sambos and some wicked by-catch
On Friday arvo we headed out towards rotto and anchored on a spot of ours hoping for some skippy and sambos. we started burleying and it was pretty quiet but we persisted anyway, a few skippy here and there but not in plague proportions as we'd hoped. I decided to change my floater from a mulie to a squid and after 30 seconds it so in the water the Stradic 4000 screamed! ended up being a sambo of about a metre, Dad soon landed another of about the same size (on squid as well) then I got a 50cn skippy which is a PB for me and then a 45cm flatty on the floater! Dad dropped down his Flicky with a paternoster and got a nice gummy and we were on the beach in Thomson bay before dark! We woke up to a beautiful Saturday morning decided to head out for a jig In 50m, it took us an hour or so to get to the spot as the swell was immense but when we got there the dambos were on!!! 3 in 3 drops and then the school moved on. A bit of sounding around and we located them again. Ended up landing around 10 and loosing 5 or so to pulled hooks and sharks. headed home to some humpbacks breaching.No really big sambos but still A great trip for when the demersal ban is on! :)
tight lines and enjoy the photos,
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
Great report
Great report
Posts: 1875
Date Joined: 04/09/08
sounds like a great day on
sounds like a great day on the water and a good report thanks for shareing
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
Good report bud, gotta love
Good report bud, gotta love sambos eh
Posts: 172
Date Joined: 24/04/12
yeah they fight so good and
yeah they fight so good and so much fun on jigs!
Posts: 749
Date Joined: 22/08/12
That skippy pretty impressive there mate.
Pound for pound I reckon they are one of the best fighting fish around Perth - ive never got one as big as that. Also congrats on the flattie they taste great.
kingfisha1 (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
good job
good job