Show us your favourite photo
Submitted by CCC on Sun, 2012-03-18 11:52
Hi Guys
Sitting here with little to do so thought I would share some of my favourite pics.
Add some pics and let us know why they are your favourite. Mine are more about the memory then the quality of the pic.
Wife and I watching a mother and calf play. Calf kept coming to boat until mother said enough with a big tail slap beside the boat
Sunset up a Pilbara creek. This is what I do nearly every weekend in summer. This is why I live up here
First time in the Kimberley. 6 days I'll never forget
Next to are all about enjoying boating with my wife. Diving Coral bay
Camping on Islands. Feels like no-one has every set foot on them.
Low tide West Moore Island
Sunset Turtle island
Posts: 3040
Date Joined: 10/05/10
mines defiantely about memory
rather than quality
firstly fishing with my dad in jurien bay at a fishing club are my earliest fishing memories
second probably not a happy memory for most getting trapped on great northern during the carnarvon floods
lastly would be this photo i took during that massive storm we haad 2 years ago taken from my park.... that does not have a lake
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Not easy
Not easy to have just a few favorite pictures but here ares some.
My first sized Mulloway.
Got to the D9 at 6am, hooked it at 6.05am, Landed at 6.15, Back home by 7am so my mate could take the picture.
This was Coug's last trip, he is watching for the Ranger. ( He hated them , lol )
My Nephew with a metro Tuna, It was a great day and he posted the pic on FW as his first post.