size to HP question
Submitted by surfymuzz on Mon, 2015-05-25 14:59
hey guys
quick one, iv been searching for boats of recent and have found a fraser half cab 5.5m late 80's hull
it has a yamy 200hp v6 on the back (dont know the year, he sent a photo which reads 688 yamaha 5D-0146 maybe someone can decypher?)
iv been researching these size boats for a while now and 200HP seems to be overkill for this sie of a boat? most i have seen have ranged from 90hp-115hp
would anyone have any insight into this for me? im buying my first boat for rotto trips and kalbarri trips
also he has tried to find the engine year on the motor but cant find it anywhere?
thanks boys! :)
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
Should be a manufacturers plate on it somewhere stating the maximum horsepower to be fitted.
Seems well overpowered with a 200 on it, if something happens your insurer may not want to pay up because its outside the guidelines.
Posts: 121
Date Joined: 05/05/14
thanks for the feedback
il check the plate when i inspect
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Date Joined: 22/03/13
Hi mate. 200Hp on a mid 80s
Hi mate. 200Hp on a mid-late 80s Fraser is a definate overkill. I had a Voyager LTD (same as Fraser 5.5) with a 150hp Johnson on the back. Although the boat was bloody fast, Due to the weight of the motor, the bow would lift too much unless i push it to 20+ knots. My Voyager topped out at about 38knots at WOT.
I now own a 19ft Penguin Huntriss runabout and took it out to OR yesterday. Bloody good performance, better handling than the Voyager! It might not look as good and sporty as a Voyager but it performed better! ;)
A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!
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thanks so 200 would only be good if cruising and a pretty quick speed?
whats about the water chop?
yeh iv just got no idea about how quick and how many HP should suit a hull
90HP just seems so low for rotto runs?
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Date Joined: 22/03/13
90 would be ok if the boat
90 would be ok if the boat is lightly loaded but I reckon 115-130hp would be the most ideal size for that hull.
A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!
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Likely overpowered, if it is
Likely overpowered, if it is you won't be able to get insurance.
Unusual, most of time issue is underpowered boats...
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would you
would you guys strongly go against buying this boat?
or can i get away with MOREEEE POWERRR hahaha???
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Too much is too much
Boats aint like cars, dynamics are very different. You can't just keep powering up. Would you believe I saw a Swiftcraft Dominator (5.65m)for sale in Qld a while back with 225 hp bolted to the transom

FFS, mine with 120hp (2x60Hp) does 26knots+ @ 4000 rpm, at sea, not on a glass calm lake. I think they are actually rated to 200 max, which is probably more a reflection of the fact that they are built like a tank than anything. The transom on mine is 50mm thick measured through both the upper and lower bung holes.
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what kind of boat have you got?
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The D in the code could be a year code which would mean it's a 1990 model.
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Date Joined: 07/12/06
I would sea trial.make sure
I would sea trial.make sure you put ot bow on into some chop and see how it behave at all speeds.
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so im checking out the 200HP boat tomorrow will see how it goes
could you guys give me feedback on the boat below, pros and cons?
engine is a 2004 model with only 58 hours total
anything i should watch out for with such an old hull?
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Risk of low hours
The biggest risk (as I understand it) with old motors with low hours is the extended periods that they are not used. This gives time for things like impellers etc to stiffen up therefore reducing effectiveness or even disintegrating and any salt deposits to corrode the innards of the motor. Ones that run more frequently keep the parts moving and water movement through helps reduce the salt build up and the associated corrosion. Recommend that you have a trusted person (mechanic) have a good look at the donk for you.
No experience with this hull but would always recommend glass over ali for ride comfort - personal preference!
- Rob
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Voyagers are a great boat!
Voyagers are a great boat! 130HP is an ideal fit. If the hours are genuine, then its a good buy. Yamaha saltwater series are known for being reliable and excellent runners.
When you inspect the Voyager, lift up the cushions in the cabin and look for rot on the wooden "stringers". I've seen rot in a few Voyagers of that age.
As with all old boats, thoroughly check everything...
Just so you know know, I sold my Voyager for $14000. But it was fully decked out with spotties, LED night lights, sound system, rocket launcher etc. So if you can bargain and buy the one in Bunbury for about $10k it'll be a great buy, considering the good motor and other stuff already fitted.
Good luck mate.
A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!
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Date Joined: 05/05/14
great feedback
thanks guys!
will keep you updated on how i go!
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lots of blokes in the NT
lots of blokes in the NT have huge outboards on their dingys I have seen a 16 ft ali dingy with a 12O hp Yammy on the back of it and it was tiller steer , I asked the bloke , why so much grunt on the back , he said because his fishing spot was 30km up the river and needed to get there quick and and get back quick to beat the tides
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haha thats mental!
so your confident with the 200hp on the 5.5m fibreglass hull? :P
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Those boats would be
Those boats would be designed to carry that weight and reinforced throughout to withstand the stresses of that much horsepower
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checked it out
so i ended up checking out the boat over the weekend
trailer was in great condition (just passed the pits), dual axle, good tyres
the 200 yamy seemed to be running great, only tested in the river with no swell and she was flying on half throtle
couldnt find the hull plate to check the HP rating, only had a badge number on the back from the department of transport/marine i believe
will need a new sounder (only had a 4inch sounder which my mate told me were terrible)
also will need a front hardtop canopy installed with clears (no idea how much these will cost, can anyone shed some light?)
so all in all pretty decent tub, bloke wants $11500 for it
so im currently weighing up this tub and this other one in geraldton
link below
this is a 1985 hand woven wa hull (what does that mean)
120 johnson on the back with around 300-400 hours
i asked about the trailer this was the response "single axle, not to bad little rust, tows good bearing buddys all tyres and spear good condition but over all good"
looks like it will still need clears at the front
any feedback on this boat?
which one would you guys go for?
thanks for all the feedback tho its really helping and i think im close to making a decision!
cheers lads
also if the person advertising this boat is reading i hope you dont mind me getting some advice
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From your description of both boats, IMO, I would be looking somewhere else on both counts.
The first boat is way over powered and doing a test run on the river is not the way to find out what it is like. All shit and good boats perform well on flat water and the seller probably knows this. The other is 30 years old, hand woven glass means that it has been laid by hand with all the bubbles rolled out before the next layer of cloth is applied. The trailer may be suspect as he describes "a little bit of rust", bearing buddies are about $50 a pair so that doesn't do anything for me as well. 120 Johnson on the back and only his word on how many hours it has done, again would be having second thoughts.
Posts: 121
Date Joined: 05/05/14
thanks carnarvonite
thanks for the feedback, if i do get the engine inspected and its all good, and the trailer seems legit im assuming you would go for that option over the other one?
is having a 200 on the back really that much of a big deal in terms of weight compared to lets say a 135-150hp?
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
Weight isn't the issue, it's the horsepower, too much and the boat can fall to bits around you. it's not built for the stresses the motor can put on it.
I would have doubts about the other as well, it's a 30year old hull and an engine that he says has not many hours on it and no way to prove otherwise, you could have it for a week and it dies leaving you with no come back on him.
Look around, there are some better bargains about, don't jump at the first thing that appeals to you. We have all probably done the same thing with our first boat and learnt from it
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Date Joined: 22/03/13
Wise advice
Wise words from a very wise gentleman!
Surfy, take Carnarvonite's advice into serious consideration and don't rush!
A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!
Posts: 121
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new add
hey guys the bloke with the 200hp on the 5.5m hull has placed an add back on gumtree have a look
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Are those 5 X 22ltr fuel
Are those 5 X 22ltr fuel tanks connected and sitting on the deck
interested to see how much water swamps the rear in choppy conditions.
You sound like your trying to find a positive in this boat.
Listen to the wise ones above bud, ive not much boat buying experience but I wouldn't go near that.
Just imagine all that horsepower twisting and rattling a hull rated for possible 130hp extra weight on transom
and the biggest problem is no HIN plate and probably no insurance
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
rego number
Going by the rego number, its an old boat as well.
Not one I would even consider looking at. All you would be buying was a 200hp outboard
Posts: 121
Date Joined: 05/05/14
thanks guys i will keep my eyes open for another deal
possibly move the budget up the the $20k mark
im considering a trailcraft now theres one thats 4.85m 2006 model with a 90 HP evinrude e-tec on the back with 400 hours
going for 17.5k
link below
i guess i have to reavaluate my budget and see if my money will allow me to buy a half decent blue water boat or if im just going to waste it buying a boat that has no value anymore
iv heard these trailcrafts are great value and should be able to get me out the back of rotto on a good day
also is there a cheaper version of the trailcraft? they seem to be pretty pricey for what your getting?