Soft plastic combo suitable for light jigging?
Submitted by nissan200mu on Fri, 2013-02-22 10:01
Hey Guys,
As per title, im just wondering if my sp combo would be suitable for light jigging offshore in 30-80m.
The combo is a Nitro baby viper 7ft rated at 15-45g matched to a stradic 5000fj spooled with 20lb braid.
Posts: 2551
Date Joined: 11/05/08
The reel size and line class
The reel size and line class is fine for stuff to about 40-60m (and still be practical) but the rod wouldn't be able to cope with that sort of style of fishing. I would look at getting a 10kg rated rod, preferably shorter than 7 foot and something with a slower taper.
The baby viper would be great for flicking lures out to pelagics or hitting the reefs up on the way out and still be able to enjoy the fight.
Posts: 27
Date Joined: 16/09/07
Thanks for that. Will be
Thanks for that. Will be looking at getting a new demersal rod but in the meantime use the nitro and see how she goes.
What pe3 demersal rod would you recommend without breaking the bank? Im considering the daiwa monster mesh. Any similar options out there?
Posts: 2551
Date Joined: 11/05/08
The monster mesh is a great
The monster mesh is a great option to consider. It sort of depends on how heavy handed you like to fish, the monster mesh is more of a heavy duty rod and you wouldn't appreciate what it's designed for just using it as a demersal jigger. If you pick something a little bit softer, you can stay connected with your lure as the rod absorbs a lot of the jigging motion. This helps stop those annoying tip wraps. Take a look at somethng like the shimano tcurve revolution vertical in that 20-30lb rating.
It would match a 5000FJ perfectly and 20lb line would give it a nice curve without pushing it's limits. Rated 55-100g which is a really nice weight range for that sort of 20-60m work (depends on the current really)
If you want to go daiwa, there are a few options such as the gen black in that beowolf model. It comes out a little bit cheaper too (~$140-160)
If you can push the budget a tad and get a demon blood, you wouldn't be disappointed. Could even pick up one second hand in your price range.
Posts: 27
Date Joined: 16/09/07
Some great info there. On top
Some great info there. On top of your recommendations, I am also considering the xzoga taka 6012. Some really good reviews on these rods. What im chasing is something that can work light jigs in the 40-120g but at the same time have enough backbone to turn a kingfish or an aj off the bottom because essentially what ill be doing is bouncing these jigs on the bottom. The hearty rise jig force rods are highly recommended on this site but unfortunately we here in brisbane dont have those rods so its a tough call for me to buy one without seeing it. Cheers again flangies