shark tagging study/results
at the risk of annoying peeps by starting another shark thread,
i thought this is too interesting to have it mixed in with other stuff and get lost
meg posted this link in another thread , it regards to the shark tagging info they have so far been able to publish from the last few years of tagging
its a very intersting read if you have time
main conclusion below & it may help explain why the gov has pulled the pin on funding parts of the tagging program
The Shark Monitoring Network project has successfully achieved its dual research and public safety goals. It has significantly improved the level of understanding of the movements of white sharks bronze whalers and tiger sharks in Western Australian waters and developed a new standard for deep-water acoustic receiver management. It has also provided hundreds of near real-time notifications of verified shark hazard events to enable pre-emptive public safety responses. Additionally, social media and interactive web-mapping have provided members of the public with a more reliable basis for understanding the likelihood of white sharks’ presence off some of the State’s most popular beaches. These originally-unanticipated functions have also addressed long-standing community requests for access to the latest scientific information about sharks’ local behaviour and movements.
The acoustic telemetry approaches evaluated in this study have clear limitations in identifying shark hazards, as do all other currently-available monitoring methods. The SMN VR4G receiver network has, however, realised detection rates that are at least equivalent to other surveillance methods employed in WA with the added benefits of 24h year-round operation and immediate verification of sharks’ species and sizes. Positive identification of shark hazards allows greater certainty in determining appropriate public safety responses and eliminates the risk of responding to false alarms.
Data collected during this study have revealed patterns in the occurrence and movements of white sharks that can inform public safety authorities and Government decision-makers about how encounter risks vary over time and by location. Given the results show that white sharks exhibit rapid, extensive and generally uncoordinated movements around the Western Australian coast, sharks’ movement ecology remains a significant impediment to accurately predicting when, where and why people might encounter this species. Although white sharks tend to be highly mobile and transient through waters that are usually too far offshore to pose a significant risk to most water users, at times, some may come close to shore for periods of a few hours to a few weeks and, in some cases, even for a few months. As these patterns are not consistent among years it is unlikely that a greater period of data collection will generate an overall predictive model. The continued use of tagged sharks as ‘proxies’ for determining wider risk levels may prove to be a valuable component of the WA Government’s overall shark hazard mitigation program.
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Posts: 1385
Date Joined: 23/07/12
Ya had to start another shark
Ya had to start another shark post lol.
So in short, they go no more money to spend lol
More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Quality post hezzy
The last two sentences of the conclusion, to me appear to be contradictory.
Second last sentence indicates that continued monitoring is not going to produce a "predictable" model.
Last sentence says in effect that these proxies may prove to be a valuable component in the governments' shark mitigation policy (I know it's not word for word I've stated) but I think the message is understood.
Have I got off on the wrong foot or in saying it's contradictory right.
Comments appreciated.
Posts: 1522
Date Joined: 09/03/13
I think what it is saying is
I think what it is saying is that it will not be able to be a shark prediction tool by itself but will help when combined with other mitigation methods.
Posts: 1521
Date Joined: 27/11/09
my thoughts on it where that
my thoughts on it
the conclusion was saying while it is good knowledge & increases what we know about white sharks , it continues to show that predicting these big shark movements even after several years of tagging study is highly unpredictable ,
therefore knowing that GW are unpredictable in their movements on our coastline etc any management plan to protect ocean users or lower the GW numbers / cull them should then be aware of that fact & be designed with that random movement taken into account to succeed , and not focus on them being predictable to catch & kill them
it also seems to be saying that further tagging study with more sharks or for longer time frames while helpfull to the science on them , also probably wont prove to show any distinct patterns or predictable movements that could be used to prevent attacks or catch or kill them
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Posts: 376
Date Joined: 21/11/14
It would seem its just bad luck to be in the same area as an aggressive large GW that is close enough to shore to contact humans.Small consolation for the friends and relatives of the victims.If a controlled cull of metro waters reduced the threat of one more attack it would have to be worth it.To reopen the commercial fishery is not going to reduce the risk of attack which apparently the state gov is considering.Seems to be a lot of opinion based on all sorts of information I hope this gets sorted for everyones sake.Good information as always Hezzy
just do it.