin and beautiful YFtuna, just how do you get anythink throught the Kahawai. Was about 50 of these to one tuna. All kahawai bar one or 2 for the smoker returned. Tuna NEVER returned.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 225
Date Joined: 11/01/11
definatly made going out in
definatly made going out in the rain worth while, ticked off the snapper and salmon already this season. happy days!!
Posts: 504
Date Joined: 22/12/11
Calymore - That's it mate.
Calymore - That's it mate. Love ticking fish off the list in Metro waters.
Hopefully more Salmon and Pinks this weekend.