Salmon Session

Had an unreal salmon session yesterday in nice and close. Convoyed out with 2 other boats and we all caught plenty of fish. Catch of the day has to go to my mate Jeff, I've known Jeff since primary school and the extent of his fishing carrer was with me catching herring on green straw back in high school. The arsey bastard caught a 68cm pinkie on a bloody richter plug, as well as butt load of salmon! On the way back to the ramp we come across a waterspout which topped off quite an eventful day!

Anyway, I'll let the photos do the talking.





FW member Swompa and his deckie Charlie!



One of three waterspouts we saw throught out the day








Cast around some hookless stickbaits for some cool surface action. No matter how quick you could reel in, the salmon could always swim faster!







Some photos and vide of the Waterspout of Coogee yesterday arvo.








uncle's picture

Posts: 9507

Date Joined: 10/02/07

sounds like a great day out

Sun, 2014-05-18 10:40

some good photos there, will try to find some this week hopefully


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Sun, 2014-05-18 11:35

 Those waterspout shots are siick, salmon aint bad either!


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Posts: 908

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great photos ! I wonder how

Sun, 2014-05-18 11:36

great photos ! I wonder how many other Snapper were swimming with that one ??

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Heard a few got caught

Sun, 2014-05-18 11:37

Heard a few got caught yesterday, one on sticbait and one on fly I heard over the radio

____________________________________________________________________________'s picture

Posts: 183

Date Joined: 31/07/11


Sun, 2014-05-18 12:04

 Awsome footage and pics  there!!!!

opsrey's picture

Posts: 1200

Date Joined: 05/10/07


Sun, 2014-05-18 12:32

 A Richter plug caught pinkie is pretty good. Nice report.

axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

Date Joined: 26/11/13

 You should of drove through

Sun, 2014-05-18 13:38

 You should of drove through it filming would of been good footage, great catch n footage m8.

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10


Sun, 2014-05-18 15:01



Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70

 nice ones, what camera did u

Sun, 2014-05-18 14:53

 nice ones, what camera did u use?

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

 Canon 7D

Sun, 2014-05-18 16:56

 Canon 7D


axey45's picture

Posts: 1758

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Sun, 2014-05-18 15:04


Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Great pics. Were the first

Sun, 2014-05-18 16:25

 Great pics. Were the first few ones on fly? Great fun

chrisp's picture

Posts: 1217

Date Joined: 24/05/08

Sick shots Beau, Love the one

Sun, 2014-05-18 17:59

Sick shots Beau, Love the one of that salmon with its gob open coming up to engulf the stickbait.

kirky79's picture

Posts: 1356

Date Joined: 13/01/12

 Yep +1, that's an awesome

Sun, 2014-05-18 20:05

 Yep +1, that's an awesome shot. Nice sess. 

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

Date Joined: 03/03/11

Nice report

Sun, 2014-05-18 18:09

 Nice report Beau, some great pictures and a snapper on the popper was a bonus. I went out friday but couldn't find them had to settle for a bag of squid . 

tim-o's picture

Posts: 4657

Date Joined: 24/05/11

Killer sesh as usuall! On

Sun, 2014-05-18 18:35

Killer sesh as usuall! On fly, and a pinky on a plug too, I hate you guys....


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

Posts: 353

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 beau you know how to fish!

Sun, 2014-05-18 21:12

 beau you know how to fish! You always have such a great haul. :)



crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Great sesh Beau and mates

Mon, 2014-05-19 10:09

I JUST love the bend in the waving wand. What fly attached to the other end. Clouser?


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

dkonig82's picture

Posts: 2091

Date Joined: 06/07/10

yeeww!Looks like I picked the

Mon, 2014-05-19 19:40


Looks like I picked the wrong salmon season to miss. Great work


When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:

n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or

n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you. 

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

This is the best season ive

Mon, 2014-05-19 20:51

This is the best season ive seen in my time fishing for sure!


Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18090

Date Joined: 11/03/08

well done yet again. gotta be

Tue, 2014-05-20 07:48

well done yet again. gotta be stoked to get your mate onto some fish and to pick up a pinkie as well . hope he gave you a fillet lol.


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together